posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 01:47 PM
Looking for some advice.
Long story short, My now ex (never married) is threating to take me to court for MY dog. I've been ignoring here messages completely because she is
being ridiculous in what she claims is rightfully hers. Which it is not. Before we both mutally agreed that it was time to split up, I did say
something along the lines of "we can work something out with you seeing the dog" not word for word but that was the jist of it. I've since
rescinded those remarks. All paperwork in regards to the dog, payments for vet visits, adoption paperwork, food purchases ETC are all in my name.
I've got all the paperwork to back this up.
Some might say why not just let her visit the dog. Well, my fear is that I think she would possibly take him and not bring him back (she's that
unpredictable) and that's a risk I refuse to take. I do not want to see her, nor do I want to talk to her.
So here's my question: Can she legally "sue" me for this? If so, can I counter sue to reimburse any and all fees I may have to pay in court?
I'm by no means, educated in law, other than obvious laws that most people know. (Illinois if that matters)
Any advice or insight is greatly appreciated.