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Just got my Bachelor's degree!

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posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 03:33 AM
In useless knowledge!

Hey there, brainiac! Have we got a whopper for you! Well, it’s actually several whoppers to test your knowledge of history, literature, mathematics, and everything else you should, or at least should have learned in high school or college and beyond.

Did you graduate high school? College? Get a doctorate’s degree?

Take this quiz and we’ll be able to figure out your education level based on how many you can answer correctly.

my American history is lacking for my doctorate

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: Akragon


I got 36 of 50 right

You are a master with that Master's degree.

I guess I should polish up my American history as well...


posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 04:07 AM

How much do you owe?

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 04:25 AM
Yeah Bachelors also...

American History is not my greatest knowledge base.

Out of interest i did not find a safe space that i felt represented me as a straight white male within that University.. can I use this fact as an excuse for my knowledge short comings to boost my score under the threat of racism and possible future law suits???...

edit on 19-2-2018 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2018 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: Akragon

Congrads !!!!

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: Akragon

I’m 4 questions in and have picked 2 wrong answers I knew due to scrolling on my phone lol..

Can’t believe it doesn’t have a submit button lol and the pop ups are crazy..

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 06:27 AM
No you didn’t so stop lying with false titles.

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 06:38 AM
44 out of 50. Beat that.

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: Akragon

I know a girl that finished up her bachelors degree in business about a year ago.
She's working a 12 hour swing shift on the production line at a local windshield factory.

She's the most educated person in her department but also the only one up to her ears is student loan debt.
Educated doesn't mean smartest.
Test don't tell you either.

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: ntech
44 out of 50. Beat that.

Multiple choice 'masters' degree, lol.

Names and dates do not a master make.

The rest of the questions were dumbed down easy.

Whats the smallest planet, does a triangle have three sides???

Wipes tears from eyes...

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: Akragon

I know a girl that finished up her bachelors degree in business about a year ago.
She's working a 12 hour swing shift on the production line at a local windshield factory.

She's the most educated person in her department but also the only one up to her ears is student loan debt.
Educated doesn't mean smartest.
Test don't tell you either.

*warning: meaningless nonsense below. Nothing to see here, move along and obey your master.


You could practically be the son of God in this modern world and still have to work your ass off at some dead end b.s. job, just to make pennies and get # on by some big shot sociopath, who is apparently much more respected and attractive, because yes, many MANY supposed "normal" people are dumb as #ing bricks and will praise evil over good, often confusing one for the other, simply due to their own stupidity and weakness...lack of mental fortitude.

Me personally?

Got my degree quite awhile ago, yet literally every job ive worked, coworkers end up lying to get me fired and it works every time. It is absolute horse# how some people have treated myself and other folks in the work place, and whats almost worse is the fact that often none of the "good" people ever have your back, so the # heads end up gettin their way every time.

Ive been yelled at with extreme and abusive profanity, been called a retard with a huge level of perceptible hostility by coworkers and managers numerous times, one manager twisted my arm and threw me into a wall among countless other lawsuit-worthy attacks, another manager said I was worthless, that all of my work meant goes on and on and on including working for Google where two women lied about things i did not do, so they fired me the day after i almost got killed in a car crash, including all kinds of other insane crap.

One of my favorites was the interview for the google job where during the interview, i eventually realized there was
a man standing about 50 feet away, staring at me with a noticeably angry look. He was fully squared up with me and stood there without breaking his gaze for a solid 2 minutes.

None of this is false.

I am convinced that this is either Hell or im being stalked by something or someone that manipulates people around me with malicious intent, to use them as proxies against me and my career, well, essentially it seems like theyre trying to actually make me disappear, and choke the life out of me; not that folks really give half a #, because hey, its not happening to you, so why should you care, right?

I mean really its my struggle, not yours. Its not like any of this means anything, its not like we are fighting a war against an ancient interdimensional being named Satan that wants nothing more than to put all of you into your own personalized super nightmare.

Its always the same pattern, same vibe, same story with these experiences.

It even followed me here on ATS, with people making seemingly random or out of context comments that were actually very personal and so relevant to me at that time, they would make very specific comments with pin point details, and the comments were often in a light of intimidation. To try to get in my head and make me feel weak or in danger.

I even posted in R.A.T.S. about a device i found in my bed. I posted late at night when ATS is usually dead...yet within minutes several debunkers came in...including one reply from someone that referenced several accurate things about my life...including what ive said here about my job issues and coworkers constantly lying about me.

