posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 07:41 AM
about Lazar, but I think he was spot on....
Giantsfan: Just why can't you go into details? Trust me, I think we can handle it...
Anyways, I'll paraphrase Lazar here a bit from memory (I didn't see that interview, but I have looked into his story quite a bit)...
The idea is that the craft in essence has a nuclear reactor that utilizes an element (unimpentium, or to that effect) right below bismuth on the
atomic chart. In this element, the gravitic plane extends beyond the atomic shell, and it is this, which is tapped, then amplified and directed, to
basically move the craft using gravity waves. Using 3 of these gravitic amplifiers/directors, it stays aloft, also utilizing the Earth's magnetic
field. (It has been theorized that mishaps sometimes occur during storms, by interfering with this operation).
When travelling interstellarly, it inverts, then uses the 3 gravity amplifiers to focus on a point in space (the destination), and then it
"attaches" to it, and pulls space/time, then "snapping back" to the destination...
I'm sure someone else can go into more detail, but that's just a basic idea, that I remember from Lazar's testimony......