posted on Mar, 17 2018 @ 07:49 PM
Ok, I'm back and catching up on the thread, but I wanted to get some thoughts out there.
For those who want to see how the Hivites seed the mass consciousness of humanity with their religious symbolism and suggestions, as I said this
morning...this is an extremely complex subject that sounds unbelievable. Well, it sounds that way because they've purposely seeded humanity to dismiss
it, by telling us everything they are doing, have done and plan to do, and suggesting to us that it was only a joke.
This is not a recent development; they've been ruling this planet since before recorded time. Every single thing they've done has been for a reason.
And, just like any other religious zealots, their religion governs everything they do.
That is the thing people need to understand. As strongly as you feel that any of your religious beliefs are just and right and sacred, these people
are no different. If anything, they are even more religious than any of you.
There are a lot of differences, of course. And like any religion, there are as I said, distortions. No one's beliefs within a specific ideology are
identical. But the main difference common to them all is that they practice ritual Magic(k). Which is not what people think it is...and that's how
they've been getting away with it all this time.
The symbols they use are almost entirely ones that they jacked from various different pagan cultures, including those associated with
Christianity...or maybe it would be more accurate to say especially Christianity. After all, it was the Roman Catholic Church that facilitated
the near obliteration of all of the ancient pagan practices...because those people were, and still are to this day, the ones who actually have the
true knowledge of who and what we really are and our true relationship with the cosmos.
By taking those symbols and mirroring their energy, they maintain power over our consciousness and perpetuate the lie that is our reality. They
essentially manipulate us through our subconscious brains into enslaving ourselves.
Here's the thing about the Magic they employ...because that is exactly what Magic is: illusion, and manipulation of perceived reality (they tell you
this, by the way...David Copperfield, for example, has made a career out of telling you). Illusions only work if the target isn't aware of the
illusion. And that is what they are terrified of. Because it's happening...and they can't stop it.
So familiarize yourselves with their symbols. There are pages upon pages here that provide examples of them. Know what they mean to these people, and
understand that they are deadly serious about this. That they are religious zealots whose continued existence depends on all of their ritual
requirements being fulfilled.
They have and they will kill people to make that happen. They ritually torture and murder people, terrify and enrage masses of people, because it
rewards them with something more blissful than any orgasm, more addictive than any drug, more restorative than any vitamin or elixir, and more
satisfying than any fine meal.
They eat human flesh and drink the blood and tears of their victims because all of it contains varying high, concentrated levels of what people are
calling adrenochrome. They use it to remain young...that is not the only method, but I personally believe they actually prefer the violence and horror
over technology.
Humans are simply stupid, worthless livestock to these people. And there are currently too many humans walking around for their liking right now.
That's dangerous. Humans outnumber them vastly, and if we all come together, our sword will be a whole lot bigger than theirs.
It also satisfies their ritual requirements in exchange for that reward; which in turn reap even more power, privilege, success and abundance,
reinforcing their belief that what they are doing is right, and just. That they deserve it, because of their twisted religion and their precious #ing
Once the target of their mirror Magic becomes aware of everyday symbolism meant to trick the subconscious, the spell is broken. If the illusion is
consciously perceived, there is no more Magic...just as magicians and illusionists revealing their secrets is more of a letdown than a satisfaction.
The illusion was the Magic.
However...two things:
* Do not confuse "Luciferian" with "satanist". They are not the same thing. "Satan" is a construct, the ultimate boogeyman. People do not like to
think about this, but these people are the ones who wrote your modern religious texts. They distorted the truth, and used your own free will against
you. That is a fact.
But because truth is always of the Light, it is recognizable through the lies at a soul level. All of us who are joining our lights together in this
mission, at the soul level, believe in the same principles...regardless of what distortions we have been living under the illusion of.
That is why they try so hard to shut us down. Awakening turns on all the Lights. And the very best illusions are shrouded in shadow.
* Please observe my avatar background. It might appear at first glance that I fly one of their flags myself. I think everyone can agree that by now it
should be clear that this is not the case.
That is because they appropriated what was originally a symbol of Light, power, protection, and alchemical manifestation. Magick. Which is not
illusion, but very real and very much alive here. When we shine our individual lights in the same direction at once, no darkness can withstand the
force of that blinding explosion of Light.
For every thing in existence, there is also a mirror of it. Duality is the nature of the cosmos, and is always present in our world. Be careful not to
forget that just as the Hivites use these symbols to mirror, mock, deceive and enslave us, people like myself use them for the opposing force of
Light. And...not to brag, our hands, they are far more powerful, and no trickery is needed. Only truthful, positive intent.
I'll throw down some links in a bit. I just wanted to put some things out there while a had a little time to focus.
I'll get more stuff about the base three system too. However, the link I posted earlier has a lot of information. Transcripts that are not behind any
pay wall.
Seriously, there is information that will blow your minds, but it does require a very open mind to blow. That is why the disclaimer about Wilcock. He
is pretty roundly disliked around here. That is absolutely not accidental. In fact, as we get deeper into discussion about him and his insider
sources, I fully expect traffic on this thread denouncing DW and everyone associated with him.
Finally, again in all seriousness, I'd encourage everyone to watch all of the episodes from season twelve of Ancient Aliens. They have been touching
on some fairly astonishing things, and a lot of it directly correlates to information exchanged here on this subject matter. I watch them on YouTube
but they've likely zeroed in on those accounts by now.
I know I say this a lot. But...everything really IS connected.
Apologies for the enormous post, but I didn't want to pepper the thread with a ton of smaller ones. Please forgive.