People who claim that * is racist & * is also racist and you are racist and America is racist an Maga is racist and ~ is racist (I think you get the
kind of persons I mean); I think THEY are actually the most racist of all. I will try to explain:
When I was at school as a young boy, I learned that it is racist to judge people based on their skin tone. Also it is discimination to judge purely
someone on their race, gender, sexuality and so on. As a kid, I really did not see colour of skin, I saw people.
Most of the times, I still do. Usualy I joke that I think that no race, gender, religion, sexuality (and so on)has a patent on being an a@@hole.
Anyone can be one!
Alson I learned that you can ‘test’ if someting is racist or discrimination, by changing the subject. As example:
Change ‘All WHITE people are stupid’ (many people think this okay to say) to ‘All BLACK people are stupid’ and now it is racist all of a
sudden... I say: both are racist.
Disclaimer: I like some things that Trump does. I sometimes hate things Trump does. Also, I am Dutch, I live in the Netherlands, so I think I am not
partisan as a Republican or Democrat. They can both do and say some pretty dumb things. Also, this piece is not to lecture anyone, I just want to read
your reaction and maybe additions to what my position are on this topic. Maybe I am wrong, then I would love to read your arguments why.
Trump -alledgedly- said something about ‘s-hole countries’
When you instantly think about black people and certain races of people, then maybe YOUR concept of ‘s- hole countries’ is actually what is
racist. You think it is about a certain race... I just think about failed states, regardless of their race or whatever. Just states where people
suffer because of bad government or bad economic and social culture.
When Trump said he wanted to block immigrants from certain countries, he did not mention a race or a religion. Not even in the EO itselve (I read it).
Still some people instantly had the focus on these race issues. Why? Again, I think these people only see colour. They don’t see people.
‘Advocating for voting ID is racist!’ It is against BLACK people! But why? Do you really think that low of BLACK people? Why again do they focus
solely on their skincolour? I think it is racist to suggest that BLACK people are somehow less capable to get a legit ID when they vote?. Is it also
racist to ask a passport when you travel abroad?
When you would critisize a woman on how they preform, this is usually assumed as being sexist. Not when you say the same to a man... Why? Can’t I
give feedback to a woman as I would do to any co-worker? Is she less or more then the rest? So I have to discimininate because of gender so I am not
seen as a sexist?
‘Being against illegal immigration is racist!’ So all illegal immigrants are of a certain race? So THEY assume that people from a WHITE race
don’t do this? THEY instantly think it is all about latinos? Then again THEY have the racist concept of these people.
I hope you get my point. Some people are so damned focussed on race, gender, religion, sexuality that they only see this and not the person behind
this. They seem to see everything from these standpoints. They think they are on a moral highgroud by pointing out all these issues, but THEY are the
actual racists, sexists and so on. Again: No race, gender, religion sexuality (and so on) has a patent t being an a@@hole!
Even worse maybe: thanks to their focus and screaming about discrimination, I and many other people have to learn to see skincolour. My daughter has
to learn to see skincolour. Cuz you have to talk different to BLACK people, you have to speak different to GAYS, you have to speak different to WOMEN
than you would to any other normal person. Or THEY will come out and will call you out for being a .
I’m really sorry for all my typos.
I just used some examples of people to make my case. There are unfortunately waaaaaay more of these examples.
edit on 17-05-1983 by Goedhardt because: (no reason given)