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Karma trolling adventure. LoL

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posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

I thought so. I wanted to share. Dont see how Im a an asshole for it. Haters hate.

Some ATS users are 4chan users. It's not a big mystery.

posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Bro some of my coworkers live in shelters.

Bite me.

posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: BEBOG


When I was a street vender I would feed people when they asked. I would also chase and catch everyone who stole from my dads stand in front of our bodega.

Thats why we didnt get robbed as much as everyone else.

You dont let things be. Not when they are done in malice.

Food is one thing. A hat for drugs is another.

Screw that.

edit on 2 17 2018 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Must have been an awfully nice hat to buy drugs with it. Or maybe he just wanted a new hat. I'm sorry that life was so harsh it made you forget to be compassionate. It's too easy to become a curmudgeon these days.
edit on 17-2-2018 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: TzarChasm

Bro some of my coworkers live in shelters.

Bite me.

Bro I was one of those coworkers. I've seen the people you're talking about, getting one over on them because it makes you feel superior is a bad habit to get into. I watched a friend go to jail over a stolen prepaid phone, I wish someone could have just bought it for him instead of throwing money away on lottery tickets and cigarettes. People don't care about charity until they need it, I guess. Being kind doesn't need rewarding to be worthwhile.
edit on 17-2-2018 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Assumptions and preventing things due to those assumptions; is saying you know them as if they are you and in a sense you are preventing them from being a worse side of oneself.

Such a thing is like parenting those not one's child... but doing so with an ideology that they must be you and bend to that instead of an individual with freewill.

Removing that individual is to put ones own judgment on them whether incorrect or not does not matter in ego; and removing their own freewill to act based on those judgements... as said no one knows if he was going to pay or run off.

You took away either option.

So hey how you rationalize such a thing? Your choice... just helping you be aware of the larger picture in the actions involved. Take the personal judgement away look at your story from another perspective... it is a trope. Same story has gone on over and over countless times in human behavior and rationalized in the same way as a script... here's a page from my life as rationale or justification for the action.

That is still your justice or justification; stopping that self rationalization means stopping the self defense as no one is attacking you... so it is pointless and a waste of time to keep doing so.

edit on 17-2-2018 by BEBOG because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 06:50 PM

posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Youre damned judgmental and naive/

For your information I give more than I should. Like I said I have homeless coworkers that manage to not steal and keep a job in between their situations.

I dont like these people that are separate from being just "homeless and unfortunate". My coworkers are that. This guy wasnt.

When I WAS HOMELESS, I was going to try a shelter. The thing is, something people not from my effing world wont ever understand is, that these people steal, beat up, pick on and torment the weaker less fortunate of the unfortunates in mens shelters.

These are the people who ruined lives on their way down and crush the spirit of those around them trying to humbly survive in an unfair world.

I did like many people do. Sleep in parks, subways, and work until I had money for a room, then an apartment.

Along the way I would do like anyone does, Survive with help from those in that situation. We brought to the daily table what there was and shared it like it was a lot. My former roommate also became homeless when he got evicted. He was a back I could lean on as I was for him. Others were there at times. We met a lot of people in that process. He was a lot more compassionate as you put it. He got taken advantage of and took longer to get on his feet. It took moving him into my small ass apartment with my family to get him going. Sharing whats on my plate as I have thankfully been able to do many times in my life.

I will brag though. I am convinced my standing here isnt very good anyways so who cares. I get the love I get and deal with the hate.

Here and now though. I will brag.

I am awesome. Hard working, a savage in the truest form, honest, humble (not now lol) mostly. Helpful, thoughtful, and inspired by greater men and women than I will ever be. I am nonetheless compelled to shine, mofos.


More bragging.
Hell, I have literally sent someone from ATS money once when they became homeless. didnt loan it. GAVE IT like a real G. It was every extra dollar I had at that moment. Never met em. Didnt talk ever.

I have stopped domestic violence situations in the street in bad neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Fought people jumping a single person. Helped blind bums walk for blocks in the summer while they reeked, Holding them like they were my grandmother. While responding to this thread I helped a woman who fell in the snow. Crossed the street to help her up. I am the guy helping all the moms with their strollers up the stairs. The guy giving his seat on a subway every time an elderly person, mother and kids, or handicapped person gets on. I am like the handful in the entire car. Maybe YOU are not even one of us.

I am the best me I can be sucker. Can you say that as you mock me?

