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While Waiting for the Next New York Times UFO Bomb to Drop - How deep will ‘the government’ go?

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posted on Jan, 25 2018 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: Lathroper

originally posted by: one4all
Truly this is about the victims of Government collusion...and not only Government because many people have enough money to build craft and communication so called CONTACT may not be as rare as we want to believe........nonetheless....many people have been abducted for various reasons.....with in many cases full Government co-operation and participation.

Are in a position to back up what you say, to provide any evidence of abduction and not hearsay. Solid, concrete proof. Actually, I'm being facetious 'cause I know you won't be able as your comments, all of them, sound as if they come from an unstable mind. You ought to stick to facts so that you can be on solid ground instead of on quicksand.

How about you don't continue to violate ATS and not offer insults? Stick to the thread subject. If you don't I'll request a Mod to send you a private message.

When I see your worthless replies I think of all those Moose up in New England infested with ticks which more often than not end up killing the moose. Here in the ATS Aliens and UFOs forum have our version of ticks which sometimes end up killing a thread 'cause no one wants to read your bs and the thread dies. You are a tick. Go find another thread to infest.

Or you could wake up, see the error of your ways and become a contributing member offering pro or con POV, comments.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 11:19 AM

I was not impressed with the "revelations" 'cause, as usual, we didn't learn anything new or out of the ordinary. Natch.

So you were already aware of the UFO program? Man.. you should have come here sooner and let us know about it!

I also don't think having the head of that investigation saying afterwards, he firmly believes this is not of Earthly origin, is "nothing." Unless of course you just assume he is lying. Haven't made my mind up, need more info.. and certainly haven't received enough information to just assume that Elizondo is lying or exaggerating.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

I was not impressed with the "revelations" 'cause, as usual, we didn't learn anything new or out of the ordinary. Natch.

So you were already aware of the UFO program? Man.. you should have come here sooner and let us know about it!

I also don't think having the head of that investigation saying afterwards, he firmly believes this is not of Earthly origin, is "nothing." Unless of course you just assume he is lying. Haven't made my mind up, need more info.. and certainly haven't received enough information to just assume that Elizondo is lying or exaggerating.

There are real lies and fantasy lies. It doesn't matter what Elizondo says because it's qualified by belief and that doesn't get you a free ride anywhere. He didn't have a personal experience and is just extrapolating. Anyone can say anything but it's meaningless if all that is being revealed are the person's belief. To be accepted, one has to have personal knowledge from an experience and then back it up evidence, not hearsay nor beliefs. The courts deal with facts, evidence, not with beliefs or hearsay.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

I was not impressed with the "revelations" 'cause, as usual, we didn't learn anything new or out of the ordinary. Natch.

So you were already aware of the UFO program? Man.. you should have come here sooner and let us know about it!

I also don't think having the head of that investigation saying afterwards, he firmly believes this is not of Earthly origin, is "nothing." Unless of course you just assume he is lying. Haven't made my mind up, need more info.. and certainly haven't received enough information to just assume that Elizondo is lying or exaggerating.

So if I was aware. What would I have achieved by posting it here? Nothing has changed. It was then as it is now. We still do not know anything earthshaking. Reports and videos of encounters do not add anything new to our stilted knowledge. FOIA requests supply only mundane information. So a pilot has an encounter. What do we get? A report with or without a gun camera video. There's already tons of reports and non-revealing videos. All they prove is the reality of the phenomenon.

edit on 1/28/2018 by Lathroper because: To correct my grammar

posted on Jan, 29 2018 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: Lathroper

The stonewalling goes deeply into who is at the top of the information controlling pyramid. To understand that question is to discover the central issues surrounding UFOs, global pedophilia/child disappearances, satanic blood rituals (e.g. Pizzagate), abductions of people and animal mutilations, and others, all connected as one story, one main theme. To understand that theme, what's at the core of all these related phenomena, we need to search through all the "noise" to find the truth. We need to put aside what we think we know and open our minds to whatever the truth may be, even if it's bizarre according to the concensus thinking of our times. This requires a certain humility, a realization we are still children and our perception of the universe is yet incomplete.

