hello fellow earthlings!
i Rokesh, finally come from the depths of the background, to be seen in the light.
may the light also shine in my corners of the earth!
more than ever do i feel this is the time to rise and join the ranks of the seekers and no longer lurkers.
those shining light in every way or shape, on the truths that have been hidden from and dividing us for so long.
i've been watching since shortly after 9/11 and i'm interested in many topics on this board.
even the fringe, abstract and unthinkable
i'll be 40 in a few moons or more and have never been a "fan" of anything. not in the media sense anyway.
but i must admit that over the years i have become a fan of sorts of some of the members active on this board.
even some i disagree with. but love the perspective.
the who's and why's have sometimes changed, but the deep respect for most has stayed.
i guess most have noticed by now, that the problems facing us, are not national problems or problems of ethnics or personal belief.
todays problems are global problems and we have been warned many times.
but for the first time in my life, people all over the world, are seeing the crapoola of our systems and labels for what it is and has caused.
the subject that had us all in neo's position, brought us all to this space (ats) in time (judgementday).
hello to Q all and may the force be with us!
edit on 10-2-2018 by rokesh because: (no reason given)
edit on 10-2-2018 by rokesh because: your/the light, because whos is it
to keep