posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 02:12 PM
In the Gnostic Interpretation of Genesis the SERPENT is considered a Hero - because while "God" only wanted to Control it's new Creation &
keep it in the Darkness of Ignorance - the Serpent offered Humanity the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge - Freedom in other words!
Great points, S.S. It's interesting the hoops that bible-folks will jump through to make excuses for God's words about the Tree of Life. Clearly
Adam and Eve did not die the day they ate the fruit as He said they would. To reinterpret the word "day" so that God doesn't look like a liar is a
stretch. If the Eden account is to be taken literally, then God was not truthful with Adam and Eve whereas the serpent was.
I am very interested in your comments about Karma being scientific fact I.E. the law of cause and effect. When would you say the proof of this
science was established?
I subscribe to the Buddhist interpetation of Karma. As Wikipedia says:
In Buddhism, only intentional actions are karmic "acts of will". The 'Law of Karma' refers to "cause and effect", but Karma literally
means "action" - often indicating intent or cause. Accompanying this usually is a separate tenet called Vipaka, meaning result or effect. The
re-action or effect can itself also influence an action, and in this way, the chain of causation continues ad infinitum. When Buddhists talk about
karma, they are normally referring to karma/action that is 'tainted' with ignorance - karma that continues to ensure that the being remains in the
everlasting cycle of samsara.
In this respect, if evil karma is not tainted with ignorance, than one could possibly see how an 'evil' person could do selfish acts (betrayal,
scheming, theft, etc) and if they are not done in ignorance, karma would still be served and enlightenment could still come. I suppose this would
entail some kind of true understanding of evil at a level most people cannot. For example, I'm sure Christ would be able to concieve of ultimate
evil. If a man could choose perfect good, surely he could also choose perfect evil.
I found the RA/Law of One channelings to be very interesting. Specifically how RA said that it is possible for a small percentage of souls to evolve
to higher densities through Service to Self. He said this was very difficult and is only possible by those who have a very high level of devotion to
self. To me, this seems to speak of dedicated black magicians and Luciferian-types. In this context, it seems that Karma could be satisifed by a