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Why "High capacity magazine" bans are pointless

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posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa
Most if these shooters are shooting what they are told or believe to be the coolest weapon.
They have seen them in movies, videos, etc.
There are more devistating weapons readily available, they just don’t get hyped the way ar’s do.

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: face23785

My point has nothing to do with that though, it has to do with the basic fact that 30 is a larger number than 10, multiple magazines or not.

So you are that good of a shot or worse?

posted on Mar, 7 2018 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

Isn’t it McDonald’s high capacity straw that can be used as tube loader for a Henry lever action 22? And they just leave those laying around all over for people to take and use...scary.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 10:53 AM
First of all, most people that chime in against guns know nothing about them.
This video shows a man WITH A REVOLVER (to gun laymen, these use no magazine and are not semi-automatic. This guy can get off 8 rounds in one second, this is faster than an "assult rifle on FULL AUTOMATIC. I personally practice changing mags on my concealed carry (9mm, single stack) it holds 8 rounds being it is made for concealment, I went smallest mag. I can change a mag out in one second, no issue.
If all the laws give non gun people a FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY and TAKES RIGHTS AWAY FROM GOOD PEOPLE, what does it accomplish. You can 3-d print a 30 round mags all day long. There are 100's of MILLIONS of 30 round mags out there. This is all ridiculous.

edit on 8-3-2018 by Hr2burn because: There are no shortage of video, none seem to want to link here...

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: Hr2burn
First of all, most people that chime in against guns know nothing about them.

This is indeed a major problem with the gun debate. It's an even bigger problem in that many of them don't want to learn. On Twitter last night I tried to correct a woman who thought defensive gun use was a myth. I referred her to the CDC gun violence study that Obama ordered (see my sig), which acknowledged guns are used defensively at least 100,000 times a year, with some estimates being much higher. She accused me of being a "bot" and blocked me.

You may think she's an extreme case but sadly she's largely representative of the gun control lobby. I've had this happen numerous times. In contrast, people who are open to new information seem to be rather rare. Shannon Watts, who founded Mom's Demand Action, blocks anyone who replies to her tweets with gun facts which contradict her narrative. Seriously, the leader of a major gun control group takes the time to block every single person, no matter who you are, who replies negatively to her tweets. Her block list probably requires it's own server at Twitter HQ. I suspect she does this so people who follow her don't see the other side of the story in the replies. But that's the attitude we're fighting. Information that contradicts the narrative should be banned, that's their view. It's Gestapo-like.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: face23785
I'm also a car/motorcycle builder for a hobby. I have raced plenty of times and that can be a bit hairy. Just because it makes me uncomfortable or even scares me doesn't mean there aren't people out there that are skilled & knowledgable. To each his own. The problem (one if them) with today's society is that every one wants everyone else to agree with the way they perceive life should be lived. AIN'T HAPPENING.....EVER. If you trust the police force or government to take care of your every need, sooner or later you will have a big moment of initiation.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 12:09 PM
Pointless, yes, from a logical stand point. But from the standpoint of the liberal and communist trash, every little bite they take from a normal law abiding US citizens is one step closer to conquering America for their socialist goals...

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Most people prepare to switch magazines quickly.

And these are hand guns. Probably because they are cheaper and less bulky than an assault rifle. If you saw someone walking around with an assault rifle you'd probably call him out immediately. Before he even reached his designated starting point he would be seen.

Hand guns can be concealed quite easily.

Another thing mass shooters hate about large capacity magazines? Not as easy to handle if you make a mistake loading them. Sure practice makes perfect, but in a hurry you might mess up.

Plus 10 or 15 round magazines are cheaper and more readily available for some handguns. Ammunition is cheap. Loading magazines is simple. Once you get the reloads down enough times you can take out several targets like the op said. Banning the magazine count is not good enough. But at the same time what else can we do to keep people from "having too much fun?"

Maybe we would have to redesign all of the schools and class rooms to have two exits on two different sides of the class rooms, and design them so other classrooms have complementary exits. Where as the shooter doesn't know which door is unlocked or locked, yet students could get away by snaking through the classrooms. Maybe even have windows that open up like an rv porch shade awning.

All we can really do is limit the amount of targets the individual can get to. Banning guns simply won't work. Putting guns in students or teachers hands is also not a good idea. Extra police is not an option seeing how many of them are already being sucked up by ****ing wal marts around the country. Private security is out of the question because school spending is already ridiculously under cut.

Adding in fences and high walls might be an option.

What else can we do to help prevent mall shoppers from getting holes in their bags?

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 02:22 PM
These type of threads make me laugh.

Ok so lets say mag size truly does not matter in terms of how many people will or won't get killed.
Then the entire argument is pointless. But! I'm sure there is some reason the OP decided to write paragraphs and paragraphs and I'm betting there is personal reasons that he OP does not want smaller mags. Otherwise why even care if there is "no difference". Obviously there is a difference somewhere. A Big enough difference to trigger this person into basically writing a story. If there was no difference then there would be no need for an argument.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: jidnum
But! I'm sure there is some reason the OP decided to write paragraphs and paragraphs and I'm betting there is personal reasons that he OP does not want smaller mags.

I'm sure there' s a reason you decided neither to read it nor to post like an adult in your response. Keep being a barrier to progress by making things up about gun owners since you don't know enough to actually discuss the topic. Being uninformed and just making things up about the other side has really been working well for you guys.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 06:55 PM
yep....pointless now

i just saw a thread where they're sellin double barrel m-16's....just now i saw it.....

edit on 8-3-2018 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: Hr2burnDude....i like the way you think, man.....

excellent read there....needed to see that from somebody

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 07:08 PM
They just banned the bump stock style accessories in Washington state. People are supposed to turn them in by July. No grandfathered owners, no debate, and no vote. Jay Inslee the state governor is a total moron. They also tried to ban a whole lot more including high cap. mags but it didn't pass.

The idiot even stated that now Washington will be "safer" because of it, even though there have been no bump stock killings in this state before, so the fallacy of it all just boggles the mind.

These gun grabbing retards just can't be reasoned with and will continue to throw out new straw men arguments favoring pointless things that hurt law abiding citizens but do nothing to actually help anyone.

posted on Mar, 8 2018 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
They just banned the bump stock style accessories in Washington state. People are supposed to turn them in by July. No grandfathered owners, no debate, and no vote. Jay Inslee the state governor is a total moron. They also tried to ban a whole lot more including high cap. mags but it didn't pass.

The idiot even stated that now Washington will be "safer" because of it, even though there have been no bump stock killings in this state before, so the fallacy of it all just boggles the mind.

These gun grabbing retards just can't be reasoned with and will continue to throw out new straw men arguments favoring pointless things that hurt law abiding citizens but do nothing to actually help anyone.

They just had to do something to appease their voters, but they don't want to do anything that would actually have an impact because then what do you campaign on? Same reason Dems walked away from the DACA fix. They need it for the midterms.

posted on Apr, 6 2018 @ 12:49 PM
Just going to add this even though this thread is dead.

YouTube shooter changed magazines

Like most of these shooters, she used multiple magazines. It doesn't stop the shooter. It is merely an inconvenience.

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