a reply to:
Dont beat yourself up deadly.
Each individual is certainly entitled to their own beliefs (we wont get into the semantics of the power of thought).
That being said, sometimes, a person's beliefs go beyond simply affecting the mental plane, however. Sometimes their beliefs are the fuel for their
This is all well and good, until those behaviors cause direct, unjust negative effects on others.
There are a variety of factors that go into the equation, including the principle of forgiving people for their mistakes, but if that person is
causing too many problems, and their belief(s) are at the core of their negative affect, they really are seen as no different than a bacterial
infection amongst people.
Like with any bacterial infection, it is addressed and treated.
The reason why I say, "dont beat yourself up", is because sometimes, the methodology behind that "treatment" varies from person to person, as
different approaches are needed to achieve the same outcome, aka, a less harmful person.
I fully agree that most of the time, attacking directly a person's beliefs only strengthens them in the person. However, it is highly possible that,
from a psychological standpoint, that particular person
needs to hear it that way, to feel the attack upon their conscious, to be primed for a
more diplomatic approach later down the line.
It could very well be the necessary way to actually eventually induce a positive and sustained change in the person's psyche.
Some would argue that what ive written is horrible and akin to the thought police of 1984.
Too bad. You all, yes, every single one of you, at some point, to some degree, participate in thought policing whether you know it or not. Every
moment of every day our minds receive signals from our environment, including signals from others.
Many of these signals are meant to teach us lessons and mold us into better people.
I have experienced being under the thumb of the proverbial "thought police" and let me tell you somethin, its best to figure out why, and how to
adapt, if your life, and the lives of others, are of any importance to you.
edit on 26-2-2018 by CreationBro because: (no reason