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If God is God, Why. . . ?

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posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 08:06 PM
If God is God and he has a plan why not just make it all perfect and have done with it?

It is an interesting question, to which many a man has locked god out of his own reasoning because he has either been taught or believe that the Bible is not true. As you all know me very well by now that I believe the word of God is preserved in one English version of God’s words. Therefore for space and saving the laziness of others I will give scripture addresses and not place the scriptures in the OP.

Having advocated that many times through my years at ATS there are some questions that many keep asking and as many times as I answer them I am always accused of having a close logical thinking process. So to prove I do or don’t is up to you. But let’s assume that the Preserved English Bile is true. And let me proceed to the questions those have asked.

1) Why did God make the heaven and the Earth? (Gen1:1)
Answer: He made them to be inhabited. (Isa 45:18, 2 Pet 3:13) What is so amazing to this answer is that some any intellectuals, scientist, philosophers and historians all have the same plan for the heaven and the earth.

2) If God made then ( and God is perfect), why did He not make them perfect?
Answer: He did make them perfect, but many have ignored the Bible for so long, they actually think that Genesis 1 is the original creation. If you will open a coy of the Av Bible a re-read Gen 3-28 you will see it is a re-creation of a former creation. Please note in Gen 1:2 the “without form and void is found only in one other place in the AV Bible (Jer 4:23 and that context if you read the whole chapter is about the destruction of Jerusalem). So in Gen 1:3-28 we are dealing with the recreation of a former creation, which was finished in verse 1, even Lucifer was created perfect in Ezk 28:15; not as Satan, not as a serpent or as a devil but as a cherubim, he was called the Cherub that covereth, you will notice in Ezk 1 and 10 there is only four Cherubim. Something happened to the one that covereth before Ezkeiel or John saw them later when they penned their books via inspiration.

3) If God made them perfect, why are they no perfect now?
Answer: Because something happened between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:3 tot he physical creation and something happened between Gen 2:7 and Gen 3:13 to the spiritual creation i.e. the first man and woman.

4) If God is perfect and loves “perfection,” why did he not prevent this “something from happening”?
Answer: Because although the material creation was perfect, the man that God created was not perfect; he was only sinless, but not perfect.

5) What on earth are you talking about?
Answer: If God is perfect, no being is perfect until he is like God. Adam is made in God’s image (Gen 1:26-28). Adam is not confirmed sinlessness as God’s for he has not been tested. In the Bible, Sin is an act, a nature, thought, or word against the person of personal God, who is Almighty (Psa 51:4). It is any wrong (or unright) thing, done spoken, or thought, contrary to God Almighty’s direct revelation concerning it (1 John 5:17; Micah 6:8). Just in case we’ve forgot Adam is only sinless prospectively; he has not been tested.

6) Didn’t God know the result of the test before it occurred? (If he was perfect he must have known.)
Answer: Good thinking, he did (Acts 15:18). He knew his would fall, and knowing this he gave him a freedom of will and of choice, so he could (or could not) fall.

7) Then is not God indirectly (or directly) to blame for what took place in His creation at the start?
Answer: YES. (Why should we be skirmish about it. We better get it right this time coming. Yes, the Lord could have prevented sin from entering and he did not (Lam 3:38; Job 2:10).

8) Then is not God responsible for Adam’s sin and the mess in which man finds himself?
Answer: NO. God does not tempt any man, neither can he be tempted, but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lusts, and enticed (James 1:13-15).

9) Then who tempted Adam?
Answer: Eve Gen 3:4-6; Tim 2:12-14).

10) Who tempted Eve?
Answer: A Serpent (2 Cor 11:1-3).

11) Who Tempted the Serpent, if it wasn’t God, Himself?
Answer: Before the serpent was a serpent, he was not a serpent, but a Cherubim; and he was “drawn away of his own lust and enticed” to put his own will above the will of God. (Ezk 28:12-17; Isa 14:12-15.)

12) If God is eternal and knew the end from the beginning, he could have prevented the “Lucifer” of Isa 14 from falling to the level of a serpent?
Answer: True, God lets a lot of things “fall” in order to work out his original plan (Rom 11:11-32).

13) Then God is not only responsible for man’s sin, but for the serpent’s also, since He allowed both to take place, isn’t that right?
Answer: Yes, but what then?

14) Then my college professors, Marx and Darwin are right, there is not God (Psalm 14:1), because a God that is so imperfect that he is responsible for imperfection, is NOT perfect!
Answer: Let me then put forward a question. Supposed god remedied the entire thing and made right what was wrong; has he not cleared himself of ALL guilt and responsibility in the matter? (Rom 3:4-6)

15) Yes but . . . ?
Answer: If the Bible can show you where God un-did what evil he allowed to enter, will you admit He is perfect?

16) Well now that depends on the definition of . . . ?
Answer: See the problem with men is they put an obstacle where there is none. At Calvary God came down in the flesh (1 Tim3:16) and bore mans guilt (2 Cor 5:21). He became the personification of ALL sin (Gal 3:13); so much so, that he was said to resemble a serpent!(John 3:14). If He has reconciled all things to Himself by atoning for the imperfection in all things, he is clear; you cannot charge him with a thing (Rom 9:20).

