posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 06:48 PM
Could it be, at the heart of anti NWO'ists is a sence that "I am not a part of it, and they won't play with me, so lets stop it?"
Deep down are people just upset that they are not in a position of power? If someone tapped you on the shoulder and siad "Look I want you to join is,
we have a Bilderburg meetin here, come and be a part."
Who would say "No"
If you were offered power, position and prestige, in the next world government, who would turn it down?
Is the opposition really just a case of "sour grapes?"
The NWO is a fun bogey man to lampoon, because there is no one who wants to defend it, no one stands up and says "Its actually just some nice guys
who want to improve the world" no one even admits that its real.
So as a result the extremists and wacko's get a field day, they can call the NWO whatever they hate. You get people saying they know all about it
when we are really just listening to their deluded paranoid fantasies.
Its also a label you can stick on things you hate...
I hate international companies therefore they are part of the NWO.
I hate the govt, there its a NWO lackey.
The label NWO has come to mean anything you want it to be, anyone or any organization you want to slander or disagree with.
Its the same as "witch' in the middle ages.
OK Bush talked about the NWO, but what was he actually meaning? Is it the same as what we mean here? or have we twisted his words?
Is the NWO just a label for every secret group and power structure we are afraid of, is it just shadows on the wall? Are we just frightened by the
paranoia of others?
I bet there will be people who read this who will say "Man that guys just a NWO stooge, "
Sometimes fantasy and intrigue, the sence that "I know more than others" or "I have secret knowledge" gives people self esteem and a sence of
power in their powerless lives.
Just some ideas, ...
[Edited on 1-7-2003 by Netchicken]