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Woman Claims Airline Told Her To Flush Emotional Support Hamster Down Toilet

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posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 09:47 AM
This is the third stupidest story I heard today. It reminds of this idiot customer where I used to work that had a "Support Python". I had asked the person to leave the store since pets weren't allowed inside, they complained and said it was a "support animal". I got sent home for the day over that morons complaint, but a couple weeks later when the person had a seizure can you guess what the snake did?

That's right the snake had to be killed, and the idiot almost died when it started to wrap it's self tightly around their chest and neck. They tried to sue both the store and the EMTs for killing their "support animal". It didn't go very far, but the store I worked at did change it's policy so that you couldn't ask if the animal was for support or not. "F'en" geniuses.

This moron may have needed this hamster for support, but I really doubt it was a legal support animal. I bet if she did tell the Airline it was a hamster they probably would have worked with her about transporting it, but I'm willing to bet that she said it was a "support animal" so that she could skirt any fees that she would have had to pay. I'm just surprised that she didn't call the airline "species-ist" or some other garbage.

To bad she didn't just say that she identified as a hamster, and that the hamster she was holding was her husband. I bet the airline would have just let the whole thing slide (now days that is)

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 09:50 AM
Perhaps she is just lying for a payday.

Maybe she pulled a geer to get it home?

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 09:54 AM
Emotional what?
Some of you Americans are either dumber than dirt or genius. Sometime it's really hard to tell

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: ErrorErrorError

Any animal can be a companion so I don't see what's dumb about it? I mean most the world own dogs. And dogs lick their own butts and even occasionally eat crap. Only difference is, a hamster can fit down a toilet.

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: Ursushorribilis
a reply to: ErrorErrorError

Any animal can be a companion so I don't see what's dumb about it? I mean most the world own dogs. And dogs lick their own butts and even occasionally eat crap. Only difference is, a hamster can fit down a toilet.


i wonder what the major difference are between a dog and a #ing rodent.

i unno

also people having a companion animal is one thing. having to bring your companion animal with you everywhere you go is all together different.

like i said before. what if a person has a fear of rodents or something and bubble head sits next to them.
who's # is more valid?

person who cant leave the house without her rodent or the person who cant be near a rodent.

maybe, just maybe if you have to drag an animal with you everywhere a plane is not the place for you.
ya think?

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears

Who gives a crap if u have a fear of rodents? That's a personal problem.

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: Ursushorribilis
a reply to: TinySickTears

Who gives a crap if u have a fear of rodents? That's a personal problem.

who gives a crap is she needs a rodent to make it through life. also a personal problem

posted on Feb, 9 2018 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: badw0lf

Just speaking from experience xx

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: and14263
Before you get carried away by the media spin... hold on.

An emotional support animal is generally something recommended to a disabled person to aid other coping mechanisms.

It might be hard for you guys to grasp, being that the media have spun this story to trigger the anti-snowflake generation but in the treatment of mental illness an animal companion can help people get back to normal after a breakdown.

Seriously guys, you really need to go back to school.

Yeah but she KILLED it! how much support was it really offering her if she willingly killed her pet. I'm sorry I don't care what issues she was suffering, there is no way in the seven circles of hell that I would harm my pet just to get on a plane. I understand that support animals have their place in society, I even agree with them being a thing. I know a few people who wouldn't be able to have anything approaching a normal life without one. So I fully support their existence, no matter the type of animal. What I don't support is the stupidity of this woman and anyone else like her, and her willingness to kill said animal. There is no reason I can think of that would make me kill my animals... hell I like them more than most people, so yeah.

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: looneylupinsrevenge

originally posted by: and14263
Before you get carried away by the media spin... hold on.

An emotional support animal is generally something recommended to a disabled person to aid other coping mechanisms.

It might be hard for you guys to grasp, being that the media have spun this story to trigger the anti-snowflake generation but in the treatment of mental illness an animal companion can help people get back to normal after a breakdown.

Seriously guys, you really need to go back to school.

Yeah but she KILLED it! how much support was it really offering her if she willingly killed her pet. I'm sorry I don't care what issues she was suffering, there is no way in the seven circles of hell that I would harm my pet just to get on a plane. I understand that support animals have their place in society, I even agree with them being a thing. I know a few people who wouldn't be able to have anything approaching a normal life without one. So I fully support their existence, no matter the type of animal. What I don't support is the stupidity of this woman and anyone else like her, and her willingness to kill said animal. There is no reason I can think of that would make me kill my animals... hell I like them more than most people, so yeah.

Thread, right there.
If it was "just" a pet, killing it for a plane ride and in this way is despicable.
If it's a support animal it's even worse.
Obviously just a nasty, psychopath who needs locking up for the good of both animals and people.

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 01:51 PM
To bad no one ever told her to jump off a bridge.

Poor hamster.

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 02:00 PM
if you need an emotional support animal just to travel, you need to take your own vehicle...period. why was this started in the first place? and why wouldn't a "emotional support animal" not be put in the hold with other traveling pets?.....

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 02:14 PM
too bad there wasn't a pet store close by that she could have went to and bought her little pet a few more friends... (male and female) brought them all back to the terminal and found a nice hiding place for them all to hide in... maybe pick them up some food so they would stay put awhile....
but danged, I couldn't be flushing the poor little critter down the toilet, that's just mean... I would be more likely to take the little guy out of the cage and set it on her shoulder or head and tell her that if you want it killed you kill it and walk away.
but, I like my first idea better, maybe the little guy and it's new friends could multiply and take over the airport...

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 05:30 PM
I think for a made for TV movie titled Pebbles Betrayed: The Balen Story. with the working title Flushed Emotions I will cast Terry Crews as the voice of the angry ghost hamster.


balen cowering under the blanket: "eeeiiieeee!!!"


balen wailing: "eeiiiieee!!!"

the sequel will be titled Wail'n Balen: Pebbles Plays Dirty. The Hamsters Back! And This Time He Wants Revenge!

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 05:46 PM
very cruel
poor Pebbles

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 05:49 PM
maybe the hamster was supporting trump and a believer

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 05:50 PM
Killing an animal in this manner, even this particular one is a CLASS C FELONY since it was intentional, and did the airline coerce the woman to kill her own pet? Felony cruelty to animals. The airline suggesting this is also criminally liable.

Just because it might fit and flush down some toilet doesn't take away the criminal element of the crime.

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