posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to:
There is much to respond to here. First, let me say, that the date is not important. I actually only chose the date because it is symbolic to me for
two reasons: first, it is my birthday. Second, it is the traditional date of the equinox, the first day on which light begins to increase in the
world and the day becomes longer than the night in the great cycle of our solar year. This is only a symbolic date. It is not a messianic prophecy
date. I hope this does not let you down. I am being as honest and clear about this as possible because I do not believe in exact dates in prophecy.
God works always on His own time. Certain dates and times have symbolic meaning because of various astrological portents, but God works always on His
own clock. Does this make sense to you? I will gladly work to clarify further any questions you might have. Thank you for your patience and
understanding, my brethren.
This message was given to me by revelation in my deep meditation and prayer. I have a strong spiritual practice and have for many years. I am
revealing this information only to provoke discussion and provide energy to the turning of the great wheel. It is not precisely true or false. It is
a parable. It is meant to set in to motion the mechanisms of the Divine Plan. I am only playing my individual part, and there are billions of working
parts, for each of us is an individual cog in the great mechanism. I am doing this because I have been instructed to. The decisions involved are
above my pay grade. I am not special. I am a pious and humble man. Please understand that I do not do this for my own glory, but for the glory of my
Father in Heaven. I am only an instrument in His hand.
I am aware of the story of the Dogon. Also look in to the Mormon beliefs of the Seat of the Divine being at the star Kolob. KLB in Semitic languages
is a root meaning "Dog." Sirius is the "dog star," as it follows Orion, the Hunter around the sky. The "Dogon" people are not named by mistake. It
is all part of the great plan of apparent coincidence, which is actually codependent arising of all things in Indra's Net.
Extraterrestrials are real, and they are both what we would call angels and demons. Angels are the only ones that have physical form, however.
Demonic entities are distinguished by the fact that they remain spiritual. This is because of the nature of the harmonization process that is
happening on Earth. Lucifer and His followers (demons) all lack physical bodies here. They can only manifest as spirits. The Holy Ghost is a
concealed spirit, whose true nature has been hidden from people because they would not understand the true divine nature. The Holy Spirit is, in
fact, the masked Lucifer, the Light-Bringer. He is the dark pole, as opposed to Christ, who is the light pole. They are the two halves that form the
bottom of the trinity, beneath our Heavenly Father who is divine unity. Through this mechanism there is balance in all things. All things are
created through this grand schema. It is the blueprint that underlies reality. It is the cornerstone of the true Torah.
Let me know if you have further questions. I am delighted to answer as best I can.