What resources can we draw upon for useful data today? Two sources stretching far back into the past, when information we lack in this age was still known, are-- knowledge preserved by Indigenous peoples, and ancient religious scripture. The Aboriginal people of Australia, the Hopi of Arizona and others, provide insight into the larger picture that UFOs fall into-- a picture of the universes' operation, natures' operation, and how we are part of that design; and warnings about aliens who use lies and deception to gain power and control of nations, and who need our biology-- human DNA-- in order to survive. These evil aliens, called demons in ancient times according to what could be understood then, are pointed to as those hidden in the world now, step-by-step, over the decades, taking control of the world's banking, mass communications, and infiltrating and gaining control of governments, all the while using others to do their dirty work while they remain hidden in the shadows. These abominable aliens need to be exposed! All their dirty deeds, but who will wake up and have the courage to go after them? Obviously this needs to be a joint effort with people of all nations, religions and ethnicities joining hands. The truth is emerging now, but who has eyes to see and ears to hear it? This is a wakeup call!!

Here's some information to think about:

I will provide more information when I can post a new thread. How do I do that?
edit on 29-1-2018 by Daniel108 because: To add information

edit on 29-1-2018 by Daniel108 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2018 by Daniel108 because: Add more information

posted on Jan, 29 2018 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: Daniel108
a reply to: Lathroper

The stonewalling goes deeply into who is at the top of the information controlling pyramid. To understand that question is to discover the central issues surrounding UFOs, global pedophilia/child disappearances, satanic blood rituals (e.g. Pizzagate), abductions of people and animal mutilations, and others, all connected as one story, one main theme. To understand that theme, what's at the core of all these related phenomena, we need to search through all the "noise" to find the truth. We need to put aside what we think we know and open our minds to whatever the truth may be, even if it's bizarre according to the concensus thinking of our times. This requires a certain humility, a realization we are still children and our perception of the universe is yet incomplete.
(snipped nonsense)

I will provide more information when I can post a new thread. How do I do that?

I've seen so many nonsensical replies as yours it's a mystery to me where the well is located. We're talking about UFOs, those mysterious aerial objects that are thought to be alien craft. The subject of UFOs is full of mystery as to who, what, where, but nothing to do with "global pedophilia/child disappearances, satanic blood rituals (e.g. Pizzagate), abductions of people and animal mutilations, and others, all connected". No they are all NOT connected. This conflagration of linked association results from troubled minds. Disabuse yourself from questionable thinking. UFOlogy stands on its own.

You create a thread by going to the thread menu page and at the top of the aliens and UFOs forum, above the first thread to the right there is a row of 6 activities and at the right end the one with a plus sign (+) says underneath new topic. I don't remember if before you can start a thread you have to reply a certain amount of times. Try it and see what develops.

edit on 1/29/2018 by Lathroper because: To add additional comments.

posted on Jan, 30 2018 @ 02:01 AM
Thank you for your courtesy. I must need a number of comments before I can open my own thread. The only + icon I can find is after my reply and when I use it I get a blank screen.

I can see you are an intelligent person so you must realize that your belief that what I've shared is nonsensical is subjective. Isn't it best to put aside our biases when seeking after the truth? Who said the truth will not be bizarre compared to the concensus thinking of our times? And if there is a real conspiracy of silence covering up the truth isn't it best to keep open minds while there is still time to undo any evil hiding behind the silence?

You do not know me, nor what knowledge I can present that would help people to avoid making grave errors. I am only here to present information showing there IS a connection between all of the occurrences I've listed, and that behind it all lurks a real danger to our world and every one of us. History is rife with those who caught on to what was happening too late to prevent dire consequences. There are dark secrets in the world and courageous people who are risking their lives to blow the whistle on them. But hearing the truth will not help anyone if their minds are closed to it.

In the meantime, here's some bizarre data to reflect upon:
edit on 30-1-2018 by Daniel108 because: To add information.

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