I want to apologize for not responding to all the wonderful posts about all the great topics today.
I had a Thursday with one of my Gunthers.
There I was, minding my own business, goofing off in my office when one of my Gunthers asked me to help with a problem. After beating him for
interrupting my nap time, I did grant him a boon and say that I would assist with whatever was bothering him.
He had been working on a unit that included a peristaltic pump propelling a highly caustic agent through some sort of technical tubing.
He had the tubing in backwards, and had created a balloon.
Now I like balloons. Helium-filled. They are great for teleconferences. Especially when I say in a squeaky voice, "Nothing wrong on my end, does
my voice sound funny?"
Anyway, this "balloon" was filled with a highly caustic fluid.
Which popped right in front of me.
My face, neck, hands and arms received a wonderful spray.
I said, "Oh darn" and ran to an emergency shower and did that scene in Flashdance except I was a lot hotter.
The emergency room visit was also lovely. After cleaning me and slathering me with gunk, I said, "I haven't been this oiled since my college days.
Don't judge me. I needed the money."
The nurse replied, "I remember. I want my dollar back".
After having Gunther drive me home, I was welcomed to my loving family with my wife saying I ruined my clothes and my sons saying that I was going as
"Deadpool" for Comi-con.
Anyway, some pics.
Me before;
Me after;
So anyway, please forgive me if I'm a little slow on the replies.