17) I don’t believe all that stuff!
Answer: I really knew many of you didn’t before I started writing this OP, but the following truths hold whether you believe then or not. If God is perfect, then LOVE is one of His qualities (1 John 4:8), and the love has to be perfect love. For “love” to really be perfect love. There have to be two parties. (One party loving the same party is not LOVE, it not love, for self love is not real love). God therefore creates a second party, MAN (Heb 2:6) on which to manifest this attribute, if the man does not have freewill and free choice, then he cannot return God’s love. As an Automan cannot love”. The man must have a choice (Josh24:15), and to have a choice there must be a third party.

So the eternal triangle is completed by the cherub who becomes a serpent. You can choose him (2 Cor 4:4) or you can chose God (1 Kings 18:21. So God allows this cherub to appear and tempt mankind so mankind can freely chooses God as an object of love. Adam chooses his wife as an object, Eve Chooses knowledge, as all good intellectuals do. The man falls, God redeems the man by bearing the entire blame (Rom 5:6-19) for both the man and the Cherub. He does this sin bearing by coming down and dying, as a man! (Phil 2; Isa 53; Rom 1; 2 Cor 3).

Having absolved Himself of ALL guilt, it now possible for man to be confirmed sinless forever by receiving a sinless Saviour as his own (John 1:10-12).

Last Question. What will you do with Jesus Know what God has done for you?

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 08:29 PM
Father likes to experiment. A lot of the things he does is so that others may come to the self-realization of a decision. Sometimes, it's for us down here, other times it's for the one's above.

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 08:33 PM
The reason I started this thread was to show that ever since man's fall, man in some way or form has been trying to bring in some idea of a perfect society, where everybody loves one another, where everyone works for the betterment of the other.

But in 6,000 years not one time has any civilization ever grown and evolved enough to get past one thing. Men no matter how or when will always be manipulated by the IDEA of this perfect society, they will fight wars in order to bring about the idea of that scoiety about. See All the wars to date.

And in all the wars since Cain first killed Abel, they have yet to bring about a perfect society.

Why you may ask?

Because one thing that is inherent in every human being, is that one thing that makes them the savages they truly are, is always left out of all the equations from Darwin to the Clintonista's and our Fawning one world order MSM IDEA of the perfect society. What is it you want to know?

SIN. Not one of them have ever considered that sin is the problem you can't get all the men to work together to bring about this perfect society.

Get a $1 Book from the Dollar store the AKJV Bible and read it cover to cover over and over again until you know it like no other.

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 08:38 PM
Some more questions:
What's the point of all of this?

What is God's deal? Why are we "involved"?

Are we trapped with no choice but to submit to God's game of good vs evil or whatever it is?

What if we don't want to play and the more we think about it the more upset we are for being dragged into this mess in the first place?

Why should we worry or even waste one second of thought on this "fantasy"? I say fantasy because other than old stories from the past, it's all so much like fiction compared to the "real world" of "sociopaths in charge" (set to the tune of Charles in Charge).

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

I knew, as I said in the 17th question, you would not believe any of it. So you already made your choice. Read on the third post and see why I brought this all up.

All the answers to your questions, are answered in the answers to the questions listed above.


posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: jhill76

There are no experiments with God. He is perfect and needs not toy with experiments. To say such belittles him.

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 09:00 PM
I have already accepted that there is a being that many refer to as god. The supreme consciousness of the universe and beyond. I am more interested in finding out exactly what god is. I believe the collective consciousness of all life on this planet forms an entity that is a part of god. A creation of the link that binds everything in this universe. It is that consciousness of our local world I am interested in understanding if it exists. With a trillionth of that energy a link to god could form far away. God is possibly the supreme collective consciousness of everything that exists, the power of that would be incomprehensible.

But I do not know if I am on the right track or not, but I figure that it is possible that the crust of this world is a living being and all life is a part of it. I am made up of trillions of cells, I also have a lot of microbes living symbiotically within and on me, I am a being. Why can't the world be considered a being, that being being a cell of god.

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
If God is God and he has a plan why not just make it all perfect and have done with it?

Ok, I agree somewhat

1) Why did God make the heaven and the Earth? (Gen1:1)
Relationship, to have relationship with co equals, us, we are His image, in and of Him
We are far more equal to God than we imagine

2) Why not perfect?
We have to have free will, free will means we are not perfect
Without free will we would be robots

3) If God made them perfect, why are they no perfect now?
Sin distorts everything, nature, the spiritual, hearts.

4) If God is perfect and loves “perfection,” why did he not prevent this “something from happening”?
Love allows others to choose, free will cant be denied or its not love

6) Didn’t God know the result of the test before it occurred? (If he was perfect he must have known.)
No, maybe, yes
Free will, choice, its an unknown. Calling it a test is wrong, its about experiencing life and the world
Its a broken world, nothing is what it should be. God doesnt take His gift of choice from us, ever

7) Then is not God indirectly (or directly) to blame for what took place in His creation at the start?
No, never its was a free will choice
Dont break the rules, dont suffer the judgement. Adam and Eve chose

13) Then God is not only responsible for man’s sin, but for the serpent’s also, since He allowed both to take place, isn’t that right?
Answer: No, God allows free will and choice, God didnt create humanity to be His slaves
Even when we sin, He still loves us and forgives us

14) Then my college professors, Marx and Darwin are right, there is not God (Psalm 14:1), because a God that is so imperfect that he is responsible for imperfection, is NOT perfect!
God is perfect love, love allows others to be themselves, right or wrong.

