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Importance of Masculinity and Self-Respect

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posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 05:02 AM

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 05:04 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

originally posted by: rockintitz
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

C'mon man. I asked you a reasonable question. Give me an example of something that is overly masculine.

You're right, when you really think about it, it's hard to think of a good example which couldn't be justified in some way, which is why I'm not so critical of masculinity these days, but there are still times where it annoys me. For example here in AU if you're a guy you're basically a seen as a wimp if you don't watch football and drink beer, both things I don't particularly enjoy, but which dominate our culture to an extent where I find it annoying.

Haha, I detest footy. And cricket. All those years of me sitting in the lounge in front of my PC programming and logging onto bulletin boards, having to listen to my old man yelling at the tv watching the weagles play... Never understood it. Never will.

And yet, I would have never been considered a nerd, to look at me. Though, to listen, is a different thing. A mate and I were sitting on murray st mall once decades ago, arguing about servers at work, as we drank out 1.25 litre bottle of coke and bourbon... out of the blue we hard these women giggling, we turned around and they had been listening to what looked like two hooligans talking serious nerdy crap.. lmao.. wish I could remember exactly what we were yelling at each other about, but yeah...

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 05:53 AM
I dont give a dam what anyone else thinks about my masculinity as a man. I will be who I am. To hell with what these sjw's, feminazis, soy boys want.

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 06:13 AM

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 06:40 AM

Tucker Has Another Interesting Sit Down With The Clinically Insane


edit on 2 24 2018 by burgerbuddy because: (no reason given)

edit on 2 24 2018 by burgerbuddy because: (no reason given)

edit on 2 24 2018 by burgerbuddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 06:52 AM
Where is that place wonder woman is from?

Oh yeah, it's not real!

(watching the destroyer kick the freaky blue bitches ass) SHEILD.

Men have built civilizations. Ask anyone.

The Kinzie females weren't even sentient.

Even in sci fi they don't count.

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder
Ok this is a geographical thing. AU sounds very behind the times to me.
You seem to have an outdated stereotypes of men In what you perceive to be the “truth”. It’s not the truth anywhere else really. Not in Canada.

This self respect you speak of is only going to happen if you like yourself for who you are and want to be , without giving a # about what anyone else thinks

Maybe that’s hard to do where you happen to live.

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: fiverx313
well thank god you're here to tell all us women what we really want


Women have never been able to choose.

They want their men to have Alpha and Beta qualities which doesn't exist.

A man cannot physically possess both qualities... it's either one or the other.

There is a clear cut distinction between the two, and each excel in their own areas.

True Story.

Alphas are bad at intimacy, chemistry, and sometimes lack intelligence.

Betas are bad at Dominance and Authority and lack the capability of being a complete bad@ss (which is attractive to women)

Bandits illustrates what I'm talking about quite nicely:

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: badw0lf

In my opinion, it is the thug tough guy who walks around after being kicked out of a night club for starting fights, who engages with a random person, coward punches them and smirks for a selfie. 

You obviously have a very negative view on men in general. Because I've seen many women do exactly what you described.

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 08:52 AM
dude....homerun buddy Flagg

you knocked it otta the park....a great athlete bud

BIG KNOCK, BABY big knock!!
edit on 24-2-2018 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: rockintitz
a reply to: badw0lf

In my opinion, it is the thug tough guy who walks around after being kicked out of a night club for starting fights, who engages with a random person, coward punches them and smirks for a selfie. 

You obviously have a very negative view on men in general. Because I've seen many women do exactly what you described.

Men clearly get in fights more often, in fact in Sydney they created a law banning alcohol being served after a certain time because pub fights were becoming such a large problem with groups of inebriated men. Of course the alcohol brings it out more but men are generally more violent, it's just in our nature as the ones who have always had to hunt and protect our family.

However the point of this thread is that such traits are not always a bad thing, we wouldn't have Bruce Lee if he didn't dedicate his life to learning martial arts and develop his own fighting style. The problem is excessive masculinity or juvenile masculinity which lacks refinement and wisdom. Anything in excess can be a bad thing and masculinity is no exception, but it also has a place.

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry


No, just get a job that burns your body while you earn money. I would rather cut out my eyes, burn off my tongue and sit balls first on an upside down lawnmower, at once, than ever exercise for its own sake. If you even need to worry about how many calories you burn, or whether your upper body gets the workout it needs from a day in your life, YOU NEED A NEW, PHYSICAL JOB! Let me spell it out, if you are a mechanic, or a welder, or a bricklayer, or someone who does real labour for their work, you do not need a gym membership, you do not need to do ab crunches by the thousand, or any of that garbage. Bunch of needless preening is all that is, and there is nothing less manly than a fellow obsessed with his body.

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: DD2029

Women have never been able to choose.

