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US Air Neutralizes Over 100 Syrian Units In Defensive Strike East of Euphrates

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posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
Seems like the US just bombed Syrian soldiers in Syria if anything.

The Islamic State is gone now. All dead or surrendered. No good reason for the US to stick around. Certainly not the stated reason which was defeating the Islamic State.

Ummm...from the OP..."at oilfields near the town of Khasham on the eastern shore of the Euphrates River."...

I think that's all we really need to factor in...


posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Clearly Russia does not have a problem with this, otherwise they would be doing something more than hacking our trains and setting off tornado sirens.

You even have Russia digitally 'invading' uS?

Nowww I get it.

As far as Russians in Syria, they were invited by the legitimate gubment, we weren't. Russians defeated NATO's covert Insurgent army,, will so again just like in Vietnam, Korea, Cuba and oh, Crimea, too.

Who's winning now?

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: tadaman

Why are Americans involved in a Syrian civil war?

Because we're currently the same primitive barbarian Homo sapiens that have been fighting it out year after year along the Israel-Syria stretch since before recorded history (since before there were even Jews humans have had an annual war there).

Bravo, Murica!!!

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 08:58 AM
Why is this in the WW3 forum?

Why is there a WW3 forum? The WW3 fetishists who predict it every few weeks so they can say "AHA! I was right!" when it finally does happen have been wrong for years.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 08:59 AM
Terrorism at it's most bold and blatant.

Someone should remind Syria that it's country belongs to the U.S. ....oh wait.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Who's winning now?

The ones who now have a quarter of the country and are physically unchallenged, thats who.

There should be no wondering what it takes for our society to maintain its standard of living, and keep that standard for the next generation. It takes possession of a quarter of this country, and the oil rich production it maintains. For us to prosper, another must fall.

Don't feel too bad, it won't be much longer until the robots are doing the bulk of the fighting and we can all sit back and just enjoy the increased convenience in our lives that technological innovation and absolute resource dominance can bring us. We will not even have to feel guilty anymore, because medical science will allow us to neutralize that feeling with some new medicine. Embrace the future.

We will become able to purchase ignorance as a prescription, and it will be bliss! We're going to need it too, because it seems inevitable that the robots in the streets of Tehran is destined to become reality regardless of how long it takes.

All hail the red shield?? Were going to have to do that too! Otherwise our wealth will be gutted through the laws that attack any dissenters on social media after they ban cash and everyone must utilize the blockchain based national digital currencies.

Don't bother being part of the resistance at home either. Unlike Hollywood, the reality is resistors will just end up like these guys who are trying to take back their land, blown into a fine mist scattered across the land with their equipment from the sky Gods.

God is the diefication of advanced technology beyond the comprehension of those subject to it. We are the blood thirsty gods over brown desert people, and soon we shall also be ruled by the God's who move to the sky and become untouchable. Our children will perceive them as such because they will yield unwavering and infinite power to bring everyone of us grounders into submission from the sky where nobody with resistance in mind will ever be able to reach them.

The Red Shield owns us all. Resist and die, or yield and prosper. Those are the choices.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Clearly Russia does not have a problem with this, otherwise they would be doing something more than hacking our trains and setting off tornado sirens.

You even have Russia digitally 'invading' uS?

Nowww I get it.

As far as Russians in Syria, they were invited by the legitimate gubment, we weren't. Russians defeated NATO's covert Insurgent army,, will so again just like in Vietnam, Korea, Cuba and oh, Crimea, too.

Who's winning now?

1.Vietnam was a political loss alone. they went commie.NVA generals have said f the US had stayed they would had won.
2.Korea was a Draw. see SK for proof.and officially it was a police action.
3. its cuba. who cares.CIA. was the only loser there.
4. Crimea a river lol. Ukranians are not US soldiers.How was that a loss? if that was a loss Ukrane would be russian again.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Britguy

Riddle me this;
What good is a law if no one is enforcing it?

