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Accidental discharge at a school

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posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 02:50 PM
Between liberals wantibg to ban guns and right wingers wanting to arm teachers, the source of these problems is being ignored.

If anyone thinks either of those two methods are a way to solve this problem, then you are part of the problem.
edit on 14 3 18 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 02:54 PM
Armed AI bots are our only hope Obiwan Kenobi.

posted on Mar, 16 2018 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears

Well, i was never envisioning teachers carrying during class.

I was more thinking of a lock box that would only be opened in the case of an emergency. It wont stop a shooter as fast as an armed teacher hypothetically Could, but, as you mentioned, the risks are apparent. The point would be #1 as a deterrent. A would be shooter knows that there are weapons on the premises. And #2 if someone does attack, it might be stopped more quickly than waiting for a police response.

Anyway, there are so many problems inherent in the current version of our entire education system that I am not sure it is worth the trouble to defend with arms. It almost seems like it would be better to just end public primary and secondary education. Colleges can accept those who manage to become educated by their parents friends and the internet. It wont be much different and could be better in a lot of ways.
edit on 3/16/2018 by 3n19m470 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: TinySickTears

So let me get this straight, you aren't willing to "risk" arming teachers but you're willing to risk eroding unalienable Constitutional rights?

Makes sense.

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 12:04 PM
There's a common denominator here. Seldom spoken as it could reveal one's own hypocrisy, but here it is for everyone to consume.

We have to keep this in mind. The common thread here is that both sides seem to be ok with allowing threats from the government to go unopposed.

Think about that for a minute. Both sides want us to let the government do what it wants without challenge, without response...Why? Could it be that they benefit from the violence they enable? Could it be that the political class doesn't give a # about us at all, except to sell us just enough outrage that we vote away our rights for their profit?

Edit to add: I'm keeping my guns. All of them.

End of story.
edit on 17 3 18 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

Good point!

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: TinySickTears

So let me get this straight, you aren't willing to "risk" arming teachers but you're willing to risk eroding unalienable Constitutional rights?

Makes sense.

having guns in schools is an unalienable right?

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears

having guns in schools is an unalienable right?

What are you trying to accomplish with this question?

The reality is that whether someone believes that or not is irrelevant to what is actually going on. That is, people are shooting up schools with impunity, and the only ones who seem to have their life in their own hands during those horrific moments is the shooter himself.

What kind of raw deal is that?

Is arming teachers necessarily the answer? No. But it should be an option because everything up to this point has failed, including the response from Law Enforcement. I think we should be trying a combination of things, but the last thing we should be doing is violating due process and the rights of Americans overall.

Why the hell do we settle for violating rights instead of solving problems? Are we really this lazy as a nation?

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

im trying to find out if he thinks it is an unalienable right and i dont think arming teachers should be an option at all.
not that hard man

posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears

i dont think arming teachers should be an option at all.

Why? We can't rely on the police, we can't arm the teachers, we can't put armed officers on campus, we can't fix the adjudication process, we can't hold garbage departments accountable for not enforcing the law, what the hell can we do?

What's your answer?

posted on Mar, 18 2018 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Is the high school teacher in my post above yours also suspicious? He fired his gun in a safety class that he was teaching and a student was injured because of it. Happened on the same day, too (and the teacher is a reserve police officer).

That's the same one, I believe. And, yes, the timing is suspicious. Since he's trained, even more so. Ho convenient that we have a case, so soon, to convince some that no one in the classroom should be armed. Well, except the shooters that break in. Or, we could have the kids behind maximum security walls, like a prison, right?

Armed teachers makes far more sense. This guy was negligent at best.

posted on Mar, 18 2018 @ 01:47 AM

originally posted by: TinySickTears

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: TinySickTears

Accidentally, eh? I wonder what his position is on the Second Amendment. If he's against it, perhaps this was no accident.

I don't wonder. Accidents happen. 3 linked in this thread

I think some may be the same case, and if not, would have a hard time believing all are accidental. Some folks want people to believe that guns are all bad.

posted on Mar, 18 2018 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: TinySickTears

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: TinySickTears

Accidentally, eh? I wonder what his position is on the Second Amendment. If he's against it, perhaps this was no accident.

No matter how you slice it the gun was fired. This is why we don't need guns in schools.

So, if someone fired one on purpose, to try and "prove" they are dangerous, we should leave staff and teachers unarmed, and just allow the next shooter to roam unchecked? Really?

posted on Mar, 18 2018 @ 02:05 AM
i shudder to think of any of my high school teachers wielding a gun...

also i think this title is really unfortunately worded, and/or i am super immature.

watch out for those accidental discharges, folks

posted on Mar, 18 2018 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

No, they're different incidences. The one I linked happened in California on the same day and a student was hit. The simple truth is that more guns in schools results in more incidences like this, not fewer.

posted on Mar, 18 2018 @ 03:37 AM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

originally posted by: olaru12
Even armed teachers won't stop a determined nut job with an AK. This armed teacher narrative is just knee jerk BS to make the proles think the authorities care and are doing something.

