More information on the U.N.'s illegal sexcapades!
Theft ... death ... rape .... what is amazing is that
the American tax payers continue to put up with our
tax $$ going to this bunch of freaks, not to mention
Manhatten real estate being used to house them.
The U.N.'s rape of the innocents
Michelle Malkin
February 16, 2005
Kofi Annan must have the world's thickest set of
industrial-quality earplugs.
How else can he block out the cries of Congolese
girls raped by United Nations "peacekeepers" sent
to protect the innocents from harm?
Fifty U.N. peacekeepers and U.N. civilian officers face
an estimated 150 allegations of sexual exploitation
and rape in the Congo alone. Last Friday, ABC's "20/20"
program aired a devastating expose by investigative
reporter Brian Ross highlighting some of the worst alleged crimes.
The accused include Didier Bourguet, a U.N. senior
official from France charged with running an Internet
pedophile ring in the Congo. According to ABC News
and others, pictures taken from his personal computer
contained thousands of photos of him with hundreds
of girls. Police say Bourguet had turned his bedroom,
plastered with mirrors and rigged with remote-control
cameras, into a stealth porn studio. He was caught in
a sting operation while allegedly preparing to rape a
12-year-old girl.
In one of the photos confiscated from Bourguet, a tear
can be seen rolling down the cheek of a victim.