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 11:31 AM

edit on 8-2-2018 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Resist and die, or yield and prosper. Those are the choices.

Sieg Heil !

More like yield and die. Empire builders always say they give people 'choices', lol. Just before slaughtering millions of people.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: yuppa

1.Vietnam was a political loss alone. they went commie.NVA generals have said f the US had stayed they would had won.

Cold old war rhetoric. The commies aren't trying to take over asia, the uS is.

Vietnam was a hot war, more bombs were dropped by US on that tiny country than all of WWII combined.

Millions died.

I pray they haunt your dreams.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: yuppa

1.Vietnam was a political loss alone. they went commie.NVA generals have said f the US had stayed they would had won.

Vietnam was a hot war, more bombs were dropped by US on that tiny country than all of WWII combined.

That's kinda misleading. Air power was relatively new. It was actually decades old but military leaders were only beginning to understand how crucial it was, so it wasn't used as much as it probably should have been. Also, by the time of Vietnam, bombers were bigger and able to carry more bombs by number and/or by tonnage. Fighter-bombers were also more common, so you had more types of aircraft capable of delivering bombs.

There's no way to do an apples to apples comparison, but I'd bet most military historians would agree if WW2 happened in the 70s there would've been way more bombs dropped than were dropped in Vietnam.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 01:26 PM
This is *&#^@ing disgusting.

Here we are traipsing around, all concerned abut the 'memo'.

While our uninvited, illegally invading army is killing people. Hmmmm, I wonder which is more important? The ultimate interference of another person's free will by KILLING THEM or a political soap opera. So even if some minor people get slapped on the wrist or are forced to retire with full benefits, will this stop our war machine? When do we stop KILLING PEOPLE?

We have to start ignoring the political soap operas and start concentrating on the things that really matter. We need to bring our troops home so we are not being used as muscle for other people's interests. We need to take ourselves off the chessboard. We need to start defending our boarders and leave the rest of the world alone. Once we can reign in our MIC, maybe then we can start reforming our political system.

Oh, wait. Was that unpatriotic? My bad, I mean USA!! USA!! USA!! Lets bomb the living #(8& out of them.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 01:29 PM
Apparently there was a counter attack by Russian bombers.
edit on 8-2-2018 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 01:33 PM
I wonder how we here in the states would react to another country doing the same thing to us? Lets say for instance, Denmark invading California because they didn't like the brand of socialism coming out of that state and they felt they have the right to invade to clean the place up.

Then we attack them for being uninvited intruder on our sovereign soil. Then they attack us for attacking them. Does that sound about right here? Or do we have a better reason for invading and illegally occupying Syria?

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: face23785

They did drop more bomb on tiny Vietnam than in all WWII, you cut that up any way you like.

But to counter you argument they 'needed to' , by the time of Vietnam more precision bombing was possible, so less bombs were required. Except the whole idea behind war is to make as much money as possible, by expending as much ordnance as possible. Perfect Jungle Canopy , a nice dirty little war.

Plus, theres no point sending a B 52 in without a 'full load' is there...

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: all2human
Apparently there was a counter attack by Russian bombers.

Got a source for this. First I am hearing of it.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra
was on
They have since taken it down.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: yuppa

1.Vietnam was a political loss alone. they went commie.NVA generals have said f the US had stayed they would had won.

Cold old war rhetoric. The commies aren't trying to take over asia, the uS is.

Vietnam was a hot war, more bombs were dropped by US on that tiny country than all of WWII combined.

Millions died.

I pray they haunt your dreams.

Well sorry to dissapoint you but the dead have more important matters to deal with than me so i sleep soundly every night.
MIllions died in WW2 and the death toll was higher with fewer bombs.. If they would had bombed Hanoi the war would had lasted weeks not years..

As for the commies..there were russian troops helping the Vietkong. A few had even been killed by US snipers.

posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 11:27 PM
As a result
Turkish airforce resumes bombing in Afrin
edit on 8-2-2018 by all2human because: (no reason given)

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