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Home Defense in AU

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posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:02 AM
Saw a rather interesting report on the MSM news here in Australia tonight. They were reporting on an area which was quickly becoming populated and crime was on the rise, causing some of the "crazy" locals to arm themselves in case of a home intrusion. Of course the people they interviewed were quite wacky and that was intentional, they didn't want to show any sensible people who just want to protect themselves and their family from criminal intruders. They even demonized some farmers, they showed one guy with a compound cross-bow and they acted like he owned an assault rifle, I couldn't help but laugh at the level of hysteria in this report to be honest. I owned a compound cross-bow when I was like 14 years old.

At the end of the report they claim, very predictably I might add, that the best course of action is to simply hide and call the police, hoping they don't steal your most valuable stuff before the cops get there, and hoping they don't find you and harm you because you have nothing to defend yourself, and hoping once the police do arrive you can correctly tell them everything that was stolen, then hope they are able to find the thief and return the items before they get pawned off. I remember many years ago my step fathers house got broken into while we weren't home, we called the police and they never even turned up. It was a high crime area and they probably had more important things to deal with than a stolen TV.

I'm just interested what U.S. members think of this... does it seem totally insane from your perspective, seeing as you guys have a much less strict stance on gun ownership? Should people just hope the cops can save them in time or do they have a right to defend their home? It seems the MSM here would like for people to be completely defenseless, even when the people are farmers and other upstanding citizens in the community. I truly don't understand this logic of telling good citizens to disarm themselves completely when we know that bad people are never going to disarm themselves and will exploit the weaknesses of their targets. I can accept strict laws on firearms, but to me this is just taking things too far...
edit on 5/2/2018 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/2/2018 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:18 AM
Well, Australia is ranked the number one nanny state in the world. This "run and hide" advice from the police is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life...too bad if your handicapped or 80 years old. I remember when Lil' Johnny said that owning a firearm for self-defense is not a valid reason, I thought that it was probably the most valid reason of all for firearm ownership.....It saddens me to see how far my country has need to get a bloody permit to play a game of cricket in the park now for f###'s sake!!

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:19 AM
get a pet croc or a couple drop bears .
problem solved .

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: Flatcoat

Completely agree, except I doubt we rank #1, where did you get that from? Places like the UK are clearly a step ahead of us... but we're all part of the Commonwealth Realm so you know anything they do, we'll eventually also do. That is what worries me most and why I some times criticize places like the UK for turning into a nanny state, it's not because I'm trying to make fun of anyone, I'm trying to point out why it's incredibly dangerous, and I realize full well just how much of a nanny state Australia is too.
edit on 5/2/2018 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:30 AM
Make Australia Great Again.MAGA,Oey,oey,oey!

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

To be honest, I got the "number one" statistic from articles like this , but you could be right. Either way we're up there with the best.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: VengefulGhost
get a pet croc or a couple drop bears .
problem solved .

Drop bears.... yes... drop bears...

A Mars bar munching silly hair cut bloke from North Korea as well as some of the many many political “coughs” SERIOUS posters might get scared off by a pet croc.... I didn’t mention shills or paid partisans...

Awwww nuts, I did.... whoops sorry...

Would poo themselves senseless if they came across the dreaded DROP BEAR....

Cowards... the lorra of them....

Bring it on the hard guys n gals from Murica...



posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: Flatcoat
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

To be honest, I got the "number one" statistic from articles like this , but you could be right. Either way we're up there with the best.

Lol well that's ironic coming from a UK news source... they have a point but perhaps should be more willing to examine their own situation instead of denying it.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 05:55 AM
Can you wield a boomerang for self defense? How about a Crocodile Dundee style knife?

Kidding aside, there are a number of useful everyday items that can be used for self defense. I won't list them here for you but you can get pretty creative. You can set up your home for security in different ways just short of booby traps as well.

IMO the victim mentality they are suggesting is far worse than demonizing a firearm for self protection. If you think and act like a victim, then you become one.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:00 AM
I once spent time in Jamaica, supposedly no private guns on the island. I went straight the hardware and picked a flashlight and a machete, (big cane knife). Lack of arms is why I didn't stay.

I am astounded, how did you ever let your families become defenseless. I live in the Us and I hear about random violence every day, but I have yet to even see anything. Most MSM stories are inflated or the incidence happen faraway. My home is armed and we sleep well.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: VengefulGhost
get a pet croc or a couple drop bears .
problem solved .

My pet crock is 9 inches, and sharp as a razor. my drop bears have home made claws, fashioned from an old pair of ninja climbing claws.

Rips bark off trees.

I don't give a toss what the law says.. you come into my house uninvited, you leave missing limbs.

edit on 5-2-2018 by badw0lf because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: TDawg61
Make Australia Great Again.MAGA,Oey,oey,oey!

We dont have real people in politics here.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: Lagomorphe

originally posted by: VengefulGhost
get a pet croc or a couple drop bears .
problem solved .

Drop bears.... yes... drop bears...

A Mars bar munching silly hair cut bloke from North Korea as well as some of the many many political “coughs” SERIOUS posters might get scared off by a pet croc.... I didn’t mention shills or paid partisans...

Awwww nuts, I did.... whoops sorry...

Would poo themselves senseless if they came across the dreaded DROP BEAR....

Cowards... the lorra of them....

Bring it on the hard guys n gals from Murica...



be careful. you get serious terms and violation warnings for calling people shills now.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I used to walk 1km holding a .22 air rifle to shoot rats in the river at age 15. ( Sydney suburb )

On the land it was different. My Dad owned a horse stud and a .22 cal. Squibman rifle.

Still shot rats in the feed barns with a bb gun, hehe, it needed to be an eye shot to get a kill.

Never got the urge to go postal though.

The kids growing up today missed the golden age.
I hope they can reclaim some of those natural hunter gatherer instinct and skills ... we may need them ...

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
I'm just interested what U.S. members think of this... does it seem totally insane from your perspective, seeing as you guys have a much less strict stance on gun ownership? Should people just hope the cops can save them in time or do they have a right to defend their home?

The average police response time here in the United States is roughly 10 minutes. Quite a few things can happen in that amount of time and I have no intention of playing hide and seek for 10 minutes if someone breaks into my home.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I'm just interested what U.S. members think of this... does it seem totally insane from your perspective, seeing as you guys have a much less strict stance on gun ownership? Should people just hope the cops can save them in time or do they have a right to defend their home?

"When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away"

...well that's not entirely true. Someone has to collect the bodies.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

We have a saying in my area,

"When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away"

And for anyone that asks what we are scared of,
The answer is "not a damn thing"

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Lol, that sounds familiar....

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 07:53 AM
Around here,Tennessee mountains,breaking in someones home is probably suicide if they are there.Most of the folks are well armed and know how to use them.I was in Darwin back in the 80`s and really enjoyed the people I met,sure hate to hear your govt won`t let good citizens defend theit homes.There are lots of ways to have a defense besides guns,though,axes,machetes,and even a good walking stick are effective-unless the crook has a gun.A pot of boiling coffee in someones face kinda would put you at a advantage-it comes down to having a plan.Your mind is your greatest weapon,you know your home so plan for emergency actions.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

As the economy tumbles world wide, desperate people will resort more and more to criminal acts, stealing from others just to survive.

The PTB demonize self defense by force of arms, not because they particularly care about you or the criminals, but because they plan on making things even worse for everyone and they don't want the means of effective defense against crime pointed at the real criminals, Them.

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