posted on Feb, 3 2018 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to:
No, I haven’t seen that yet but based on everything else I’ve read about the remains from Sima de los Huesos, I’m not the least bit surprised
given that there is nearly 1.5 Ma of divergence between African Erectus/Heidelbergensis and the early prototype Erectus from Damanisi dated to 1.8 Ma.
Sima de los Huesos going to be one of the most important paleoanthropologicsl sites ever discovered and like so many before, it leads us to more
questions than answers. Which in my mind at least, is always a good thing. Especially if it makes us ask questions that we had yet to think of.
Between the apparent transitional morphological features which appear to show a clear cut link to earlier H. Heidelbergensis and the MtDNA that shows
a distinctly clear matrilineal relationship with the Denisovans going back at least 400 Ka... this site will be giving up the goods for many years to
Personally, I’d like to see some genetic work ups on the Red Deer Cave remains and comparisons to Neanderthal, Denisovan and the recently published
Sima de los Huesos MtDNA. Hell, the fact that viable MtDNA was recovered from a 400 Ka femur is in and of itself pretty amazing.
But more to your actual question, i haven’t read that paper yet but will definitely look for it when I get home in another 4 hours or so. Can’t
wait to move this summer because the 7 hour drive each direction is getting old fast. Though I may as well suck it up because I’ll make the drive st
least once a month between now and August when I get settled into the new abode.