a reply to:
The gov may be part of some false flags, but it doesn't mean it would stop shooting from angry kids.
Here is how to start. Some of the shooting have more to do with bullying causing hatred among others than anything else.
1. Teachers/Principles needs to be less corrupt and start dealing with bullies completely.
I've been bullied in school before, I know how bullying works. Teachers tend to ignore the bullies the most because it usually becomes 5 vs 1 issue.
They need to start manning up, watching bullies and making detentions seriously. Bullies should be separated in detention into two different classes
rooms as in no bully group is together in one classroom. They can be forced to do small chores(not dangerous ones) in school for late hours as
punishment, this is needed later on for experience.
2. Force people into groups for teaching instead of letting children choose their own group.
I have been a bully before, I also know how it works. A lot of bullies tend to be grouped together and picked who should join their group. Teachers
needs to seriously separate bully groups and force them to partner with kids they are bullying/don't like to begin with. This would loosen tension
between the bullied and bully. They are forced to work together for projects or assignments. The teacher will be the bully of bully as in if they fail
certain assignment they don't pass the course.
The whole bullying thing is like security guards(fighter) vs scientists(nerds). Someone seems to be good at fighting and someone else is good at doing
work alone/research. They both need to learn to work together. Just like in the real world.
3. Have more practical assignments/projects instead of one long project near end
In the real world, we have more practical projects than assignments when working. Sure maybe can just keep giving assignments till grade 6 is fine.
But, when people become teenagers, they are smarter and willingly to learn for jobs. Math course for example needs to have more real world math and be
made as certain projects, this way teachers can group kids into working together instead of just constantly sending kids home alone to do assignments
by themselves.
It is okay to do that at start with assignments to figure out who has flaws and who doesn't. Then the teacher would know who to group the students
with(i'm not talking about college at most, even high school as they have way more time to teach, therefore more projects available).
Once the Teacher finds out who is bad at certain areas, the teachers should be allowed to make their own projects and suggest to certain kids on who
does what part of the project instead of letting the students choose at the start. We can have nerds that can do math easily, but we can also have
kids who rather build things(like me, rather than do math). Even then those who rather be adventurous can be doing interviews for experience or going
out of the school zone for the projects, we all knows bullies would do those stuff rather be in school, it is a fact. Then the entire group can meet
up and complete the project together.
This is a kind of a good example project. The adventurous kid does an interview on information hunting, the nerd does programming and math, the
builder builds the things, then all three unites and complete the project for the teacher in a Essay or something. This is kind of a real world
This example is like, the historian/streamer/reporter(history of the building, possible bully), the builder/construction worker(whom builds the house,
kid who hates math but like building things), and the contractor/business manager(the nerd who loves doing math/science) all coming to one to complete
the project for the owner(teacher).
edit on 21-2-2018 by makemap because: (no reason given)