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Time Travel

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posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 08:49 AM
Time Travel
Do you think it's possible???
Here's a pritty good site about it if you know a better site please let me know.

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by shiloh]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 09:35 AM
Time travel is impossible!!!, it could result in the collapse of the entire universe!!! You will always have the standar old 'matter can not exist in 2 places at once scenario'

If you change history to create a new future, will your body copy it's self, or just be erased from existence?

Think about it

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 09:53 AM
i doubt no one can clearly say anything is impossible seeing as we live in a world created by our own "human" concepts, therefore we don't have the capacity to comprehend everything - much like how an animal [in our won reasoning] would not have the capacity to comprehend Nuclear Physics... or so it may seem to appear.

personally i find time travel to be highly possible, but if it already were possible, then it HAS ben possible and therefore it has already happened. but in order for time travel to occur i don't think the theory of infinity could occur.

infinity equals endless time/space

time travel must occur through a starting point to a final point, things do not occur from nowhere. for instance if you were to travel back in time to before you were born or after you had died - even to the present time of when you existed, you can't simply zap into existence. otherwise you'd presume you have a dual existence or infinite existence [in other words]. but this isn't possible seeing as you live in the now, the present so anything occuring before would be like a recording being played over again - if time travel were achieved.

i always imagine it as a book, you basically flip through the pages already written, but then this also plays in the whole pre-destination theory.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:57 AM
are based on fallacy...or theories in movies. A big example was just mentioned. It isn't the "same" matter...for instance. Let's do a hypothetical....I, right now, go back in time (my matter is accelerated and turns to energy, travels through a wormhole through space and time, to say 1974). Now, I meet my 1974 self (a little kid).... Would you say this is the same matter? No, he doesn't even have as much mass as I do now... And those particles make up him, and my particles make up me. There's no physical reason that there would be a problem here....if we shook hands or something. It's like trying to say that the Universe somehow is an entity that "knows" something's up, just like the idea of Paradox.

Say I go back and kill my dad. I still physically exist as matter. Somehow the universe "knows" I shouldn't be here? I doubt it. Because I did this in the past, will it somehow "fix" the future (present that I came from) to fit the events? Again, I doubt it. When I return, I'm still matter being made into energy, then reconstituted into matter again. Likewise, since I'm returning to THAT point in time and space...changes done in another point in time and space may have no bearing on it. Who knows though? Since there are many unknowns here, it's totally uncharted territory. But, to assume the universe corrects it, is to ascribe a "sentient" universe....

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 12:03 PM
well that's a good point, but you have not observed the error in assuming that your present matter is different from your past matter. yes you differ from size and mass, granted. but matter remains constant in relation to life. you can't dually exist in one reality - this is the paradox i was debating, a sentient universe could very well be possible. afterall everything else we know is made up of energy - who says the universe is not a system that works within itself?

my only objection to the factor of infinity involved with time travel is that if you died, then life in that reality is over. therefore to resurge that life and travel it would contradict the spectrum of time/space. i do not believe that anything is infinite, things are cyclic yes perhaps, but infinite i disagree. maybe we mistaken cycles for infinity?


[Edited on 1-7-2003 by exwunpi]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 12:05 PM
I believe we could go back in time but you could not go 'Back to the Future' because the future wouldn't be the same at all.The Choices people would have made would be different because you went back so you would have to stay in the past.

At anyrate I dont think you could go into the future because its not written yet.


[Edited on 1-7-2003 by Nightwalker]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 12:11 PM
I'm with Night on that one... If you did "Go back to the future" you wouldn't be in your own reality. And because infintite paradoxes will be created you won't be able to be in your own reality.


posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 12:16 PM
that is IF you take infinity into account, which i do not.

and who says it would not be possible to go back to the future if pre-destination is taken into consideration?

i'm not talking about fate, i mean a vague form of pre-destination which evidently results in a final result.

the future may not be written but it could already have been thought of.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 01:10 PM
The future isn't written. Theres already a forum on predestination. I believe that we have millions of choices everday. And God knows all the choices and the consequences and he knows the choices that come about because of other choices. Yes.


posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 01:45 PM
As I type this I am watching a show on Tech TV about time travel:

After I finish watching it I might post a summary of what it had to say. If I can remenber enough to make a educated post.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by Tassadar
Time travel is impossible!!!, it could result in the collapse of the entire universe!!! You will always have the standar old 'matter can not exist in 2 places at once scenario'

If you change history to create a new future, will your body copy it's self, or just be erased from existence?

