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Alien attack on Earth is imminent read this now!!!

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posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:40 PM
hi though i am am only 11 years old i am aready into conspiracies this finding that i found on google is very disturbing aliens are gonna attack earth: attack on earth

please read this and respond!...

Edit: to remove all caps.

[edit on 14-2-2005 by intrepid]

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:44 PM
well more like a prediction, but to behonest over the years there has been many predictions about aliens going to take over the earth. (non have happened thus far)...

personally i dont think it will happen just yet,

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:47 PM
Since you stated that you are only 11 I'll be nice, but prepare yourself for attacks from some of the other inmates of the asylum.

First off take a deep breath. Then let it out. OK?

Anyone can post any information on the net. Most of the time it is without merit. Be critical of what you read because everyone has their own agenda.

PS The mods don't like the topic heading all in caps so you might want to change it before someone does it for you.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
PS The mods don't like the topic heading all in caps so you might want to change it before someone does it for you.

I'm not one of them but I got it anyways.


posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:57 PM
Man,at it again huh

Your far too excited about this stuff.
First you want to wage war against the grey's with mind power and feng shui or whatever,now you say it is going to happen no matter what.

I think it is better off that you ask questions about this rather than make assumptions about what is happening in this field.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 08:14 PM
Well, rather than post my reply...

Just read verbatim what Jonna that's my advice as well...

Don't believe everything you fact, the majority of stuff you're likely to come across is likely bogus. After a while, you'll be able to sniff out the likely truth from the total crap, but keep in mind, we've ALL been fooled once or twice too....

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 08:21 PM
You're 11???

well first off, change your mood
second, welcome to ATS
third, don't believe everything you read, take all information with a grain of salt, eventually you form your own bullcrap detection system and you will be able to figure out exactly what you should be scared of.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 08:26 PM

I almost wish they'd go ahead and attack the earth right now, i hate valentine's day...

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 08:44 PM
You're only 11. Take it easy, enjoy your childhood while you can. There's enough to worry about for the next few years. Adolesence and puberty are far more traumatic than any threat of a non-existent alien invasion that may take place, at least for another few years. Don't worry about this stuff until you're out of middle school.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 08:44 PM
You're only 11. Take it easy, enjoy your childhood while you can. There's enough to worry about for the next few years. Adolesence and puberty are far more traumatic than any threat of a non-existent alien invasion that may take place, at least for another few years. Don't worry about this stuff until you're out of middle school.

[edit on 14-2-2005 by UnBreakable]

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 09:09 PM
WOW, this gets more replies than anything I try to get going. Kind of disturbing. Rather selective bunch but I'll give you some points as well with this reply.

Welcome and keep free with your ideas. Just be willing to listen to other's opinions and keep an open mind as well. There's a lot of info out there that will back up what you posted and a lot that will go against it. Which info is true is beyond most of us. Don't be so sure that this info is correct until we can put together more info with you.

[edit on 14-2-2005 by Mandalorianwarrior]

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 09:15 PM
The fact that your only 11 creates excitment, before skeptiscism. Thats fresh determination, but you'll only be dissapointed often, so yes take it easy, read more, and more and more. Then some more kid....

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 09:22 PM
The alien war started years ago. Doesn't anyone read the Daily Universe anymore. Anyway, humans aren't winning but there is a trump card left to be played. Humans are now at 500 to 1 underdogs. I'm taking bets.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 09:23 PM
The world president,
now having dictatorial powers, gives the order that all alien
saucers that violate the earth's air space be shot down...

he, he, wonder who that president will be..

-Seriously i think the Ball of Redemption will hit before the aliens come, IMHO

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
The world president,
now having dictatorial powers, gives the order that all alien
saucers that violate the earth's air space be shot down...

he, he, wonder who that president will be..

-Seriously i think the Ball of Redemption will hit before the aliens come, IMHO

That sounds like one scary Ball. Can we redeem it for cash?

Hmm. World Prez eh? Bill Clinton? Arnold Swutshisface? Me? I would make a great World Prez. Why? Because I always inhale. Bill on the other hand is a slacker.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 10:20 PM

You never heard about the Ball of Redemption? Here...

I dont think you can get cashback

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

You never heard about the Ball of Redemption? Here...

I dont think you can get cashback

Oh the comet. Then that would be "Balls" of Redemption. There's a whole fleet of those crusty balls heading this way. And they are not taking any prisoners. I'll be safe though. I got my trusty Delta-T. Fire that bad boy up and jump a dimension or two. I gotta try a 67.5 degree angle with my Delta-T. Anyone tried that yet. I don't want to go ripping my subatomic particles apart or something.

Anyway, reminds me of a song. Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire. Or... Going down down down in a burning ring of fire. The comets hit the earth and the flames go higher. Get a spot on CNN and talk to Bill Mayher. Go to church and sing in the choir.

I need to quit before I get Baker Acted.

No cash back eh? Can I get Airline Miles?

[edit on 2-14-2005 by ShadowHasNoSource]

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 01:51 AM
This is propaganda perpetrated by traditional religious conservative people.

They have gained their following over the centuries by controlling people through fear.

It is written in the book of revelation that a time will come when the mystery of god will be finished.

Now that we have reached an age where scientific discovery has undermined old religion they try and find a new enemy to keep you in their crumbling church.

Its obvious that god , the gods and goddess' are ETs who made contact with us when we were too primitive to understand. After thousands of years in the the last few decades can we understand far more about science.
With our present technology it would take thousands of years just to reach to next star. Ets that can come here from afar have nothing to fear from our primitive bombs and primitive agressive behavoir.
They are showing us they exist in the hope we grow up and stop killing each other knowing life exists else where.
They have made conact with us , many times over the history of humanity but only now can we understand them.


posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 02:19 AM
I remember quite clearly that you claimed to be twelve, rather than eleven, in the aforementioned "wage war against the Greys" thread.

care to address this fact, or is it below the radar of the Terms and Conditions rule against posting knowingly false information?

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 06:25 PM
"Don't believe everything you fact, the majority of stuff you're likely to come across is likely bogus. After a while, you'll be able to sniff out the likely truth from the total crap, but keep in mind, we've ALL been fooled once or twice too...."

That's a perfect description of online ET articles; more often than not they're written by losers trying to trick people, disinformation tacticians or overly excited ET believers., totally natural or explainable events sum up a few UFO / ET sightings also. Then every now and then something most likely to be genuine pops up. And all of us get a bit over excited at times and believe stupid stuff too, but like he / she said you'll learn to spot most fakes out.

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