posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 03:40 PM
First of all. A few weeks ago I already posted some pictures of ghosts. These pictures were from a girlfriend of me and were taken on her digital
camera. The pictures were taken by a person called Robbert van den Broeke and is the only one able to see or take these pictures. He can also
communicate with these ghosts and he is clairvoyant.
The reason that I post these pictures here is, because I want to discuss the ghosts on the pictures. I don't want to hear that the pictures are fake,
because they aren't! I can asure you that. If this thread turns out to be that everyone thinks that this is fake and I am liar, it will be the last
time I will ever visit this board. I post the pictures on this board because I still believe this is the right board to talk about it. For me it is
clear now that these things on the picture are ghosts or at least some entities.
Because of the pictures and the story of my girlfriend I decided together with my boyfriend to visit him and to meet him in person and she gave me his
telephone number. Yesterday we visited him.
My boyfriend and I had each a separate session with him. With the both of us he called names of people/ relatives from us that were deseased or even
alive. The names were completely right. He told me things about myself which I already new and this all was quite a shock for me still. I remember
that from the minute I walked into that house till the end of my session, but even when I was waiting during the session of my boyfriend, I felt very
cold. So cold that I was shaking all the time. At times during the session I couldn't speak because my mouth was shivering because of the cold. The
strangest thing was, and I realized that later, that it wasn't cold inside, because the heating was on. At the end of my session he put his hands on
my head and shoulders and the cold was competely gone and I felt warm again.
When my boyfriend had his session Robbert told suddenly to him that he new that my boyfriend had a camera with him and that he wanted that Robbert
took pictures of the ghosts which he saw at that moment. My boyfriend was laughing and nervous because he didn't dared to ask it, but Robbert felt
it. Robbert took 2 pictures. One of 3 white balls, which are according to him are the ghosts. The other picture he took was to prove that there was
nothing wrong with the lights or any things else. Here are the who pictures.
If you try to enlargen the picture with the 3 white balls you see a sort of structure in the balls. He told us that the ghosts apear different every
time. Sometimes in a shape sometimes as balls. I really find this so amazing that I have no words for it. I am really interested if there are other
people that have this experience. If you want to can ask me everyhing about this session but don't tell me that the picture is fake. My boyfriend
could look in the closet with the glass and saw Robbert behind him and didn't saw him do anything strange then only taking the picture.
The session with Robbert was for me and my boyfriend really amazing and experience. Not only because of the pictures he took but also about the things
that he told us which were all true. I checked everything that he said! This really make me believe that some people can see alot more then we
p.s. i see that the quality of the pictures are not well. Maybe someone knows a way to post the pictures without any lost of the quality?
[edit on 15/2/2005 by rai76]