posted on Feb, 21 2018 @ 07:43 AM
I think I'd like to start making my own wine. I'd like to try to learn anyway.
I've made tons of beer in my life, and I actually got quite good at it after a while. I had a friend who was really into it. In the end
though, I decided I actually liked making the beer more than I liked drinking all that beer. I wound up giving most of it away to friends and family
(who willingly accepted). Consequently, I'd like to try my hand at wine making. I've read that making good wine can be quite challenging, and this
was something I always enjoyed about making beer too, but I've read wine can be significantly more challenging in some respects. This bodes well, as
I love challenges.
I probably have a good bit of the supplies already (carboys, mixing buckets, racking equipment, etc.). Based on a little research there's still a
number of other things I'd need to get.
I think I'd probably just start off with some recipe kits which have most all the ingredients before moving up to the rolling up my pant legs and
stomping the grapes part. Beginner/baby steps at first I guess. Probably start off in the 6 gallon batch (30 bottle) range. I have the absolutely
perfect environment to ferment and age wine in, so I'm set there. In fact, it's this environment which makes me really want to go for it, else I
could be missing out on for a lifetime.
Anybody else make their own wine?
Any tips you'd care to share?