posted on Mar, 10 2018 @ 10:07 AM
I think a frank talk about sustainability needs to happen. Perhaps Trump can study up on the history of Japan and suggest that if Kimmy and crew take
simply a symbolic role as leader today, like emperor of japan is today, and let the country turn into a actual republic with open borders to and from
the south. that would be the only way to preserve his nation and his reign.
Abandon nuclear desires in exchange for a unification with the south, observe all human rights, get light and internet going, and to his people, he
will be seen as a great leader...or go the way of war and continue with isolation and inevitable complete annihilation...along with people once freed
seeing what a sh-tburger he was and his family name become a curse word.
2 paths. One enshrining his name for generations as a (symbolic) ruler, the other being a unmarked grave of a desecrated corpse
But none of that will happen. It will be some sanctions relief for can kicking