I have stopped break ins and fought off the armed intruders with a effing dog as my only weapon. I chased them into their SUV and hung out the goddamn door until they dropped what they stole. Then I jumped out the moving vehicle like a freaking superhero. That was in the papers and I could even show clippings of that to other members here who met me in real life ( and I can trust with my identity) and can vouch for every word I just said.

I am great. Do you have any idea how hard it is to offer yourself, to commit yourself to doing the right thing like that? Its hard. So screw anyone who just doesnt get it.

You will never be like us. Its not that we are special. We just care and that makes us do god damned amazing things in the process.

To all the great people out there:
Rock on like the savage Kings and Queens you are.

edit on 2 17 2018 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: tadaman

When I WAS HOMELESS, I was going to try a shelter. The thing is, something people not form my effing world wont ever understand is, that these people steal, beat up on, pick and torment the weaker less fortunate of the unfortunates.

A sad, yet entirely true, statement.

Many folks would rather take their chances sleeping over an exhaust grate in an alley in the middle of winter than sleep in a shelter, thanks to how some of them are run. Hell, I've run in to more than one that would rather spend a weekend in jail than spend the weekend in a shelter.

posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

At least they get paid for sitting in jail instead of having to pay a shelter huh?

The justice system is weird that way... why wont Manson ever be paroled? Likely because on exit if he hasn't wasted his money accrued on lawyers or prison canteen; they would owe him over a million dollars. So cheaper to keep him and other like him in... or place them in a room with a guy they know wont get along with and yay more charges while incarcerated, to avoid that release.

The amount reflected is an illusion like going down to the bank with a million dollar balance and saying hey guys I want my money in cash as I'm gonna close my account... um sir or madam we do not have those funds on hand.

So it's just numbers an illusion as an amount and not actually stored here... yup!

Yay! can you also make it magically disappear and then only owe me the FDIC insured amount?



posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

I dunno what jail you're referring to that pays detainees to hang out but sure

posted on Feb, 17 2018 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Oh they do... depends on location as the amounts they get for just sitting; as that varies by state. They can even make more if they want working for the jail or prison as a worker in some capacity.

Of course there are those there that use the time to become a "better" criminal in a revolving door system; thats why there's typically a three strikes policy. To catch those abusing the parole and release system to cause more crime from gaining that capital from just sitting. As they use that time to make plans of retaliation and purchases of whatever to sell until caught again with those funds accrued.

The court systems have been so clogged with such from "the war on drugs" that they enacted mandatory minimums etc to move the court system along faster; meaning the court has become a charades game for justice by those guidelines no matter what is presented.

Oh well... until it is reformed or changed, that is just how it is and has been... and people wonder why the government said we dont even want responsibility for this mess privatize it and we will then use our funds to investigate the private institutions. Sort of like how the SBI works for state fraud in privatized institutions contracted...

Takes awhile to account; but the feds do look into each and every case the state makes against people they incarcerate.

posted on Feb, 18 2018 @ 12:28 AM
At first, I was quite disturbed by your story. It smacked of some kind of macho bravado. It totally lacked of compassion and a real hardened individual.

When you shared parts of your life story, it made more sense but shows a lack of empathy for others. Not all the time. It's like there are two sides of you in constant battle. You have and have had a really hard life and I am so sorry for that. It obviously skews your take on other people and allows you to make judgement of their worthiness.

Sounds like you are battle-ready at all times-which you may need to be the survivor you are. Many thanks for those moments when your good heart helps others and here's hoping you find more peace, tranquility, love and empathy for those in your world who continue to suffer.

posted on Feb, 18 2018 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: TzarChasm

Youre damned judgmental and naive/

For your information I give more than I should. Like I said I have homeless coworkers that manage to not steal and keep a job in between their situations.

I dont like these people that are separate from being just "homeless and unfortunate". My coworkers are that. This guy wasnt.

When I WAS HOMELESS, I was going to try a shelter. The thing is, something people not from my effing world wont ever understand is, that these people steal, beat up, pick on and torment the weaker less fortunate of the unfortunates in mens shelters.

These are the people who ruined lives on their way down and crush the spirit of those around them trying to humbly survive in an unfair world.

I did like many people do. Sleep in parks, subways, and work until I had money for a room, then an apartment.

