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Internet Evangelism Day, April 24, 2005 (from ATSNN)

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posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 11:36 AM
Billy Graham, probably the most famous evangelist in the world, made an appeal several years back asking Christians to use the internet as the newest medium to spread the Gospel. Now, a group of many outreach ministries have gotten together to form Internet Evangelism Day and it's capturing international attention. On Sunday, April 24, Christians across the world will be spreading the Gospel through their own websites, blogs, and bulletin boards they go to. Many will do it through their churches, others at their home computers.
The IE Day team hopes for a range of outcomes from the event. According to the group’s release, high on the list is that rather than just using their web site to provide an online bulletin board service for their members, churches will begin to create effective sites for effective community outreach.

According to the IE web site, “It is a mistake to regard the evangelistic potential of the Web as merely ‘tracts on a screen.’ Such a perception will greatly limit its potential for outreach. Instead, we must understand the Web's nature as a medium and learn how to work with its inherent strengths. Only then can we begin to use the staggering opportunities it offers us.

“It’s an exciting challenge” said IE Day coordinator Tony Whittaker in the release . “The potential of the Web is enormous.”

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Being a Christian myself, I think it's wonderful that the web is finally starting to be tapped as a medium for spreading the Gospel. IE Day is making no requests for funds either directly or indirectly. They are simply trying to get the Gospel through a totally neutral medium, the Internet. I know I'll be online participating, and I'll try to get as many in my church to do the same.

Related News Links:

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 12:34 PM
Turns out news articles are for ATSNN only when they're not of a religious topic, or maybe just pro-religion topic. Pro-religion is just an "ad" (not my words), not a news story.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 12:55 PM
junglejake as I explained to you privately. This story is an ad for a day in over two months time !!

Write a story on Evangelical Christian Internet Day itself not two and a half months before it.

If a religious story is news it'll be on ATSNN.

But do you want to write a story today about this Easter or next Christmas ?

[edit on 16-2-2005 by John bull 1]

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 01:20 PM
It was just announced yesterday that this was happening. If Christmas was being celebrated for the first time ever, then yes, I would expect to see news on it 64 days before it happened. I would expect to see news on it the day it was announced, as some radio stations have been doing.

In a more secular sense, when Arizona declared Martin Luther King, Jr. day a state holiday today, I would expect to see it in the news even if it were still 11 months away. It wouldn't be much news 11 months after they made it a holiday.

The other news story on this would be afterwards, assessing what kind of response the holiday had.

Finally, your explanation privatly was simply to tell me which ATSNN submission was moved to current events, to which you said the ad for this holiday in more than 2 months time. If it was an ad, I would expect it to be moved to BTS, not Other Current Events.

EDIT: Old info on AZ and MLK day, adjusted tense of verbs and nouns, etc.

[edit on 2-16-2005 by junglejake]

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 01:26 PM
Not to fuel the wrong discussion here, but to me it seems this news could have been posted by non-christians as well.
This is not about christmas or eastern, but about a new, unique, one time event. Deserves to be in the news section.

Anyways, being a christian myself I don't really understand why there has to be a day for spreading the gospel.
I mean weren't we allready trying to do that?

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 01:48 PM
I agree, every day should be. However, a lot of people don't think of the internet as a medium to use. Someone on a thread here on ATS, a professed Christian, said they thought it was dumb to be evangelical on the web. This day is a way of bringing it to the attention of many people who wouldn't think to use the internet to communicate the Good News.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 02:15 PM
Have you got any idea how many of these "national days" get announced every day ?

It's all just a form of promotion to generate column inches in newspapers. An organisation sends out press releases and hopes that some small newspaper that can't afford to hire journalists prints that the society for the protection of Turtles has announced it's international polish a turtle shell day.

It's just a promotion.

And what exactly is going to happen on International Evangelical Internet Day ?

Sounds to me as though it's going to turn out to be International Spam Day.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 02:40 PM
Please, will someone remind me to stay off of the Internet on the day in question?

If I want to know about your religion, I'll come ask you about it. If you are going to send religious spam to people with your computer, you had better make sure your computer is well protected.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 03:04 PM
I only hope this isn't done aggresively or by spamming anybody. If it does, i will have a hell of a lot of Christian preachers in my email block list.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 03:08 PM
It's very well protected. It's not really going to be a different day for me except that I'll probably be on ATS a bit more often. If you find it so offensive that I share my faith on ATS instead of just sitting back and letting people who don't understand it slam it, that's your perogative; happy hunting.

If you read any of the links, you'd know this isn't a spamming day. There is nothing about emails I've read on there.

As to the number of these holidays that happen, I dunno. I can only think of one other that recieved national attention via the media, and that was the gas boycott day (so, so silly since most gas stations raised their prices the next day knowimg people would still have to replace the gas used the day before).

It's interesting that you've passed judgement about it without finding out what's happening on the day.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 06:37 PM
I believe it is the timeliness of the story that is key in this dispute. As April 24th approaches, surely there will be more on this story to report.

I couldn't help but notice that the author is none other than the always controversial Jeremy Reynalds, here in Albuquerque, NM. There is no question that Reynalds serves the needs of a needy population, but his methods and the perks he derives from his work are sometimes called into question, like his commuting from Albuquerque to Los Angeles on a weekly basis to work on his doctorate.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 06:51 PM
Well I hope the Evangelist day will be used in a constructive way and offer free birth control methods to help control abortions.

