posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 01:29 PM
The public education system is broke and broken.
It spends untold amounts of money, and gets mostly mediocre results.
Remember that kid from your high school who became a famous scientist....or sports figure? No, they narly exist.
Even if sports were a noble pursuit, why are taxpayers footing the bill? Isn't the mandate for ~education~, not for millions of dollars spent to give
a few kids "a shot" at a pro career?
What happened in my area, instead of many kids from every town playing sports in their spare time, the school district has consolidated so that just a
few kids are selected for the team, and it's self-serving benefits. The average kid is left out.
That's just one aspect. Academically, most kids can learn all they need in their own time at home. Kids could maybe report to "school" at their
leisure to get instruction, or to "test out" of subjects after they have mastered them. No need to punch the clock with a bunch of other students
who might have a bad influence, hold up the group, even actually injure them.
I remember the process at the last public school I attended....7:00am to catch the bus, 7:40 for homeroom 10 miles away from home, why? All that
happened from then was glorifying the sports teams, forcing subjects that I had no interest in....and maybe a few classes I liked. Why keep the kids
there like a prison?
It's actually insane and violates their rights. It also costs TONS of money to bus 1000 kids to the far end of the valley, to the big new school that
is loarded over by more or less whackos under the guise of education.
Now we have the big new concern of school safety. I say the whole system is BROKEN, and needs a complete rethink. If kids CAN stay at home supervised
by their parents, why can't they?
I would give a flippant answer to parents who are overly afraid of school safety issues, "hey it's not like anyone is FORCING your kids to go to
school"....but wait, they are. Also to get vaccinations!
This is not one of my pet issues, I never had kids. But I do have a keen knowledge of schools, I got a taste of some good ones and some bad ones.
Quaker "Friend's" schools were pretty good, so was the Bohemian hippy school I went to. Call teacher by first names, don't have to be on campus if
you don't have a class (8th grade Chestnut Hill, PA)
I know things are very different now, that's the problem. Parents should be encouraged to keep kids home schooled, not discouraged. Also ramming a
ton of different subjects on a kid who may excell at just few, why? Also get the sports OUT! Let parents who kid's play pay for that non-academic
Schools should simply be a place that is available for whatever academic purpose the student's parent desires. The option for paranoid parents to
send their kids to super-secure venues, well that should be at their expense. I have an answer for everything.