posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 10:32 PM
I'll pay for my cremation, I wouldn't donate my body to science, and there aren't enough good parts left after years of construction work to start
donating anymore.
I have been experimenting on myself for nine years now, the doctors experimenting just ruined some of my organs. I will go to a doctor if I need one,
but I actually enjoy finding the cause of problems that arise. I doubt if I will ever get cancer, it seems that the diet that keeps my epilepsy under
control actually keeps cancer from growing. So they can't even use my cancer to show in classrooms. I dropped out of college the day of my first
autopsy on a cadiver, I hated the smell and was disgusted with what I had heard going on in my first Doctors class I took, I quit both classes after
the first day. No way do I want to be pickled.
I can get flamed for about three and a half grand, I will pay the price. Straight to the furnace for me.
I wish they would let people incinerate bodies of their own relatives, I would build a big furnace to do it in...for cheaper than a grand. It would
take about a single of wood to burn a body and maybe a keg of good beer for the people who do it.