posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 02:16 PM
Hello ATS,
I’m not a regular poster. I mostly just enjoy reading and occasionally commenting. This morning at 3 am, my daughter woke up sick and had to go to
the bathroom to vomit a little bit. She is 7. She had a mild fever (101F). I think there was a stomach bug going around at her school.
Anyway, she just told me this afternoon that when she woke up, objects in her room were wobbling and getting really far away and then coming close
Normally I would just attribute this to the fever and/or drowsiness. However, this used to happen to me all the time as a child. Even when I wasn't
sick so it immediately brought back those memories. I told her about this and she told me it has happened to her before when she wasn't sick. My
family is very healthy as nutrition is a very important aspect of our lives ( at least to my wife and I) and my kids are very active and play multiple
Part of me feels there may be some spiritual connection there that I had as a kid and no longer possess as an adult. However, I always tend to lean
towards the scientifically explainable answers and feel there must be some psychological/biological reason.
So what say you ATS? Any ideas or have you experienced the same thing?
edit on 5 3 2018 by qiwi676 because: Grammar/spelling