posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 05:38 PM
I'm Off to bed heeding the call of night,
the promise of Dragon sight,
Re-ignites my passion for life,
when I'm well rested I take flight,
Like a kite fluttering in the blustering wind,
I know where to start but sometimes I'm afraid to begin,
I've shown my heart to the thread my fellow friends,
I only hope when the the rest of the shed peers through the lens,
They see the gem and and accept it's faults,
See my hand and accept this waltz,
Break bread and share salt it's a promise,
That I won't bare all but I'll always be honest,
I'm no Adonis but I'm no troll,
My only goal is to appreciate the banter as well as the lulls,
Be a shoulder to cry on and share the lulz,
Heaven knows this is a special place,
That I embrace, when I take a break from the rat race,
Here there be pixies,fairies and dragons,
And every other beast that you can fathom or imagine,
flagons of mead and cookies for all,
The big and the tall,
The short and the small,
Those who just lurk and those who answer the call,
Dance in the hall or lean on the wall, instead,
It doesn't matter at all just as long as your having a ball ,
in the shed..
Wrote that before I passed out last night and wanted to share it
Please feel free to call me meat or meathead, to me it is not an insult in the least, my name is not Mike it's actually Joe if you don't feel
comfortable with meathead for some reason feel free to just call me Joe.
I'm loving those Dragon pics, the "soft" style is soothing and pleasant to look at.
Please keep sharing them. But please do use caution with the jar of pixie dust labeled "special occasions"..
Do you Photoshop those pics yourself?
If so your are really talented and wanted to give you props, they are awesome!
Please keep sharing them with us!
/Hugs all!
~ meathead
edit on 6-3-2018 by Mike Stivic because: wow maroon was harsh on the eyes..I changed it to teal even though it's not a
edit on 6-3-2018 by Mike Stivic because: Fixed stuff