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Mr Soros says Google and (Facebook's) "days are numbered" at Davos

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posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 06:51 AM
At Davos where they are all debating the Free World's direction Mr Soros has made a speech:

In a squirrel's nutshell his criticism is this:

He also echoed the words of world wide web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee when he said the tech giants had become “obstacles to innovation” that need to be regulated as public utilities “aimed at preserving competition, innovation and fair and open universal access”.

Do you think that is valid? I do. I think it is new tech that needs to be tamed. It is "The Taming of the Shrew"; "Kiss me, Kate".

It is moshing our young people. When the world becomes theirs it could be "Idiocracy" time. No joke, you know the movie. Instead it is going to be education and kick up the butt time.

I have criticised Mr Soros in the past for some of his Liberal shenanigans, but he is not a bad man. He is a lawful businessman who plays it very straight. If you only knew as I do what he had to go through as a youngster. Check his history for yourself and you will see.

It is quite unusual to have rhetoric like this coming from the Liberal side of our little love nest. It is rhetoric I identify with. Tame the beast. They still need their wings, but democracy is their torso. They sometimes do not realize until it is too late.

My friends, I am feeling most optimistic right now. I see something very good unfolding at Davos. I think the Leaders have learned so much recently about where it is all at. There is a spark of hope.

It is all just fine tuning. Weaknesses get taken advantage of and exploited so don't have too many of those and if you do have vulnerabilities guard them well, remember to close the draw bridge at night and make sure there are plenty of crocodiles in the moat.

edit on 26-1-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:15 AM
Do I read it correctly? Are you connecting Davos + Soros + anything positive? That does not sum up.

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:19 AM
Hehe good luck with this thread, yea the guy had a rough start and made a lot of bad choices that got a lot of people hurt. Sorry I don't buy the benefactor soros angle.

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:22 AM
Anytime you put the government in charge of anything you get less freedom and choice involved in it.

+9 more 
posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

From the article..

“Mining and oil companies exploit the physical environment; social media companies exploit the social environment,” said the Hungarian-American businessman, according to a transcript of his speech.

“This is particularly nefarious because social media companies influence how people think and behave without them even being aware of it. This has far-reaching adverse consequences on the functioning of democracy, particularly on the integrity of elections.”

This coming from George Soros, who has admitted he does not care about the social consequences of his actions - Soros meddles in politics all of the time... his son Alex has been groomed to take Georgie's place, and is constantly taking selfies with people like Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Obama, etc. He's been accused of funding all sorts of groups with the goals of social divide and weakening governments

Soros "broke the Bank of England" in 1992, and played a major role in the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 (severely affecting Indonesia, South Korea, and Thailand)

His NGOs have also been accused of human trafficking and supporting ISIS smuggling networks:

Soros trying to talk about FaceBook and Google from a position of "moral high ground"? HAHAHAHAHA
edit on 26-1-2018 by FamCore because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: FamCore

BTW how is "social media companies" influence different from traditional media? Why is Mr Soros not warning us of dangers of CNN et al.? MSM were instrumental in starting every war in last 100+ years.

He is just shivering because he lost control of narrative. And those tens of thousands of NGO on his payroll? It is probably lost investment.
edit on 26-1-2018 by JanAmosComenius because: to add

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: JanAmosComenius

Simple. He already more or less owns those companies or knows who does. They can control who produces content there, but social media is still too much citizen content.
edit on 26-1-2018 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:31 AM
the man was a nazi . he admits it and is proud of it . you need your moral compass recalibrated if you think he's good . soros is pure evil .
edit on 26118 by VengefulGhost because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: Revolution9

I have criticised Mr Soros in the past for some of his Liberal shenanigans, but he is not a bad man. He is a lawful businessman who plays it very straight.

Soros says one good thing and now his life of evil is washed away?

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:34 AM

I have criticised Mr Soros in the past for some of his Liberal shenanigans, but he is not a bad man. He is a lawful businessman who plays it very straight. If you only knew as I do what he had to go through as a youngster. Check his history for yourself and you will see.

Are you serious?


You alway play the victim in every thread , to support whoever you are writing about.

Im seriously thinking at this point, you are just trolling. You are so one extreme to the next you have to be.
edit on 26-1-2018 by SailorJerry because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Exectly. It is reaction of kid who realized The Sandbox is no longer his own.

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

President Trump has just delivered a whopper again. His speech is very positive. It was another fine speech:

I will leave it for an American to post that thread if they want to, though.

Yes, but if you trash democracy and shoot everything up, mess you bed and bite the hand that feeds you expect others to have something to say about that. The owners of the house will also have something to say about it.

