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Women and Jobs

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posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I understand that there is some # going on that cant be ignored and women and men should fight for equality in everything and be a eglatarian society
however when feminism bangs on about toxic masculinity , I stop listening
are there any toxic female behaviours , yes lots

the kardashians are toxic femininity , look at how they clone every female on the planet to think , look and act the same
yet no one questions it because they are female celebrities

as for the patriarchy , Queen of #ing England , nuff said

People question the role of celebrities including the Kardashians every day.

You might also want to consider what about the concept of toxic masculinity you think is wrong?

On the subject of the Queen if she had a younger brother she would never have been Queen. So not possibly the best example of absence of patriarchy.

posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot

dude the fact that history is awash with powerful females, the fact we even had queens rule countries in the first place means there is no patriarchy ever!

We had female goddesses if the patriarchy was real there wouldnt even be a mention of a poweful female goddess or ruler
it would be wiped from history

As for the celebs, well I dont really watch tv any more and I am not on social media so not sure if people do challenge that kind of behaviours for young women. I am ill informed on this subject, but Id rather be ill-informed on celeb culture

The concept of toxic masculinity that I find wrong is dominance, if males were not dominant one could argue scientifically that we would not be having this conversation , nor women would be able to hold such opinions if the males of our species were not dominant !

Humans no longer live in nature, and we still have all these species bound traits which are from our genetic past
which we cant just ignore or shake off as easily. We think that just because we live in cities and have all this culture we still dont act like animals.

posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: ScepticScot

dude the fact that history is awash with powerful females, the fact we even had queens rule countries in the first place means there is no patriarchy ever!

We had female goddesses if the patriarchy was real there wouldnt even be a mention of a poweful female goddess or ruler
it would be wiped from history

As for the celebs, well I dont really watch tv any more and I am not on social media so not sure if people do challenge that kind of behaviours for young women. I am ill informed on this subject, but Id rather be ill-informed on celeb culture

The concept of toxic masculinity that I find wrong is dominance, if males were not dominant one could argue scientifically that we would not be having this conversation , nor women would be able to hold such opinions if the males of our species were not dominant !

Humans no longer live in nature, and we still have all these species bound traits which are from our genetic past
which we cant just ignore or shake off as easily. We think that just because we live in cities and have all this culture we still dont act like animals.

Consider number of powerful female figures v number of powerful male figures and think if that really means there is no patriarchy.

Toxic masculinity isn't something that applies to everyone all the time. Doesn't mean it isn't a very real thing.

posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot

is there though isnt that just because men are physically stronger and more dominant therefore there were more leaders which were men naturally! , just like if how in humans females were the dominant sex , we'd have seen the same in reverse

doesnt mean they all got together and said hey lets subjugate women because males are the best , lets make a global patriarchy

women arent stupid or slaves , if they were that bothered about being treated as less than a horse , why didnt they form their own communities and separate away from men , or they did right !

There is no denial that there are male specific behaviours that are negative for our species , all that means is those males will less likely pass on their genes to the next generation as females wont breed with them!

In any case I blame Monotheism for all the troubles that women face in the world !

edit on 14-3-2018 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: amazing

But that's not the case with a large percentage of women, such as my wife. No time off, better qualified, kick ass resume still get's paid less and treated less than the men in her group.

And what is it that she does? Some how I doubt she is being blatantly underpaid for the exact same work, especially if she is better at the job, you are not telling us something. However, there are times where I would say the same job should pay different rates to different people, Amy Schumer recently got angry because she gets paid much less by Netflix than Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock. However she is clearly much less good at her job and doesn't attract as many viewers, so Netflix sees no reason to pay her as much, and that is fair imo, I'm sure lots of male comedians also earn far less than Dave Chappelle and that's fine too.

What you need to understand is that sometimes people don't act ethically in life. Life is unfair. Companies are unfair. It's just true. It would be nice if everyone treated everyone else they way they are supposed to.

You have to understand that some women get paid less for no good reason. That's just truth. I understand your comparison to amy schumer and there are plenty of situations like that too.

You really can't be that blind to think all people get treated fairly in life and that we should shut up and take it. No way. This country was founded on people fighting to be treated fairly. Look up the Revolutionary war, our forefathers and all the events that led up to it.

posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 06:12 PM
Your assertion of a 'silly stereotype' doesn't reflect real situations. I've seen a whole business tank due to paying women less than men. In a fair and perfect world, this 'stereotype', doesn't happen. However, this world is far from that type of utopia.

posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Women are just as intelligent as men, just because there are less female professors or less female programmers doesn't mean they are worse at those jobs or that men are holding them back, guys are just more analytical and more likely to do something which involves cold hard logic. I'm a programmer and I know of several highly skilled female coders, many of which are more skilled than I am. There's no nerd conspiracy to prevent girls from entering our secret club, trust me we will not complain about more girls in the industry... it's fine to encourage women into these fields but to act like the whole reason they are not equally represented is due to the evil patriarchy is absurd and insulting.

What girl would want to work construction that could "keep up"

WTH, I've busted ass doing that and it's no joke.

Even guys get forced out if they don't move fast enough, unless they are union.

I'm not surprised or disappointed in the lack of female construction workers.

Most of our street cleaners/public works are older females, here. 50+

They work like the dickens too.

God bless women!

posted on Mar, 14 2018 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

I think people just do what they're good at and what makes the cash. It can be a man as a hairdresser or a woman builder who have found their niche.
Going back into construction and remodeling was a quick way to catch up on medical bills and such that occurs from loss of work. I certainly don't foresee doing it for maybe only a few more years, at my age, and only part time at that!

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