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Zoo Animals For Dinner - At The Zoo

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posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 06:04 PM
I bet there´s a lot of tree-huggers in here. What do you say about Zoo animals served as dinner for the employees and business partners at the Zoo? It happened in Denmark at Nykobing Falster Zoo and now they are exposed. They also ate this bird below...

Danish article

This story is now all over in danish, norwegian and swedish media, in case you question the source. This is for REAL

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 06:08 PM
Boy what a tasty looking bird!
Did you get a recipie for the sauce?

I think its a great idea, it keeps down the population and provides an interesting perk for the workers.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
Boy what a tasty looking bird!
Did you get a recipie for the sauce?

Yep, we did this stuff in Canada with bald eagles.
Add some shake-n-bake and they taste just like chicken.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:02 PM
I`m sure some of the animals there are tasty. This have been going on for quite a long time in this zoo, and there was "unlimited supply of meat"...

[edit on 2005/2/16 by Hellmutt]

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 12:25 PM
A peacock is a close relative to the pheasant. I have hunted and eaten pheasant many times, good eating.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 12:44 PM
Heh, this makes the news? It's pretty odd that people at the zoo would eat the creatures they take care of. Wish I could read the article. But really who cares what people are eating unless its people or an endangered species.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:55 PM
Kind of ironic, but as Umbrax mentioned, unless it's endangered, who really cares.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:58 PM
What if I told you I worked for the San Francisco Zoo. They have been serving different types of fish that are known for going extinct to the head executive of the zoo. I'm not sure if this is known to the senior staff.

I discovered that a particular animal called the giant eland has been brought to the zoo. The exhibit is suppose to open some time this month. Unfortunately the zoo was suppose to open with 3 of these majestic beasts. Well the zoo was under prepared for the arrival of all 3. They were put in a stall that was so small that they began to fight over food. Might I add all 3 were males. They were purchased not given to the zoo. Now there is only one giant eland left. The survivor killed the other two.

Also recently a hippo named puddles was put to sleep. He was having problems with his hip and the forensic specialist on sight told me that there were calcium deposits building up on the hippos hip. Causing him to have sever arthritis that was growing. Hippos spend 90% of there life under water. The zoo decided to transport Puddles across the zoo in a crate in the air to the other side of the zoo. When the crate hit the ground the hippo collapsed and was later euthanized. Now there was no way to have save the hippo. But the zoo keepers told the senior staff that the hippo was having problems walking outside of water. Still the decision to hoist this huge beast into the air was made. I was not suppose to witness this movement of this beast. I accidentally found my way over to the area and got yelled at and told to get the hell out of there for my own safety. Incase the hippo were to get loose. I was suppose to be informed by my supervisor but was not informed. The reason for moving Puddles, his long time girl friend Cuddles the Hippo and Gahati the Asian rhino to the other side of the zoo was to fix up their old exhibit. The decision to fix up the exhibit was changed recently, to now bring in animals from Madagascar and creating a Madagascar exhibit in the old Hippo and Rhino exhibit.

Now I was cornered by the head executive of the zoo. We had a nice chat and then he said “you know I know people in very high places” WTF??

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 08:05 PM
Humans are disgusting. We do NOT need to eat animals in order to be healthy. We can get everything our bodies need from being vegetarian or vegan. Vegans are healthier, smarter, and live longer than meat eaters. Hopefully in a few hundred years, the meat-eaters will become extinct.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 08:46 PM
We have the brains we have now because we eat meat. It may not be strictly necessary, but we are evolved to eat it. As well as lots of other things. We are omnivores. It's one of the things that drove us towards bipedalism as well. We were originally scavengers of meat, off the kills of larger animals. We needed to see over the grass to look for predators while traveling on the ground.

At any rate, if an animal in the zoo died of goring by another animal, or something other than a disease, then I don't see the harm in eating it. Though it would probably better be used feeding some of its natural predators as part of an enrichment program.

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