posted on Jan, 19 2018 @ 08:58 AM
Hey everyone hope people are feeling well today/tonight this is about my spiritual path of awakening I'd like to talk about. I mean no offence to
anyone at all, I post with postivive intentions only and to get things off my chest also and that is all.
I had a good think on where to put this thread in as it may have afew conspiracy aspects to it yet its my life i hold meaning to it in a spiritual way
still and most can't be proven yet anyways so I could only think of this one.
I must warn it may be long. But only with respect with no intrest in bickering and nonsense and I strongly stress guys and girls I do have an
understanding and I done a lot and I mean a lot of research in nearly all areas to help me with a conclusion you could also say little experiments too
to bring closure to myself and give light to the real truth of the life we live and what we go through that no one was willing to tell me and even
went as far as covering it all up. But that's OK life is life I understand why.
I need to get this off my chest and out to the ones who are also in my position but in the early stages.. I woke up to the denial and bias sytems
produced to keep us asleep and distracted for easy access to our minds for control through trauma, oppression and suppression by society stereotypical
social grouping through conditioning to certain stimuli and triggers.
I'm sorry but no matter the label, facility, institution or even "program"...wether its hip hop , democracy hyprocasy, even basketball all have
politics on the inside..why? It means that one thing "control" +"obey" + "problems" + "smoke screen" = $$$ then the consumer is the "mind"
just like maths, we're taught that sticks us in this matrixed reality to forget our true reason of life, begs the real answer to the question of
what's the root of all evil of the Money coined true to the dollar?? The damn people who created it and the people who are apart of the hypnosis of
the false sense of the creation of value which also distorts the perception of yet another flase sense of security made from nothing... I mean nothing
plaatic from sourced from earth, Yet people will kill, fornicate, deceive, steal for it and over it and break friendships due to the big unforseen
hypnotic tool that it is and the belief its all we have. Morals lost control gained..
So then why not dispose of that evil tool? Well if you reverse tool its loot, loot the very lives of our spirit our soul." Regardless how I say it
its all been said before yet I will again in my way of understanding.
Full of tricks and deceit, 1+1 = window ans to what you must ask? To opportunity, just as much as it gives value to the equality of 2 in a real
mathematical not just a logical run metephor pun.. Put 2 and 2 together its mind control which to my understanding of the termonology with the use of
metaphorical speech through typing ques of explanation regarless the wording or the context its pretty much the same.. just lik 2 + 2 is 4, 4 let's
speak symbology to me 4 edges to 3d with that on top you go into 3rd dimension of a box which gives it our reality. Life's a paradox They box us in
our mind "brainwash"... We are our own Pandoras box open it.. You don't need authority to dictate your own solitary mind and spiritual awareness
and life's pathways.
Wre I'm getting at is everything's the same just labeled diferrent in reltaion to whatever context it is put in or aspect its related to, to blame
another or sidetrack to forget the real problem and ofcourse the forced dumbing down of our minds. Just as how I am explaining my opinion on the
reason why our world is how screwed and messed up it is today. Schooling its a lesson there right there from the start of highschool and I mean not
the one we were taught during class. Words are spell casting, maths are problems , electricity well you get the picture.
We are metaphors to maths creating multypling more problems for ourselves some intentional some unintentional like breeding kids knowing kids are our
future yet poising them with shots , as school certainly showed but not openly teach us, with no subtracting of it nor solvng any formula just produce
more problems in society hiding the solutions.. Opening un needed tech in this reality to stop our advancing minds through AI and other useless means
for our minds.
I had to get all that out first because its neccesary to begin what I need to speak about to create an understanding to why I'm here in the first
place telling this story.
Word of warning i may sound quite coherent in parts and a little off and lazy in others seeming illiterate because I have such passion in some areas
and ill feelings on others also my mind zips like a v12 engine in drag strip then it can also be a drag along and it shows whether I verbally speak or
type it comes out as is, the way I articulate my processing of info will all that of the way, I will try keep this one short but with in the
bounderies of what I explained previsouly it is all connected and interconected.
I will be vague in some parts for personal reasons and this may come in a second post as well in the comments. This is what I call a spiritual path I
went through since childhood my awakening started in my teens.
Ever since childhood I had interests in the sky, galaxies, to be a scientist and paranormal to find truth in life and help others due to my
experiences. I always thought outside the box. I was always different, people knew I didnt know yet at the time I didn't know why but I think I do
I never really had friends I kept just the odd 2 or 3 I remember once but I liked being alone for the time being of primary with my sister who helped
me through she was like the one who always reminded me of what mum told to do because my mind was off else where in another world and I really
appreciate her for that she was like my protector in this world to ground me when I'd float too high up. (I have grown to not hold memories for
belief reasons but that I hold close)
My imagination I rememeber was vivid, I grew up taking everything apart i never had toys because id break them or id get a screw driver and pull them
apart so my mum stopped buying them, I was an outside kid anyways. I terrorised my siblings friends running at them being full of energy non stop
wanting to play and wrestle and what not jump of dressers and climb roofs.
I was hyperactive yet tests showed I was normal as the doctors said besides severed asthma. I'd do well planned traps to my brothers mates for some
odd reason like little booby traps somehow id know they're coming and do them up how i knew again i do not know i just created them and wait like a
child would in suspense to see my master plan work and get a kick out of it. Yet I didn't see myself as a bad child just very hyper active but also
very closed off and shy if interacted with personally. I loved climbing and adventuring especially trees and seeing things people didn't and feeling.
I also remember never really getting sick i mean very rare back then or being able to catch a virus off people, even now I get sick rarely. (All this
will refer to what I explain later on as it comes in place like a puzzle). I had a lady I recall come asking my questions but then I wouldn't I
won't say my age but I was still very young but only a year ago I questioned it but not till afew months ago I pondered