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originally posted by: lacrimoniousfinale
a reply to: AlienView
Statistically, heavy smokers die around 10 years earlier than non-smokers, but you'll always find someone whose granddad smoked 40 a day and was still running the London marathon at the age of 103. If you're a smoker, you'll take this as proof that smoking isn't harmful, while ignoring the bigger picture - that in general, heavy smokers die around 10 years earlier than non-smokers.
I'm very proof that this is true, not being the 103 marathon runner but being the smoker that says what's an extra 10 years? Could be the very best years of your life.. actually a pretty good stat number there.
originally posted by: lacrimoniousfinale
a reply to: AlienView
At the end of the day, it is pretty much a lost cause trying to change people's behaviour.
I ask you Man, would Evolution ever have progressed if the early cells that were at its beginning were subject to statistical control? - No, Evolution would have been dead almost before it began if statistics got in the way.
originally posted by: AlienView
And one final fact that every statistician, believer in statistics and skeptic alike, will have to accept:
Until proven otherwise - 100%, not 99.9% - but `100% of all, not some, but all, biological life forms, end up dead.
and whether having statistical knowledge will actually prolong life remains to be proven.
Again, if I had the money for it, I would like to do statistical analysis of people who follow health guidelines based
upon statistics vs. those who don't give a damn - And see who lives longer.
- AlienView
originally posted by: Nothin
originally posted by: AlienView
And one final fact that every statistician, believer in statistics and skeptic alike, will have to accept:
Until proven otherwise - 100%, not 99.9% - but `100% of all, not some, but all, biological life forms, end up dead.
and whether having statistical knowledge will actually prolong life remains to be proven.
Again, if I had the money for it, I would like to do statistical analysis of people who follow health guidelines based
upon statistics vs. those who don't give a damn - And see who lives longer.
- AlienView
Sorry, but not too many would accept that "fact".
It's more of a belief, claim, or opinion.
Also: proving doesn't quite work that way.
One can't just make a claim, then declare that it is truth until proven wrong.
Are we familiar with 100% of all biological life forms? We are not.
Back to your OP:
It would seem wise to consider the statistical data, along with ones metabolisim, family history, and to watch how we react to cetain foods.
Personally don't give a whole lot of creedence to stats coming from any govt, 'big science", nor any corporations.
originally posted by: AlienView
originally posted by: Nothin
originally posted by: AlienView
And one final fact that every statistician, believer in statistics and skeptic alike, will have to accept:
Until proven otherwise - 100%, not 99.9% - but `100% of all, not some, but all, biological life forms, end up dead.
and whether having statistical knowledge will actually prolong life remains to be proven.
Again, if I had the money for it, I would like to do statistical analysis of people who follow health guidelines based
upon statistics vs. those who don't give a damn - And see who lives longer.
- AlienView
Sorry, but not too many would accept that "fact".
It's more of a belief, claim, or opinion.
Also: proving doesn't quite work that way.
One can't just make a claim, then declare that it is truth until proven wrong.
Are we familiar with 100% of all biological life forms? We are not.
Back to your OP:
It would seem wise to consider the statistical data, along with ones metabolisim, family history, and to watch how we react to cetain foods.
Personally don't give a whole lot of creedence to stats coming from any govt, 'big science", nor any corporations.
OK, show me a life form that is 'immortal' - that does not die?
None have been found to date.
And when you say: "It would seem wise to consider the statistical data, along with ones metabolisim, family history, and to watch how we react to cetain foods."
True - And that's part of the whole problem with trying to create a statistialcal model for Man.
Back in the 1960s, after years and years of debate as to the harm of tobacco, and especially cigarettes, the United
States Surgeon General, after years of collecitng 'data' statistics released the report [I believe it was around 1963]
concluding that there is a correlation between cigarette smoking and lung cancer - even though they said the
assocition could not be proven as causitive. - I read some of that report - Heavy cigarette smokers [2.5 packs a day or
more had 20X the rate of lung cancer - Still I wondered [back then if you are old enough, you could remember 'chain
smokers' who were smoking as most people breath - what would you expect? - Lungs were not made to breath smoke.
- But I've always wondered, not all those people developed lung cancer - And how do statistics account for people
who were not in the study that collected the statistical data? - Paradoxically the same Surgeon General report found
that lifetime pipe smokers who did not inhale, actually lived slightly longer than non smokers -
And pipe smoker who did inhale lived as long as non smokers.
But the 'fix was in' - It didn't take long for the anti-tobacco people - they soon ran one study after another to 'prove'
that all forms of tobacco were very dangerous - Getting to the point where in some parts of California, if not the whole
state, you can not smoke outdoors in a park because a wiff of tobacco smoke is considered a major health hazard to
a non-smoker!
Marijuana is now legal in California - Why does cynical me keep feeling that a drug that stones people [ a tranqulizer
for the masses] is legal while tobacco, a mildly mentally stimulating drug, continues to be demonized ?
And like with alcohol leading to Prohibiion at the beginning of the 20th Century, where 'they' had concluded that the
'slightest amount of alcohol' was very dangerous to your healh - and could show you statistical proof of this,
feel that statistics are still a weapon of those who believe 'thery' have the right to enforce their agendas?
Like I said earlier, check out 'eggs and cancer' and you will find the statistics supposedly showing that serveral forms
cancer are direclty related to eating eggs !!! - They gave up on the eggs, cholosterlol, and heart disease paradigm as 'facts' proved [for now] that that was false.