Along the way I would do like anyone does, Survive with help from those in that situation. We brought to the daily table what there was and shared it like it was a lot. My former roommate also became homeless when he got evicted. He was a back I could lean on as I was for him. Others were there at times. We met a lot of people in that process. He was a lot more compassionate as you put it. He got taken advantage of and took longer to get on his feet. It took moving him into my small ass apartment with my family to get him going. Sharing whats on my plate as I have thankfully been able to do many times in my life.

I will brag though. I am convinced my standing here isnt very good anyways so who cares. I get the love I get and deal with the hate.

Here and now though. I will brag.

I am awesome. Hard working, a savage in the truest form, honest, humble (not now lol) mostly. Helpful, thoughtful, and inspired by greater men and women than I will ever be. I am nonetheless compelled to shine, mofos.


More bragging.
Hell, I have literally sent someone from ATS money once when they became homeless. didnt loan it. GAVE IT like a real G. It was every extra dollar I had at that moment. Never met em. Didnt talk ever.

I have stopped domestic violence situations in the street in bad neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Fought people jumping a single person. Helped blind bums walk for blocks in the summer while they reeked, Holding them like they were my grandmother. While responding to this thread I helped a woman who fell in the snow. Crossed the street to help her up. I am the guy helping all the moms with their strollers up the stairs. The guy giving his seat on a subway every time an elderly person, mother and kids, or handicapped person gets on. I am like the handful in the entire car. Maybe YOU are not even one of us.

I am the best me I can be sucker. Can you say that as you mock me?

I have stopped break ins and fought off the armed intruders with a effing dog as my only weapon. I chased them into their SUV and hung out the goddamn door until they dropped what they stole. Then I jumped out the moving vehicle like a freaking superhero. That was in the papers and I could even show clippings of that to other members here who met me in real life ( and I can trust with my identity) and can vouch for every word I just said.

I am great. Do you have any idea how hard it is to offer yourself, to commit yourself to doing the right thing like that? Its hard. So screw anyone who just doesnt get it.

You will never be like us. Its not that we are special. We just care and that makes us do god damned amazing things in the process.

To all the great people out there:
Rock on like the savage Kings and Queens you are.

cool can behave like a superhero, chasing down bad guys and stopping break ins and donating to prevent homelessness, but you can't buy a junkie a pizza and a hat? Sorry dude, but you really didn't do as well as you could have. You can't blame me for being honest when you came here looking for a pat on the back and a handshake for making someone's bad day even worse. Being a clever a-hole is still being an a-hole. Don't ask for the forum's opinion next time if it offends you to know how people feel about stuff like what you did. You should have at least felt bad for a guy being in the position where he feels like he needs to steal a hat. You already admitted to being a troll so there's no point arguing further. Maybe at some point you will rediscover your sense of empathy.
edit on 18-2-2018 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2018 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: TzarChasm

I hope that scumbag dies. There is my empathy.

I save my money for the good ones so they get more of it.

You can go ahead and rediscover your sense of purpose instead of lingering over me trying to tell me mine.

edit on 2 18 2018 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2018 @ 05:25 AM

posted on Feb, 18 2018 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: BEBOG

Sure thing, guy

posted on Feb, 18 2018 @ 09:48 AM
"Karma trolling'? This was more about you than that hat-guy, don't you see that?

Maybe you had the experience of homelessness to learn something. You didn't, so you will have to repeat it. The man there could have been your test.

If you have another opportunity, take it.

posted on Feb, 18 2018 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: TzarChasm

I hope that scumbag dies. There is my empathy.

I save my money for the good ones so they get more of it.

You can go ahead and rediscover your sense of purpose instead of lingering over me trying to tell me mine.

And you called me judgmental.

posted on Feb, 18 2018 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

You guys assumed I wanted praise for helping the stand guy. I didnt.

Thats something your personality type might crave.

Praise makes me feel uncomfortable. Pay me well, or leave me alone, or be friendly. Thats how I see if you value me. Its also how I CAN in turn value you.

RESPECT or NOT. I am only replying to you. You chose to be here.

I know the typical response from people though so I expected this much. Truth is I didnt post this for uptight social judges.

I was honest and admitted I was only messing with the thief and found it funny how things turned out.

You cant fathom that I am different than you and may think entirely down a different path.

You assume who I am.

I could have done much worse.

If I see that guy, he may try to fight me. Cut me actually. He said he was going to box cutter my throat....real gem of the pride you are defending. All of you.

If we do meet again I will let you know how he fairs the next time magic spirits test me. (About to get a slice now.)

Also, tell me how to live in the south Bronx. Sure. I love it.

edit on 2 18 2018 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

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