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Luis Elizondo Interview for the 2018 International UFO Congress

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posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 08:34 AM
A new and very relevant interview with Luis Elizondo of To The Stars Acacemy.

Good questions asked, good answers given. A selection:

- 3:00, Did you work with Bigelow?
- 4:38, How did AATIP continue wihtout funding after 2012?
- 7:10, How were the videos released? Was it under false pretense, or a trick, as The Washingthon Post suggests?
- 11:00, How did you discover To the Stars Acadmey, and did it have anything to do with your decision to leave the Department of Defense?
- 13:50, Were you previously subject to a non-disclosure order and have you been relased from it?
- 14:40, Is it possible that the evidence and analysis for each case will be made available to scientists like us?
- 17:50, Why do you think these crafts are likely extraterrestrial and not from another country that has discovered more advanced physics?
- 19:45, Why is the running time of the two released videos (NIMITZ and GIMBAL) so short? Was there additional footage captured?
- 20:55, Regarding the Gimbal video, do you know anything about the chain of custody documentation?
- 21:28, What are the possibilities of additional releases of information from these incidents? Are you still working to release additional information? How can we help?
- 22:08, Is there any reason to believe UAPs may be dangerous? Have there been any incidents where UAPs were aggressive, or defensive in a way that could cause harm?
- 23:45, Given the history of misinformation, disinformation, lies, concealment, omissions and other cover ups in the past regarding this subject... what gives you and your associates more credence compared to the past talking heads to give us faith?
- 25:58, What articles of evidence can you and your colleagues provide that you are willing to submit for independent scientific review?
- 26:46, You have said in interviews that AATIP had made significant progress in understanding the advanced physics of UAP. Are you going to share this knowledge freely?
- 31:00, There have been claims that the audio of the GIMBAL video does not seem to be original. Professional pilots on duty would not use language like "Dude" and "Bro". Also, the sentence, "The wind's a hundred knots out of the west" would not be pilot jargon. What would you say in response to such claims?
- 33:22, Can we expect more footage and/or classified documents to be released anytime soon?
- 34:43, What specific actions can regular people take to help the government release more UFO information to the public?

This one made me think (at 11:47):

Q: Do you think the story of the pilots and the aviation threat program has "sunk in" enough with the masses?

A: I can't answer for the masses, I sure hope so. Sad to say that I have been doing this for long enough where we have a lot of compelling information and data and documentation, eye witness testimony. And there is still for some reason this hesitation, this blockage that prevents people from having an open and honest dialog and conversation about the phenomenon.
And I think, from my perspective this is more troubling than the phenomenon itself.

This is sad. It is not the "deep state", "the Cabal", "the CIA spooks" or whatever that is slowing this down. It is the "UFO community" that has exaggerated the ability to be critical and distrustful to unhealthy levels. From Mr. Elizondo's side things look a lot different than what the sceptics are insisting on. Without more dialog we will get nowhere. This interview is important and I hope many will listen to it (as opposed to just repeating their opinion without the willingness to evaluate new data from another person). And it is great that we have another interview on C2C coming up today.
edit on 25-2-2018 by SacredLore because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 09:57 AM
The w hairs on my neck stand up when i read this

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 10:34 AM
I'm about to watch it, but they haven't shown us any substantive evidence for us to totally believe. Pilot stories have existed and that program was kept secret from the public. Now, it seems they don't have much to show the public except a couple of 1 minute clips with a pilot testimony. Whatever they have, they need to disclose it all to the public or they will be no different than the government.

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: mkultra11

What if it's something that they never encountered before or have encountered studied but never couldn't find a reasonable answer to something so advanced we can't even imagine to find a point to start researching this phenomenon?

Where do you start your research if it's to far from our reality?

It's like try to build a device that can retrieve long lost dead souls and generate a body the same as they were before they died.

Tell me where do we start to build such a device to make it happen?