They want their men to have Alpha and Beta qualities which doesn't exist.

A man cannot physically possess both qualities... it's either one or the other.

I wouldn't say it's always one or the other, but it is usually that way. And it's fine if they like both qualities in a guy, my problem is when they continually rant about how they cannot find a "nice guy" when usually what they want is someone who is confident and has good social skills, which is why they never find the nice guys. The nice sensitive guys are usually "beta" males, they tend to have a higher intelligence but they have lower social skills and less self-confidence. I could go quite deep into the subject of how intelligence often comes as a trade off for social skills but that's a thread for another time. The point is females are biologically predisposed to desire well built men who are confident and have social skills, these guys will always find it easier to get girls than the smart nerdy guys who aren't so well built.

Of course there are plenty of women who do truly like those types of guys but once again it doesn't usually work that way. I see lots of sexy firemen calender's but I've never seen a sexy physicist calendar. My message in this thread to males is, don't hate your masculinity because feminists tell you it's a bad thing, accept it and learn to use it to your advantage instead of letting everyone use it against you. It's no different to hating yourself for the color of your skin, it's dumb and counterproductive. Embrace who you are and don't let others take your dignity. Be the beta and the alpha simultaneously. Don't try to impress women by acting like testosterone filled moron, but also don't let them walk all over you. I will never suppress or hide my intellect because I think girls wont like it, but I will also not suppress my masculinity for that reason.

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: aethertek
A man can be masculine without being a douche.
It's the 21st century, cave men not required.


Same goes for women.
But you don't see people using the phrase "toxic femininity" do you?
It's a double standard that you once again are incapable of seeing.

What is toxic femininity you ask?
Anything from the slut walk to intersectional 3rd wave feminism. You don't see a "douch walk" do you? Do try and show some common sense. Because your replys are rather unbecoming...

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: JAY1980

Same goes for women. But you don't see people using the phrase "toxic femininity" do you?

Well I believe its high time we started using the term Toxic Femininity.

Because there sure are toxic ones around.

edit on 24-2-2018 by Blastoff because: spelling

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: fiverx313

I did not interpret the OP as telling any woman what they want in a man. Why did you have to assume that he cares what a woman wants and that what he is saying relates to women?

Women today are just as needy for men as ever. The only difference is now they have been programmed to see themselves as they are portrayed in the media and movies. They are superheroes, they have superhuman courage and strength. That might potentially be true, but I haven't seen it.

Most woman are happy to have fake long fingernails and show their cleavage while wearing ridiculous high heeled shoes that wouldn't allow them to jog, let alone do anything superhuman.

By the way, I am a female....

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: rockintitz
a reply to: badw0lf

In my opinion, it is the thug tough guy who walks around after being kicked out of a night club for starting fights, who engages with a random person, coward punches them and smirks for a selfie. 

You obviously have a very negative view on men in general. Because I've seen many women do exactly what you described.

Right... so I hate men because I hate wankers?? Got ya.. go pump some iron man, you're looking a little tired in your pink dress.

Oh and I've seen women to the same too, but you asked a question, I answered it. Are you assuming someones masculinity now? Tell that to the feminists...

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: FyreByrd
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I think the phase "Toxic Masculinity" was coined to differentiate it from "Healthy Masculinity".

Most ATS members assume that a qualifying word preceding a noun is actually its new identity. For example, Trump says "Crooked Hillary" but he's never offered any anecdotes about "Honest Hillary".

Fragile masculinity prevents many men from seeing that toxic masculinity is the antonym of a very real and wonderful healthy masculinity. As usual, masculinity kills masculinity. The patriarchy doesn't only hurt women; it hurts men in several ways.

posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980

originally posted by: aethertek
A man can be masculine without being a douche.
It's the 21st century, cave men not required.


Same goes for women.
But you don't see people using the phrase "toxic femininity" do you?
It's a double standard that you once again are incapable of seeing.

What is toxic femininity you ask?
Anything from the slut walk to intersectional 3rd wave feminism. You don't see a "douch walk" do you? Do try and show some common sense. Because your replys are rather unbecoming...

LOL,,,Oh my god, grow a pair.


posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

In a sense it is sort of necessary though.

I was an athlete ... good lord, I've been in positions where I've been bringing this up a lot lately ... and my husband is the sensitive, nerdy, smart kind of guy. *But* he was also active when I met him and the summer we were first involved, he pitched in a kept up with me on all my summer workouts - weight room, step aerobics, pool - whatever. He was right there with me keeping pace and encouraging me to stay at it.

On the other end, I was all in with him on every one of his pursuits because they were mine too. I was also the nerdy, smart girl in my non-athletic life.

I needed both sides to make my match, and he had it, and he wasn't intimidated by either end and I could tell and that's where it all worked out.

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