posted on Feb, 4 2018 @ 02:23 PM
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Thank you. You can both, or either, share or donate a few bucks to his widow's Go Fund Me acc't. I put in $30, but if you peruse the recent
donations, you will see the same donors making repeated gifts. I take this as these are not normal Go Fund Me, donors. They put in a few dollars,
and watch to see if their money shows up. Then they donate larger sums. Mine did, and I got a thank you note from his widow's e-mail. Their target
was $50K and now it's grown to over $85K. I hope by spreading the word, she gets over the $230K that the widow of the Dallas Cop got, after he was
shot and killed, just after the JFK assassination. "Tibbets"??
But think what that $230K would be worth today in our watered down shin plaster Fed. Reserve Notes. Today a $100K sum is burying money, along with a
few months living expenses, for those bereft family members.