He really has some good points there in his explanation as that's what I see from this interview.
edit on 0b09America/ChicagoSun, 25 Feb 2018 10:53:09 -0600vAmerica/ChicagoSun, 25 Feb 2018 10:53:09 -06001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: SacredLore

Interesting interview.

It seems the main goal of Luis Elizondo is to remove the UFO stigma and to get a public discussion going.
I hope he succeeds in this. More, and especially more serious attention from scientists and the media would be great.

Apparently he is not bringing any ‘disclosure’, and even tells the data he has seen so far is inconclusive. Maybe not about the non-human nature of the phenomenon (he seems pretty sure about that) but about its exact origin.

I like his scientific approach of letting the data speak for itself. He seems to aim for more public pressure leading to the de-classification and release of more data.

What strikes me as strange: Col. John Alexander had a debate with Stan Friedman in 2011 in which he defended that there was no group in the government investigating UFO’s. Alexander pulled all the strings in his elaborate intelligence network and nobody knew of any group that was involved with the topic. He even wrote a book about it.

Yet Elizondo says that the AATIP group was like the ‘Rome of UFO reports’: All UFO reports led to his group. This seems odd: how could this be the case if nobody knew such group even existed? Or maybe he meant Rome, Las Vegas? The way Luis Elizondo talks about Bigelow surely seems to imply he is still working for him.

In a recent interview Col. John Alexander is confronted with this and gives the following answers:

“Well, let’s understand, I retired in ’88. So, I certainly didn’t know everything”
“What you find is, you have tiny pockets of people who have had personal experience and the ability to research that.”
“I ran such a study throughout most of the 1980s, up until the time that I retired. Now, the difference between what Lu was able to do and me is, he got funded, we did not.”

About the results of AATIP, Col. Alexander had this to say:

”I think that they have acquired some data that looks interesting, but having said that, I think when it gets down to the bottom line questions, like, what is it? Where has it come from? How can this all be? I don’t think they’re any closer than anybody else.”

So no disclosure, but exposure and getting rid of the stigma seems to be the goal.

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: Guest101

I like his scientific approach of letting the data speak for itself. He seems to aim for more public pressure leading to the de-classification and release of more data

Exactly, they want to understand something that we will not comprehend in a thousand years from now..

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: SacredLore


He wont say what he thinks it is when asked bout it, but he say he has a theory..

Perhaps he have the same as mine, that they are human controlled crafts from the future.. drones or manned

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 12:21 PM
Yeah, interesting Q & A. I noted some things of interest but decided not to comment in detail without a transcript and I'm not personally up to transcribing it.

Much of what Elizondo says is reasonable enough and I enjoyed watching/listening with my first cuppa, but I also noted what seemed to me some very sly weasel words and phrasing.

While he did take on some of the hard questions being posed by the community, I would also note some issues/questions that were notable for not being addressed.

One example: Elizondo explains away his own background in the biological fields, but his sidestep doesn't address why the board itself is heavily stacked that way.

He definitely has a sharper mind than his mannerisms, on first sight, might suggest to someone encountering him.

Before taking him at face value, however, I suggest waiting a bit longer as I know some researchers are soon to be addressing some discrepancies in Elizondo's various statements and background.

Having said all that, I at the same time agree it's a conversation we the public need to have with our representatives. Will we get a straight answer? We haven't so far...

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 02:29 PM

Those of you who are healthy skeptics remain skeptical, I think you need to ask the hard questions , push the boundaries because that's how we find the truth.

A quote from Mr Elizondo I think deserves quoting , other than that it's just the same old same old , he had nothing to say really and no hint of anything significant coming from TTS.

He seems like a decent bloke but so does the guy who sells used cars in town , not sure I believe AAITP continued after loosing it's funding but perhaps it was an informal operation.
Where's Tom ?
edit on 25-2-2018 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 03:10 PM

He said it's hard enough now to point any fingers and say "it's Russians" or "it's Chinese" or someone else, because they're seeing it for a while now and it is SO advanced that is hard enough for the US government to replicate it with our understanding of quantum mechanics.

