posted on Feb, 21 2018 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to:
The "fight" wasnt even one... so the popcorn is of little use.
It was just about advancements in computers not really being advancements just enhancements in tracking the end user and whopping them with all sorts
of hooey. In the save people from themselves nonsense that has gone on for as long as adults cant adult so we treat them like children in a nanny
Those that take responsibility have it; those that want control feel safe when they think they have it... some with responsibility later dont want
it... and well some that have control never should have had it because they are irresponsible with it to selfish ends.
The "upgrades" since early 2000 have been nanny state... installing phone home chips over wifi with small chunks of data off of cmos power even if
ones computer does not have wifi it still does being chipped with cell phone chips etc. so the surveillance state can rise to the levels of safety or
stupidity required or pad the ground and put helmets on everyone as whomever sees fit whether they need it or not and only some are asking for it.
Of course in later regret some cannot erase internet life; and we have a whole generation or two online being dumb and stupid with personal
information so we have to nanny them until they learn to not give everyone n00ds etc... of course nanny state is so large and entrenched now... all
can be watched and tracked who to and where to in real time. So of course thats just the way it is so some protectionism is a given.
Bios despite what was said all computers still have bios... if anyone disagrees you are not looking deep enough into system files... no nanny state
without it as that controls the phone home. Server side snapshots also take place... Lock bios and damned if they wont break it just to see what you
are doing and screw everything up, open source well others break it to see what you are doing just the same... so white hatters, black hatters and
alphabet all want your data weeee and now why cant I get any work done? Because no privacy even with sensitive material... like the OS or App owners
thinking because you use their stuff they get the creative license from you in the EULA ever read one of those? Pages and pages and your signature
auto signed by certificates retroactively agreeing to any and all future updates to the EULA
Anyways thats the architecture nothing to hide who cares they will want that history anyway just the same as a single FB thumbs up means dollars to
Internet security is a fallacy so if one wants to keep their projects safe from prying eyes they have to old school it... offline with old tech. So
that is one way to protect ones own intellectual property since everyone on line including software manufacturers think they own yours just for using
theirs in a share and share a like system. But I didnt agree to that haha ELUA she's a fancy lass and each data miner opps I mean provider has one.
Well I have popped enough for you and the birds so have fun...