Think about it

Tassadar you need to do a google search for the quantum string theory. It will explain how this is possible.


posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 08:48 PM
It lacks the mathematics to come up with such a theory, the quantum theories have no true sence, since quantum mathematics have not truly been solved.

posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 08:27 PM
Just take biology into account.After an x amount of years all the cells in your body are replaced with newer cells. So it wouldn't be the same matter as you when you were a kid.

posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 11:09 PM
Although quauntum string theory does leave loopholes that may be exploited for some sort of time travel, I'd bet more on the time cone idea of Stephen Hawking. It basically states that (as Toltec preaches) life only exists as the present. The past, although defined, can be changed. The future is just what we assume will happen based on what's going on in the present. Still, only the present exists and changes what we consider to be the past or future. The time cone explains the idea of time in a better fashion, I believe, and shows that there are still some possible avenues for manipulating the present to change what is understood about the "past." The past doesn't really change the present, it just defines the present. Does that make sense?

Probably not.

One idea is that if you go back and kill your father, you still exist in your present, although history might state that your father has been dead, he was actually alive in the "first present" in what you would refer to as the past, but you changed "history" under the context of a "new present," not the original moment, or "first present." Since the present is dynamic, you are only changing how you see your history, not what actually happened at the moment it first occured. So now that your brain is fried... add salt, pepper, and maybe put it on a slice of bread.

That idea states that there are 2 types of time travel. One where you change the future based on the past, while the other states that you change history, but not the present or future. Which one is correct? Who knows. I suppose it depends if only the present exists. Dare I say, "time will tell."


posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 08:27 AM
wouldnt it be more like
you go in time changed some stuff maybe meet your father tell him not to take some job or dont start smoking or something else

then eventually you did or told somebody something
which effect your own future
and you just dissapear becuase who knows maybe your father did not marry your mother
which ends up in you never being born

so you cant go back to the original time period you cam from since your father decided to marry some other woan and you where never born which makes your disolve into nothing (maybe energy who knows)

like somebody before already said
if nothing changes for you in your own time period
arent we talking about alternate universes ?

posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 12:57 PM
i don't think time travel is possible. if it is it would be a big mistake for mankind. just think you could go back and redo your mistakes but than your life would be different than it was today because you changed the past. also people would go to the past and descover things before they were they were actually discovered. that would altar history for ever.


posted on Jul, 7 2003 @ 08:56 PM
I had a discussion on this topic in my Metaphysics class last semester at Northwestern. The discussion became so involved we had a debate on a saturday that lasted all day. The theories expressed here bring up very good points about matter and energy displacement, along with other ideas. I think to believe in the ability to travel forward in time would require the belief that we all have preset lives and that we are all programmed to do what we do. Every decision you make in your life changes the outcome, obviously that goes for every person. Going back in time i see as more plausible than going forward. just my 2 cents.

posted on Jul, 8 2003 @ 02:10 AM
timetravel is possible but you could only travel into the past because the future hasn't happened yet and it is not predetermined but. if u travel to the past you can not change anything because if u did there is the chance the tech. that allowed you to travel back would never be invented or you would not be the one traveling back therefore the past has to stay the same no matter what, the most you could do is observe the past nothing could be changed

posted on Jul, 8 2003 @ 02:30 AM
"Is it really aliens or just time travel?"

Well, take a look. The past has some good information. It's lengthy but worth it. It was a good topic. As for my point on it, I'll just copy what I said before:

"I still don't think time travel can be possible because it's not physically done. You may say something like, "People didn't think it was possible to go the speed of sound. But we did." That's done with physical means. Time is not a physical thing. Aging is the physical part of time. But aging can't be reversed. It can only be hidden. So to close this statement, time and its parts can't be reversed or "fast forwarded," they can only be played with to seem like time travel has happened (...meaning if playing with time happened, nothing would change because it never happened- except here.)."

Then later I got into "Black holes of time."


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