We cant be human if we dont have free will, we dont need forgiveness if God orchestrated our sin, Jesus would have/ should have died for Gods sin not ours, stupid Calvinism has leached into this above theology

We cant blame God for free will, we have to accept our own decissions when God has given us very clear commands that are to protect us

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 09:43 PM
We don't have "Free will" if there is a threat of violence behind it. ie ...or burn in Hell forever

God is literally responsible for EVERYTHING according to the Bible:

I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things. Isaiah 45:7

So He caused the Serpent to fall and tempt Eve? Some great experiment?

If I believed the Story.
edit on 6-3-2018 by ATruGod because: Clarification

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: ATruGod
We don't have "Free will" if there is a threat of violence behind it. ie ...or burn in Hell forever

God is literally responsible for EVERYTHING according to the Bible:

I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things. Isaiah 45:7

So He caused the Serpent to fall and tempt Eve? Some great experiment?

If I believed the Story.

Technicaly He did, by giving us a choice.
its not on God how you choose to live, its on you.

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 09:46 PM
I'd love to believe but there are way to many facts in the way. This is fiction as far as I can tell. I used to believe when I was young and as I grew older I just couldn't help but see the problems with this book. It makes very little sense to me. I want to know the truth but I'm afraid it isn't in the bible.

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: jhill76

There are no experiments with God. He is perfect and needs not toy with experiments. To say such belittles him.

No experiments? The constant changes in the book (not the bible), dinosaurs, the other places, cycles, etc. It does not belittle. For ones whom do not understand the unseen, I can see why you share this view.
edit on 6-3-2018 by jhill76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 11:22 PM
In my reality God doesn't have a concept of sin.

Any lesser god is no friend of man.

The Gnostics gave us hints of the demiurge.

All this is is another story based on earlier stories. Stop reading the bible, loosen the chains

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

If God is God and he has a plan why not just make it all perfect and have done with it?

At some point on the timeline it is over and done with.

You are here because you are meant to be here. If you were not meant to be here, you would not be here.

If you want to know why just ask God, and God answers in many different ways because God's communication skills are off the chart.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

I find myself losing faith in God and don’t know where to look for answers as I will never trust the word of man.

I was lost and miserable my entire life until I found god and then for the first time in my life I was very happy. Now bad things are happening again and I feel like i’m Being smited by god for a laugh.

As if the happiness and loyalty I offer him are worthless in his eyes.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

This question is unanswerable.

Apparently only the Son knows the Father. If that were not the case then it would have been pointless to have a Christ as the bridge between God and humanity.

To our logic good and evil, the whole Passion phenomenon do not make sense. Don't anyone ever dare to claim they can tell good and evil apart. Nobody can do that. Even Angels can't do it. That is the lesson we have to learn as humans; to know our station.

How can I, a silly lab rat in a scientist's cage and experiment, understand God? He is way out of my understanding. I find the whole thing totally awful and bizarre. I have screamed at Jesus, God and Satan that I do not want to be in this. They laugh and tell me there is no choice. Neither does the lab rat want to be in his place.

I will laugh at anyone who claims they know anything about God. Even St John and Daniel did not dare to do that. They totally understood their place after their visions; Jacob Worm is our name and original sinning is our game. The only cure for this terminal disease is Stargate Christ; the Way, the Truth, the LIFE.

I took a look outside and it is empty and nothing. The universe of atoms is temporal. It keeps smashing itself to pieces in a cycle of creation and destruction. In Christ's Kingdom things are done differently, apparently...hopefully! All we have is FAITH to go on.

I only know what Christ and the Prophets have told me of this. I don't pretend to have any unique insight. Like Solomon said there is nothing new under the Sun.

edit on 7-3-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 04:02 AM

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

Technicaly He did, by giving us a choice.
its not on God how you choose to live, its on you.

Do you believe your God to be omnipotent? Do you believe he is benevolent?

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: jhill76
Father likes to experiment. A lot of the things he does is so that others may come to the self-realization of a decision. Sometimes, it's for us down here, other times it's for the one's above.

Creates the world in 6 days, rests on the 7'th.

But likes to poke holes in his experiments, because he likes it.

SOME GOD YOU GOT THERE... give me satan any day, who says that being human is natural. we are meant to be this way. Not someone telling us not to peek outside the petri dish.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
Some more questions:
What's the point of all of this?

I have just escaped a veritable existential crisis and I can tell you that there is no point.

Imagine all the religious folk were told, intimately, that there is no god, by virtue of them witnessing it first hand. Chaos. Hell on earth.

Thank god for religion, for it keeps the mentally inept, leashed.

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