posted on Jan, 25 2018 @ 12:26 PM
The Fall was one of those bands that you knew of only if you were cool enough to know!
I started with the 80's stuff first, then went back to the 70's punk beginnings. They would fade away for a few years then somebody would ask, "Hey,
ever hear of these guys?!"
My favorite was the cover of Victoria. Most people probably have heard The Fall but never realized it! Hip Priest being the tune I am thinking of from
the Silence of the Lambs soundtrack.
I think I started seeking out The Peel session albums after listening to The Fall one time. Hearing other English post-punk bands and hanging out with
my goth friends from school.
My favorite quote about his passing is from NME where they say that every time he would see Morrissey out and about he would greet him with a hearty,
"Hello Steven!"
Mark E Smith, I probably wouldn't like you in real life, probably as much as he wouldn't like me (me being a poser and all!), but the music is the
thing! Oh you glorious bastard!!