Yes, "gang stalking" or bullying with intent are real issues. Whether by agency spooks, or as you have read above....far worse.

My guess as to that specific responder in the R.A.T.S. thread i made? Probably a CIA handler.

Sounds like obnoxious hocus pocus to most. Maybe it is. If i choose to be as ignorant as many folks out there, sure, its hooey. Maybe ignorance really is the way to be.

I get that mindset. In time though, lol, a lot of folks are going to be severely dumb struck as to how truly and harmfully ignorant they were...and how they were unknowingly helping the "devil" or whatever you want to label it.

To add to this madness, my life has been riddled absolutely #ing riddled with impossible coincidences and high strangeness. So what though, right? Who cares?

Just a couple months ago my mother admitted to me that she has believed for some time that "something" has been coming after my life since i was born...and it may have even went after my father too. Whats the solution? Ignore it! Call him crazy!

To make matters incredibly more #ed up, a close friend has a picture of the two of us from our college days when things were very scary. In the picture you can clearly see "something" coming out of the top of my head. It actually looks very similar to my avatar.

Whats the solution? Ignore it! Call him crazy!

I have been going along with the whole ignore it, business as usual thing here, to appease the enslaved and confused masses who allow the deception, like some kind of mass stockholm syndrome.

Ive had enough, because I know youre still there, mother#er, haunting me; betraying nature itself.

A lot of people, myself included, are at the end of our ropes with this god forsaken lie, and rightfully so.

We are NOT going to sit by idly as our lives are rendered into suffering. We are NOT going to allow this putrid abomination and its followers to corrupt us and our world.

Enough with the charade.

Time to tango again.

Only this time?

The battlefield will be in your head.

In tempore moritur omne falsum Deum.

You saught to make me suffer. To make US suffer. To give up. To cave into evil, and perpetuate a painful and wretched existence.

My answer to your offer, your solution, your whim, is always this:


But I will pray for you, as you are made to feel in full force, the guilt of a billion billion souls that you have corrupted, that you forced to commit terrible misdeeds against nature and life.

As for those readers that actually got this far, my fellow friends, take a deep breath. You deserve it, know that things are as they should be.

Enjoy, and always count your blessings sincerely. I care about you guys more than you may know.


Some internet guy

edit on 19-2-2018 by CreationBro because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: ntech
44 out of 50. Beat that.

Multiple choice 'masters' degree, lol.

Names and dates do not a master make.

The rest of the questions were dumbed down easy.

Whats the smallest planet, does a triangle have three sides???

Wipes tears from eyes...

So.....what was your score? lol


edit on 2018pAmerica/ChicagoMon, 19 Feb 2018 08:03:53 -0600am280320182 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 09:51 AM
I got 46 of 50 right
Amazing! Are you a professor? If not, you may want to consider a career change.

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: operation mindcrime

Masters, "lol".

So what

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 10:27 AM
Masters as well.

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Well going by the forum this thread was placed in (general chit chat) it seemed pretty obvious that most people would understand that this was not to be taken really seriously...

So I was kind of surprised to see your Captain Obvious post but you failed to produce your score...which in my head automatically triggered an image of one of those Internet warriors, sitting in his mother's basement, all in rage because he took the test and found no other option but to discredit the thread in order to save his delusional self image..

Not you of are really smart. One of the smartest guys I know here on ATS..

Hence the "lol" means "laughing out loud" but I usually use it to indicate that I mean no harm and was just having some fun...

edit on 2018pAmerica/ChicagoMon, 19 Feb 2018 10:56:49 -0600am285620182 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 10:43 AM
39 out of 50.... although I'd say at least 5 of the questions I probably had a forced error (clicked too fast, misread, etc)>

Results: Master's degree. I actually have a master's degree (MBA).

Some of the questions imho were fairly obscure. I mean some of the stuff I recalled vaguely, but not the specifics. I mean I've been out of college 25 years now. It isn't like we use some of the art / literature facts on a daily basis.

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Akragon

I took the test.

The message was; Stop using your mom's computer.

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 11:38 AM
I have a Phd. Really I do, in theology, $50 buck on line course from Steinberg Reformed Seminary and corndog emporium, diploma suitable for framing, and all the respect that goes with it. a nice ring to it!!!

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: operation mindcrime

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