Why is it you think that? In the close quarters inside a school building, a handgun is far easier to aim, and more suitable, than is a longer-barreled gun. Both are semi-automatic, as well, and a good handgun round can do a LOT of damage.

but you don't understand. there is no gun that does as much damage, or is as destructive as an AR-15. shotguns, hunting rifles, handguns etc. nothing fires as fast, nothing is a powerful, nothing is more accurate. no other gun causes as much damage to a human body. in short, no other gun is better suited for killing students in a crowded classroom than an AR-15. the AR-15 is a supergun that should only be available to the military, since it is a military gun. and if you take away AR-15's these shootings won't happen, because it's the only gun capable of being used. and in the rare case they do happen, then not as many people would be hurt or killed because they can't use an AR-15.

and yeah that is pretty much the response i got trying to tell anti-gun morons that an AR-15 is not any worse than any other rifle. that in fact semi-automatic handgun or a shotgun, would actually be better weapons for these shootings. they even went on to tell me i obviously did not know anything about guns. because if i did, i would know these things.

posted on Mar, 18 2018 @ 04:45 AM
lets see how can we stop kids from getting killed?

we need to take away dangerous AR-15's and other scary looking guns. anyone who believes that taking away one type of gun from law abiding citizens will stop these things in my opinion is an idiot. it's not as if the first school shootings did not happen using standard looking hunting rifles, standard shotguns, or handguns. so that obviously will do nothing to stop these incidents from happening. yet this is the main thing, in fact only thing many people seem to think will stop these killings.

we have police. they can deal with these killers. wait, how many lives have actually been saved by cops arriving in these situations. by the time they get there, it is pretty much all over. and/or they are apparently told to wait for back up, or not to go in because they don't have cameras. all the while children are being killed.

well why don't we have one or two armed cops in the school. yeah that worked out so well the last time. with the armed resource office staying outside cowering. (which brings a serious question to mind. was he outside for some reason? or did he actually LEAVE the building when the shooting started?).

we can work to find out WHY most of these attacks occur and work to deal with that. but no, that apparently will not work according to those who think taking away one type of gun is the answer. i will tell you right now that the most likely #1 reason these killings takes place includes those who do it being bullied. likely with a side of other things added into the mix. bullying something that has been talked about to death since before these killings became so popular. yet in all that talk, NOTHING has really changed. and that could in fact also have a part to play in these killings. but since that will not help according to so many, then nothing will be done to deal with the causes. at least until we can convince them. and many of those will just say "you can't change people, and so it's not something you can do anything about. we NEED to ban the gun". and i will be honest, this would not be an immediate help, since it will take time.

we can arm teachers who wish to do so. giving them at least a chance to save the lives of students, not to mention their own lives. remember teachers are being killed as well, many while trying to do what they can (which is to pretty much stand there and tell a person with a gun, "no") to try to stop the killer. at least with a gun they just might be able to actually do something to actually stop it. are all teachers trustworthy with a gun? of course not. but then again there are many cops who should not be trusted with a gun. i even know of one police department that got into trouible for a bunch of officers quite likerally try to shoot flies on a barn wall, with their service weapons years ago. will accedents happen?unfortunately accidents always can and do happen with people getting killed be it with a gun "misfire" a car, something falling etc. seriously nothing in life can be coompletely safe. we can only make it as safe as we can. and the risk of one or two students being killed is far better that 20 or so being killed plus even more injured in an attack.

something else can be done as well. teachers using a gun really is a last ditch effort. why not actually try to stop a shooter BEFORE they even tak one step into a school yard, forget about a school building? not hard to do. all you do is have one or two controled entry points to the school grounds. where each person wanting entry, be they a student, teacher, custodian, or visiter must show valid school ID (or have someone come escort them) to gain entry. at the same time you check bags, to insure that even those who belong there are not bringing weapons into the school. and while it is possible that even an armed gaurd could be killed at the gate. at least any shots fired would be able to alert others to lock down the school deneying the perpitrator entry. "oh but this will make schools into prisons, scareing the kids". actually NO it does not scare the kids. unless of course adults make the kids scared of it.

unfortunately i don't see these shootings becoming anywhere near extict or even rare, because too many people want to shortcut "fixing" the problem, by banning somethoing, that will change nothing. and continuing to ignore any other reasonable idea. "for the children" is a farce. most of those who use that line obvgiously don't care about the children, just about pushing certain political agendas.

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