Really, we all have to live piled on top of each other. Without the infrastructure we are all dead, like in a matter of hours. It can't afford to be sabotaged and compromised just because a couple of websites want to have the whole world as their play thing.

It is too late. The war is over on this. If Mr Davos is saying it, and he is on the Liberal end, what do you think the Hawks are thinking? You know as well as I.

It will actually make us more free. It will not be one government doing it. All the states will work together to keep it under tabs. It will be a new idea, a hybrid of the old into the new.

That is what Soros is saying. he has always been innovative. That is how he made so much money. He is well clever. I trust him in the main that he is trying to do the best he can.

Trump and Soros are both businessmen with some differences of opinion. Davos shows that they can both get their points across and both be valid.

I am being very bipartisan here. Both are appealing to me right now. I think they are understanding more where we are headed. It is going to be better, not worse.

We need law or we will have chaos. Do you really want it to continue with all the bullying, suicides, silly pranks, dying of drug addiction, fake news, et c. Where will that end if our infants inherit that; if that is THE ONLY THING THEY KNOW and their foundatyion? You know as well as I what it will mean. YOU KNOW how formative young minds are. It will be the base of their thinking; mush for brains.

I have done miserably in the way the world was. I am happy to make the sacrifice of my life being a waste if it will save the fuure. My life and many more like me are a warning and a strong message. Sometimes it has to be like that.

I have got a hell of a lot more to forgive them for than most of you. You do not know. I find it easy to forgive and to not wanting it to sabotage the future and hold us back.

Don't hold us back. We have to race on forwards now and be the best.

Don't see the glass as half empty, but half full and getting fuller. We got a bit lost in all this new revolution. It is all such new teritory. I have told you in posts before about that. I have given you hints from Kings, quotations of how to approach the challenges of an unfamiliar terrain. Come on, America, surely you have not your pioneering spirit yet have you? Have more stamina than that.

edit on 26-1-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: SailorJerry

I have criticised Mr Soros in the past for some of his Liberal shenanigans, but he is not a bad man. He is a lawful businessman who plays it very straight. If you only knew as I do what he had to go through as a youngster. Check his history for yourself and you will see.

Are you serious?


You alway play the victim in every thread , to support whoever you are writing about.

Im seriously thinking at this point, you are just trolling. You are so one extreme to the next you have to be.

I am not playing the victim. I told you already:


I just explained to you how can I can sit in the same room as Soros and Trump, have I not? I can sit in that room with them and say well done, you two, for seeing the light.

It's easy.

My message has got through. That is what I have been doing the last seven years. I am a secret agent for powers you have no idea of.

I am not the victim. I am #ing New Age Jospeh of Arimethea MOSSAD, Christ's secret agent, lol. I have done it in full view. Not so secret, eh. Fully transparent and downright democratic. My treasure is not of this earth, but it is in it, innit?

Keep moaning though. I love hearing your moans of pleasure, baby as I do my thing to you.

edit on 26-1-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:52 AM
Right on, Comrade! We need to government to police all our thoughts and actions. It really is better that way.

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:53 AM

Mr Soros says Google and Facebook's "days are numbered

The Brawndo Corporation will expedite the acquisition ...

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 07:56 AM
i think it has more to do with control, than anything else. which rather fits in with what we see from him and the groups he supports.

“This is particularly nefarious because social media companies influence how people think and behave without them even being aware of it. This has far-reaching adverse consequences on the functioning of democracy, particularly on the integrity of elections.”

you will notice he is right into the Russians interfered with the election crap that so much of his supported causes have been going on about for over a year now. he might not mention Russian collusion specifically, but i think we can all fairly say that is what he is referring to.

“The internet monopolies have neither the will nor the inclination to protect society against the consequences of their actions. That turns them into a menace and it falls to the regulatory authorities to protect society against them,”

like failing to stop the so called Russian interferance in the election? to stop ideas and ideals that run counter to his?

The internet monopolies have neither the will nor the inclination to protect society against the consequences of their actions. That turns them into a menace and it falls to the regulatory authorities to protect society against them. In the US, the regulators are not strong enough to stand up against their political influence.

and yet we have been seeing that things like Facebook have indeed been trying to regulate what people see. that they have been going after certain groups, as well as being rather imbalanced in their enforcement of things based on who or what it supports. we have also been seeing some of the same with things like twitter, and instagram. but i guess they have not gone far enough, fast enough to suit him.

