posted on Mar, 3 2018 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to:
You do realize the second amendment was written by our founding government, right? Regardless of intent, meaning, or otherwise, it was still people
that wrote it, and people that must ensure that it is upheld and honored as one of our rights. Some call it a God given right, but it's still paper
and pen that made that right actually defensible - and it is paper and pen that will continue to do so.
Those that desire their right to bear arms especially have to be willing to consider how we bear them, and ensure that guidelines are put in place to
maximize our right to arms. You can try to stand on some vague principle all you want, but you're not allowed to threaten anyone with
terrorism/violence with your free speech - I'd hardly call this a restriction, though. The intent is obvious and agreed upon by both the left and
Such obvious reasoning can and should be applied to arms, as well, I would assert. Kids are not responsible enough to own and operate arms without an
adult - access to military grade weapons should be limited to organized militias ( which I think there could be more of ) and the official
military/army etc.
Are you only willing to offer vague statements of personal responsibility, without any backup as to what "responsible" is actually defined as? What is
your overall point where you are willing to compromise or even dictate policy, anyways? When every person is dead because citizens have access to
nuclear weaponry?
If you think I'm being facetious, you might understand my point in saying that restrictions are necessary, but need to be used in the lowest amounts