posted on Mar, 18 2018 @ 04:45 AM
lets see how can we stop kids from getting killed?
we need to take away dangerous AR-15's and other scary looking guns. anyone who believes that taking away one type of gun from law abiding
citizens will stop these things in my opinion is an idiot. it's not as if the first school shootings did not happen using standard looking hunting
rifles, standard shotguns, or handguns. so that obviously will do nothing to stop these incidents from happening. yet this is the main thing, in fact
only thing many people seem to think will stop these killings.
we have police. they can deal with these killers. wait, how many lives have actually been saved by cops arriving in these situations. by the time they
get there, it is pretty much all over. and/or they are apparently told to wait for back up, or not to go in because they don't have cameras. all the
while children are being killed.
well why don't we have one or two armed cops in the school. yeah that worked out so well the last time. with the armed resource office staying
outside cowering. (which brings a serious question to mind. was he outside for some reason? or did he actually LEAVE the building when the
shooting started?).
we can work to find out WHY most of these attacks occur and work to deal with that. but no, that apparently will not work according to those
who think taking away one type of gun is the answer. i will tell you right now that the most likely #1 reason these killings takes place includes
those who do it being bullied. likely with a side of other things added into the mix. bullying something that has been talked about to death since
before these killings became so popular. yet in all that talk, NOTHING has really changed. and that could in fact also have a part to play in these
killings. but since that will not help according to so many, then nothing will be done to deal with the causes. at least until we can convince them.
and many of those will just say "you can't change people, and so it's not something you can do anything about. we NEED to ban the gun". and i will be
honest, this would not be an immediate help, since it will take time.
we can arm teachers who wish to do so. giving them at least a chance to save the lives of students, not to mention their own lives. remember
teachers are being killed as well, many while trying to do what they can (which is to pretty much stand there and tell a person with a gun, "no") to
try to stop the killer. at least with a gun they just might be able to actually do something to actually stop it. are all teachers
trustworthy with a gun? of course not. but then again there are many cops who should not be trusted with a gun. i even know of one police department
that got into trouible for a bunch of officers quite likerally try to shoot flies on a barn wall, with their service weapons years ago. will accedents
happen?unfortunately accidents always can and do happen with people getting killed be it with a gun "misfire" a car, something falling etc. seriously
nothing in life can be coompletely safe. we can only make it as safe as we can. and the risk of one or two students being killed is far better that 20
or so being killed plus even more injured in an attack.
something else can be done as well. teachers using a gun really is a last ditch effort. why not actually try to stop a shooter BEFORE they even
tak one step into a school yard, forget about a school building? not hard to do. all you do is have one or two controled entry points to the school
grounds. where each person wanting entry, be they a student, teacher, custodian, or visiter must show valid school ID (or have someone come escort
them) to gain entry. at the same time you check bags, to insure that even those who belong there are not bringing weapons into the school. and while
it is possible that even an armed gaurd could be killed at the gate. at least any shots fired would be able to alert others to lock down the school
deneying the perpitrator entry. "oh but this will make schools into prisons, scareing the kids". actually NO it does not scare the kids. unless of
course adults make the kids scared of it.
unfortunately i don't see these shootings becoming anywhere near extict or even rare, because too many people want to shortcut "fixing" the problem,
by banning somethoing, that will change nothing. and continuing to ignore any other reasonable idea. "for the children" is a farce. most of those who
use that line obvgiously don't care about the children, just about pushing certain political agendas.