But protecting the democratic achievements of the past is not enough; we must also safeguard the values of open society so that they will better withstand future onslaughts. Open society will always have its enemies, and each generation has to reaffirm its commitment to open society for it to survive.

yet his views on what an "open society" is, is rather slanted towards the liberal/ democrat side of things. and this is the danger in what he is saying. his real point is that it is not regulated as he would prefer, shutting down any oposition to his ideals. and that is the danger of such regulating. those regulations give power to control. and thus to do exactly what he is supposedly so concerned about. to control what people see, and thus what they think. education centers such as schools have been great for that under largely liberal control as they have been for years. but the internet especially social networks, threaten to undo all that work. since people are exposed to literally every type of thought and opinion. closing down that access to free opinions is a danger to his beliefs being absorbed and maintained by the pollution of free thought and ideals.

personally i think that things like Facebook SHOULD be declared as public utilities. but to protect everyone's rights to free speech, and expression. not regulated which would mean enforcing certain ideals over others. the only regulations that should be put into place should be to stop platforms like facebook from doing things like deciding what people should see. and to stop the censoring of certain viewpoints as they have been trying to do. and being pretty much international platforms, they should not be coperating with any specific laws of specific countries. since what may be illegal in one country, may not be illegal in another. and therefore should be a base of neutrality. ie no trying to toe the lines that certain countries might want.

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Right on, Comrade! We need to government to police all our thoughts and actions. It really is better that way.

We need it like we need the police force. We need it like we need the army. We need it like we need the secret services. We need it like we need the navy and we need it like we need a sore thumb, but WE NEED IT.

It is protecting you and your kids. You will take a while to see that. It is not just one government doing it. It is a community thing. They will all solve it in a sovereign yet coordinated way I expect.

I have done my bit. I am just the early guard, returning to base after all my scouting. The report is delivered. There are many other things happening than that. You will not understand that half of what I do is not in the physical world, but in other realms. I fight the powers of the air and reason with them. Why don't you talk to them, too? Tell them your hopes and your fears and scream and shout at them. Cry your tears and spit your venom at them. Tell them if they wanna be around a bit longer then better get with the program.

Democracy and security so your kids, your grand kids and your way of life get to live to fight another day instead of being Putin's sputum and thinking thoughts, hates and all he has put their in their minds because they were too dumb to know it.

Dumber and dumber or smarter than smarter? Two choices, nothing in between. That luxury is gone.

People have sold themselves out because they have shown that they are still not ready for total self control and government. Your next parole hearing will be in...well I don't know when.

I am a really scary person to mess with. Just listen to this Merlin's crow croaking on the gate post for a while. He is just as mortal as you and will die in his time.

edit on 26-1-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Democracy? Is tyranny of the majority or two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

Beware. When the evil outnumber the good, they will vote to come after you and then there will be no safety for you or your children. But at least you will have the consolation of knowing it was done with all due democratic process.

As for safety, you can have liberty or safety. I prefer liberty. He who gives me everything can take it away just as quickly, and that's the problem with giving the powerful control over so many portions of my life or my children's lives.

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: generik

Well you know how much I have criticized Mr Soros, too.

Do you not understand?

IT HAS BEEN LEARNING CURVE time for us all, rich and poor.

Prove yourself worthy of freedom now. I have leaned, you have learned, Hillary, Obama, Trump have learned, Soros has learned, Mr Rothschild and Mr Agnelli have learned. The Queen has learned.

You never read what I have to say. You just jerk your knees. That is a big problem with people. I have that problem, too, but less and less.

I keep telling you pull the plank from your own eye before taking that splinter out of Mr Soros'. I could dis you with your trash of your history and all the mistakes you have made to get where you are today, too. I do myself all the time.

Everyone is eating humble pie for a change at this Davos and being realistic. Putin has really laid into the free world. This is some regrouping and some lessons have been taken on board. For a realist like me this is well beyond expectation. It is much better than I have hoped. I know they are all very bright people, but sometimes even the brightest of us do not see the wood for the trees. At such times it is good we have friends who tell us to watch out rather than enemies who take advantage of it and try to destroy us is it not?

Hah, would you rather have Hitler 2 to satisfy all your lusts for Jewish blood again? Would ya, could ya? Well that is a question for debate after this debacle. NEVER AGAIN.

I said before this is how it will be:

This should be the theme of this Davos. In a sense it is.

Happy days! Birds be tweeting!

edit on 26-1-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Is this some sort of experiment? You sound like PC manual of some high profile university campus.

And when you are talking about global movement ... well, lot of people around me in Europe does not share your "values". Especially hard core leftists, because that is about money, living standard ... Mr. Soros ruined lot of lives around the world ... no, no true leftist will ever stand under scumbag flag ... few thousand people committed suicide because of Soros actions. No. How you can have this peace of # as a good man?
edit on 26-1-2018 by JanAmosComenius because: gram

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