posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 01:17 PM
I do believe that some very smart people have a wonderful plan that's been in the works for years and that it might have even had Donald Trump in mind
as their champion and figurehead.
If so, then it really is 4 and 5 D chess that they are playing, whether you like Donald Trump or think he's a great leader or not.
They really should have left him alone when he won the election, but no, had to be this big resistance movement fomented by the MSM to delegitimize
his Presidency, along with the Russia collusion nonsense and worse, the political weaponization of the transfer of power along with unlawful wiretaps
and surveillance by cheatin' Obama, which doesn't adequately describe the magnitude of what that man has been involved in and helped to foster and
support and cover up.
If this stuff happens that's planned to take place, including NK, then at the same time as the IG Report comes out, Trump's poll numbers are going to
exceed 50%.
CNN and the MSM are in a terrible bind and predicament, and all the left has left is hatred and anti-Trumpism, which isn't enough to win over the
American people on the whole, who are very astute and intuitive, collectively, as evidenced in Trump's historic win over Hillary Clinton (who can't
get over it).
All that's left in opposition is a left handed fist that's in alignment with that ugly place where the left meets the left hand path.
This is not to say that a new Democratic Party can't arise from the ashes of what their leaders like Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff et al
have led the party into becoming, which has a seething fascist undertone to it all.
I see a Trump rise and maybe even a red tsunami in the fall to give Trump a supermajority to carry out the remainder of the Trump agenda (which
secretly hopes to eventually kill the Fed like JFK).
April and May are going to be glorious!