I wonder how will TTSA build such a machine with only their 3k investors... LOL.

This thing is a big joke. They know what it is and Elizondo is there to earn people's trust. The next step I don't know, maybe it's really an fake alien invasion.

Also, when we was asked, again, if the events they investigated had posed any threat, he gave the same answer from the last interview. Seems like a decorate speech for me.
edit on 25/2/2018 by vinifalou because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: cheesy

Must be the supernatural entering our reality

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: 0bserver1

For me it is plausible that people like Elizondo do not have all the answers that the UFO community thinks "the government" has.
There probably are some individuals or groups that know (a bit) more (even Doty has acknowledged that Roswell was for real). But the most likely explanation remains that the phenomenon is not well understood.

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: SacredLore

even Doty has acknowledged that Roswell was for real

That's good enough reason to believe it isn't for real.

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Guest101

Thanks for the information regarding Col. John Alexander!

I have come to the conclusion that we cannot expect "partial disclosure" or even "full disclosure" from TTSA within the next few years. What this seems to be all about is confirmation as Grant Cameron puts it.

Confirmation would simply mean that the MSM and a majority of inhabitants of earth would be convinced of the fact that the phenomenon EXISTS and that it is something measurable and visible but outside of our current understanding of the universe. In my eyes this alone would already be HUGE progress and it could be a source of great inspiration for humanity.

Where that takes us then is another question, but I see nothing wrong with having (only) confirmation as a first step.
My current hope is that TTSA will come up with irrefutable evidence and that they will succeed in establishing "confirmation".

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Glad to see that you took the time to listen to the interview! Dialogue is what is needed and I think Elizondo is making an honest effort on his part.

Yes, it seems like they expect the public to become active, to place FOIA requests, contact their representatives, etc. Looks like their power is limited to throwing out a bone. It would be sad if it would turn out that there are no dogs out here who want to chase after that bone

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: gortex

Great that you found something you can agree with in Elizondo's interview

As for Tom DeLonge, he has become silent on all social media. In the best case he is busy preparing the next step. In the worst case he was told to shut up.
edit on 25-2-2018 by SacredLore because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: SacredLore

I think it likely that now he's become president of a media company he's gone back to being a musician and is probably working on the expected reunion with Blink-182.

TTS will take us no further forward , they have nothing to offer the UFO community other than more of the same of what is already there.
edit on 25-2-2018 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 04:26 PM
The thing is this is supposed to be about TDL’s great connections to inside people who know something.

This guy says absolutely nothing and says he knows nothing.

What about disclosure?

What about all the hints TDL gave about some grand disclosure?

Elizondo is merely talking about a organization to scientifically study what, exactly?

Is he a security expert or a scientist?

What are his credentials?

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: gortex

You could be right about the Blink-182 reunion. And many old fans would welcome it. Why not.
I am also looking forward to the second part of the Sekret Machines novel. The first book was a great read.

Indeed, I do not expect anything of a different order of magnitude from TTSA within the next two years.
But it was said that there is much more similar material. If they can come up with gun camera footage that undeniably demonstrates "impossible" maneuvering that would be good enough. It would be the first official confirmation in history that something is out there.
I also have some hope for the meta-material thing. They have some scientists on board, about time they got busy.
edit on 25-2-2018 by SacredLore because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: SacredLore
a reply to: The GUT

Glad to see that you took the time to listen to the interview! Dialogue is what is needed and I think Elizondo is making an honest effort on his part.

Yes, it seems like they expect the public to become active, to place FOIA requests, contact their representatives, etc. Looks like their power is limited to throwing out a bone. It would be sad if it would turn out that there are no dogs out here who want to chase after that bone

Haven’t we had dialog already.

We need an organization to tell us we need dialog?

TDL was claiming he had some deep inside info.

So this guy comes out and says he knows nothing.

Researchers have been doing FOIA for years
edit on 25-2-2018 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

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