That would be a good way to spread the lords will with advertisement for places where to go and get your free condoms and pills.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 06:58 PM
All i can think of are the Red State people on a quest to preach the gospel that day along with "Bush" used every other word.

No, thanks. Hope they dont darken my computer.


posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:02 PM
Oh, no, no, Dg, I think is going to be great day for evangelist, instead of spreading hatred against pro-choice believers they are going to do everybody a favor and give away free birth control for every body sexually active so they don't have to scream baby killers that day.

They are going to bring the will of god to everybody.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:24 PM
I'll try not to be a cynic about this. If evangelists make themselves available to talk about spiritual issues that people may be curious about and invite people to try it if they are interested, that's fine.

If they can do it without politicizing it, that's really good, because Jesus has never endorsed any political party, although he did say that ALL have sinned, which presumably means that he could find fault with Republicans and Democrats alike.

If they can do it without asserting that one particular sin is "worse" than the rest and without telling anyone that God hates them, then that's GREAT because the Bible I used to read is explicit that every last one of us is equally an abomination before our perfect creator, yet that he loves us and let his son take our fall for us because he wishes to salvage every last one of us.

Last but not least, if they can do it without being flamed to hell and gone by cynics who have been turned off by hypocrites like Jerry Falwell... well that would just be an unquestionable, honest to god, no kidding, praise jesus miracle.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:34 PM
Let them do as they will. It is the internet, after all. The only people who have problem with this are those who have a problem with free speech and are predisposed to ridicule any and all religious themes and it seems always to be the "usual suspects."

[edit on 05/2/16 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:45 PM
lol lemme get a jump on this a couple months early (like I said, very little will change about what I do that day). God does NOT hate anybody. However, there are some sins held with greater weight than others. Jesus said the most important commandment is to worship no other thing besides God, and only slightly less important is love your neighbor.

This movement of "God hates gays" and the like is not only foolhardy, but they're sinning in a manner far worse than a homosexual.

As to marg's comments, you should know better. Maybe next we'll start handing out cigarettes at schools so kids don't smoke butts on the side of the road and get a cold or something? Or what about handing out beer at school so kids don't have to steal it from liquor stores?
It's called adoption; all of our choices come with consequences, some results in good, some bad. You reap what you sow. Because you wanted to have a few moments of pleasure but not pay for any birth control, you don't get the right to murder. Shell out the $1 for a condom

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
Jesus said the most important commandment is to worship no other thing besides God, and only slightly less important is love your neighbor.

Humm.........................So how come Christians worship Jesus, is only one God and he was never a human being.

This movement of "God hates gays" and the like is not only foolhardy, but they're sinning in a manner far worse than a homosexual.

I agree with that on this one.

As to marg's comments, you should know better. Maybe next we'll start handing out cigarettes at schools so kids don't smoke butts on the side of the road and get a cold or something?

Humm...............kind of "extreme" comment here.

Or what about handing out beer at school so kids don't have to steal it from liquor stores?

I think you will get in jail for that one.

It's called adoption; all of our choices come with consequences, some results in good, some bad. You reap what you sow.

Have you seen the unwanted children that live from foster home to foster home because nobody wants them? How you seen a crack baby? they are not the bouncing pink cheeks babies in the pamper commercials.

Because you wanted to have a few moments of pleasure but not pay for any birth control, you don't get the right to murder. Shell out the $1 for a condom

No, no, that is not the "evangelist and Christians fundamentalist" agendas they enjoy screaming "baby killers" it give them more excitement than their dull sex lives.

Thank God for sex.
Now handle the birth control.

Have a good "evangelism day" I will have a nice "excitment day"

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
lol lemme get a jump on this a couple months early (like I said, very little will change about what I do that day). God does NOT hate anybody. However, there are some sins held with greater weight than others. Jesus said the most important commandment is to worship no other thing besides God, and only slightly less important is love your neighbor.

I was actually referring to the ten commandments and James 2:10 which says "whoever keeps the whole law, but stumbles on one point, is guilty of all".
This is why I am saddened by Christians who scorn a homosexual more than other sinners. The way I read it, if someone is disrespectful towards his parents and does not speak to them, etc, he is every bit as much a sinner as the most promiscuous adulterer or homosexual. So why the double standard among Christians? Why don't Christians assemble outside of a local pub with signs that say "God hates drunks"?

This movement of "God hates gays" and the like is not only foolhardy, but they're sinning in a manner far worse than a homosexual.

Agreed. What does the bible say again- if you cause somebody to stumble it would be better if you had a millstone tied around your neck and were thrown into the ocean?

As to marg's comments, you should know better.

I don't normally like to get into the abortion debate, but I did happen to give it a little practice when I was practicing for if and when I ever get into one of the ATS debate tournaments.
I've found that the problem with the abortion debate seems to revolve around economics and responsibility. Single women of low income are getting an extremely disproportionate number of abortions. If people feel morally inclined to stop abortion they will achieve the best results with mimimum opposition by fighting to help mothers get medical insurance and by legislating to enforce paternal responsibilities. Believe me, this stuff doesn't come easy. I know because my 17 year old brother has a child on the way.
I just think the religious debate over abortion misses 90% of the point. We're not talking about a bunch of loose teenagers who want to get it on without consequences. We are talking about people for whom contraception has failed due to malfunction or user error and whom feel they have little or no ability to carry and deliver a healthy child due to their economic situation.

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 10:17 PM
This day will be great!!!
We can finally get all those christian nutters servers declared spammers and we won't have to hear from them again

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