posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 07:29 PM
In some respects, I think I should have posted this in "rant", but it's really a 'Food & Cooking' topic.
You know, nobody really likes to clean up. It's a necessary thing, but it's never fun. Not for Mom (cooking for a family), not for a Chef (n a
restaurant), not for anyone. It's this thing you have to do, if you cook, but it's almost never something you look forward to. Am I right?
So, this brings up the subject of the "dishwasher". It also brings up another concept, the one concept which makes me angrier than nearly anything
about cooking...hiding stuff.
The 'dishwasher' is this mystical device, which can turn EVIL if you let it. It becomes this device where "cleaning" means 'hiding' stuff
(dirty dishes) in the dishwasher. Hey, the counter's clean, right...I cleaned up, right???? NO!!!
If there's one thing more maddening than having to clean up a big mess, it's....having to clean up...BEFORE I can clean up!~!!!!
It's one thing to have to unload a clean dishwasher, but it's a whole other thing to be unable to clean up because there's a full dishwasher of
dirty dishes (hidden, just to "clean" a counter).
When I was in college, I worked in a bar as a bartender (a very popular bar). You learned to clean everything, every night, no hiding stuff in
dishwashers...everything was spotless before you left. All the glasses stacked, everything ready to go.
OH MY GAWD...I so hate...hiding stuff in a dishwasher!!! That's not cleaning's just a ruse!@!!!