posted on Feb, 24 2018 @ 12:12 AM
Good morning everyone and congratulations to the 4 year old Shed!
What i wish to say, is that The Shed, for me, is not only a thread in some online forum. It has grown beyond that. I spent years and years in a deeply
dark place without much hope. This place has been an eye-opener for me. I see now, that on every corner of this earth, there are real people who are
genuine, caring, fun and sincere. On some level, i knew that before, but arriving here, writing here and reading your posts has made it concrete. It
is something that i can feel now. And believe it fully.
My thanks to all of you. For giving me strength to face this world without alcohol. For giving me hugs and cheering me up when i have been feeling
down. And entertainment in the form of pics, music and amusing stories that you have shared.
Here is a huge mug for all of you
and the pixies will fill it up with whatever you wish. And have a slice of this: