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Let's make this the final thread about The Phoenix Flares!

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posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 12:43 AM
It just doesn't stop! Face it, gullibles, there were no Phoenix lights. There were, however, Phoenix flares! No one living in Phoenix proper looked up and saw anything but the usual beautiful star-filled sky. Those living on the opposite side of the mountains were the only ones who saw the flares and the daylight video taken from the same spot as the popular night video puts this bs sham to rest. Get over yourselves and continue with the Roswell bs!

(Part 1) The Phoenix Lights - Laying To Rest The Myth
posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 05:32 PM

edit on 1/13/2018 by Lathroper because: To add additional comments.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 12:50 AM
Good luck with this. I've always been puzzled when I read a new thread mentioning this as a real UFO sighting. It's been debunked years ago.

But people still think the CIA/SS/LBJ/KGB/Castro/et all killed Kennedy and 9/11 was an inside job so whatever.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 01:40 AM
It's so obvious I feel sorry for people who "believe".

I like ET and UFOs, but guess I am a skeptic.

The best place to look for UFOs is history, ancient history.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: Lathroper

Let's not make it the final thread why? because every year people get in ufos and they all start somewhere. Sure they are not alien craft but for a long time they were ufos.
If folk want to make a new thread to do with it just show them the evidence.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 03:52 AM
there is no way to put it to rest. even the governor came forward and said he had seen the ufo with a group of friends. times from the military dont correlate with the reports that came in a half an hour before the flares were dropped. the video u see is of the flares though and i agree that is debunked but that doesnt debunk the countless other accounts that came in. shoot even kurt russel admitted last year he was the civil pilot who reported the phoenix lights. this mystery will never go away.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 04:41 AM
But they weren't flares.

Enjoy your thread!

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 04:59 AM
Reminds me of a guy I used to “ghost hunt” with. When things got too real, just a fire fly. You didn’t see anything, just a firefly in your peripheral.

There weren’t no lights. It was a flare.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: Lathroper

This isn't a thread is it and should be deleted, just add your post onto the thread you linked to.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 05:22 AM
there were actually two events, an first one wichhas an real ufo, and the second who were obviously flares

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 05:52 AM
someone really seems to have a bee in their bonnet about something, don't they?

+1 to the "two separate events, one genuine sighting followed by some suspiciously well timed flares" school of thought right here

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: Lathroper

Those must be new kind of flares. I don't remember them looking or flying like that when I was in the service. I'm just going to go by what I have seen and experienced. Form my own opinion.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: Lathroper

Sound like some liberal polititian,I lived there for a couple of years,know many with buisnesses there,teach at the University,they all saw and don't agree with anything you say,being your from an east coast state,your far removed from fact,just pumped full of MSM BS,opinions are best kept to themselves

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: Oldtimer2

opinions are best kept to themselves

Can I quote you on that?

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: testingtesting

LOL I like how ATS has become - just link to another thread without adding anything new. What a joke the OP is

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 09:23 AM
A thread about an old thread about an incident that was fake news.

OP sets a high bar.

Next instalment is a thread about a post someone made in 2014. To infinity and beyond.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Couldn't agree more. The newbie, who tells ATS members to "get over ourselves" because his "opinion" is infallible. What a joke.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: Lathroper
Get out and see for yourself how military flares look and then watch the Phoenix lights newscast video and decide for yourself!

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 12:00 PM
I love how this noob member posts a thread like this, and under it in his quotes reads "anecdotes are not evidence" LOTS OF LOL THERE BUDDY. Go back to the drawing board and start over. There are so many unanswered questions, and open ends to this case that your thread has no legs to stand on. Please try to refrain from wasting our time, and ATS's space before posting threads like this again, thank you....... Oh, and by the way, this OP never even comes back to continue a debate. Just drops a useless thread and never looks back. weak.....

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 12:38 PM

It just doesn't stop! Face it, gullibles, there were no Phoenix lights. There were, however, Phoenix flares!

I think most here are already aware that flares were dropped in sight of the city of Phoenix. I'm not sure if you are aware that the flares were not the entirety of that sighting. It started hours earlier, when a huge V-shaped craft flying from north to south was seen by thousands. Some very closely, as well.

In fact, the flares strengthen the case. Why would the military for the first and last time -ever-.. drop flares in a V formation, in sight of the city of Phoenix, on the -same- day that hundreds of calls were being made by people seeing this thing flying towards the direction of Phoenix? What a staggering coincidence.

If you want to jump onto the "it was a flight of military planes that for hours, no one could actually identify as a flight of military planes," bandwagon, that's fine.

The sudden scramble to drop those flares in light of all the sightings in the hours prior is a huge red flag - not the explanation. Try again, perhaps a bit less arrogantly.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 01:06 PM
Please feel free to add to the previous thread on this topic here

Thread closed.


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