So, they found that a cancer drug might help to stop some of the negative effects of autism.
From the article: "In the autism model, HDAC2 is abnormally high, which makes the chromatin in the nucleus very tight, preventing genetic material
from accessing the transcriptional machinery it needs to be expressed," said Yan. "Once HDAC2 is upregulated, it diminishes genes that should not be
suppressed, and leads to behavioral changes, such as the autism-like social deficits."
Ok, so if you block the HDAC2, it helps to control the social deficits. Hmmm. Lets see, there are some other things that work to block the HDACs.
Butyric acid or Butyrate help to block some of the HDAC's and slow aptopsis of cells in the gut by blocking some of these, counteracting the problems
with gut inflammation. Now the best way to get your butyrate that I can see is in butter, it constitutes about three percent of it's fatty acid
content. Look at the Pharmacology in this Wiki link.
You can get extra butyrate creation by using fiber too, if you have the right gut bacteria, the fiber feeds them in your colon. But absorption at the
end of the colon is poor for this. so it seems better if you would just put a little real butter on your veggies, also on your potatoes. If you do
have leftover potatoes, put them in the fridge, the cold makes the soluable starches into resistant starches, so make them into some potato salad and
it will also boost the butyrate in your colon.
So, now, this chemistry is not found in olive oil or in vegetable oils. Lard does not contain butyrate either. Whole milk contains more than one
percent. Are we making Autism genetics more of a problem by not letting the kids eat chocolate chip cookies made with real butter? Are we increasing
the risk of behavioral problems in kids by not drizzling real butter on the popcorn? Or by feeling that the kids need to be skinny we do not put the
butter on their green beans? Here is another article.
Now the weight gain part.... This is an article talking about the effects on energy and insulin
resistance.. There are many more articles out there. Rats fed butyrate actually lost some weight over time, their hunger went down after about three
weeks for some reason. I do not know if this article contains that information. Oh yeah, it is there too under results.
So, real butter actually has good effects on the body, so does whole milk which contains way more than skim. I do not know how our society got so out
of whack, olive oil does not have these properties.
If you make your popcorn using refined cold pressed olive oil in the pot and then add real butter, it can help to make kids calm and combining the
benefits of these two can help settle the kids. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to test this out. Also, to properly utilize fats, you need a
little salt. Salt is not needed much in the carb cycle. Now a little vitamin c is also needed in the fat burning cycle, so you need to make sure you
get a little of that during the day too.
I would rather feed the kids popcorn or eggs fried in real butter than put them on a cancer drug for their autism.
You guys can look for more info on this to add to this, I am not saying to force feed your kids butter, only that it can help them somewhat, and use
real butter to make the cookies, it is lots better than shortening for taste. Watch not to use baking powders containing aluminum, that has some bad
effects with some of the autoimmunity issues, they make aluminum free baking powder and it actually tastes better when you use that one. It is not
too much more cost wise.