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"Dr" Steven Greer still at it with his worthless dribble

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posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 08:03 PM
"...why does Greer believe what he does? Guy's an MD...he doesn't need to shill."

Perhaps not from a monetary perspective.

Some people relish attention. There are a whole lot of non-talented people in the entertainment business that know how to (or pay people that can) create and maintain a buzz in the media and keep their image in popular culture. Same goes for politics: the little power trip exerts a strong pull on the ego for a lot of people that have honed self promotion to an art form. This explains the reason for the existence of things like Paris Hilton, Kardashians, and Jersey Shore.

Stanton Friedman is another one. He, Greer, and their ilk create and maintain sensationalized noise--usually accompanied by spooky 'woo woo' background music--and peddle it as science. It's not science, it's fully-produced entertainment. And Greer and company know it. Same goes for Dark5, Secureteam, and a host of other on-line noise sources.

A large slice of the "tell us what we wanna hear" public scoops it up like it's free ice cream. Except even though it is a dairy product, it doesn't take a genius to figure out which hole on the cow it's squirting from.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: TheTruthRocks

A large slice of the "tell us what we wanna hear" public scoops it up like it's free ice cream. Except even though it is a dairy product, it doesn't take a genius to figure out which hole on the cow it's squirting from.

He's milking the bull.

posted on Jan, 9 2018 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: TheTruthRocks
"...why does Greer believe what he does? Guy's an MD...he doesn't need to shill."

Perhaps not from a monetary perspective.

Some people relish attention. There are a whole lot of non-talented people in the entertainment business that know how to (or pay people that can) create and maintain a buzz in the media and keep their image in popular culture. Same goes for politics: the little power trip exerts a strong pull on the ego for a lot of people that have honed self promotion to an art form. This explains the reason for the existence of things like Paris Hilton, Kardashians, and Jersey Shore.

Stanton Friedman is another one. He, Greer, and their ilk create and maintain sensationalized noise--usually accompanied by spooky 'woo woo' background music--and peddle it as science. It's not science, it's fully-produced entertainment. And Greer and company know it. Same goes for Dark5, Secureteam, and a host of other on-line noise sources.

A large slice of the "tell us what we wanna hear" public scoops it up like it's free ice cream. Except even though it is a dairy product, it doesn't take a genius to figure out which hole on the cow it's squirting from.

It doesn't require rocket science to understand why there are shills and individuals who are just in it for the money and publicity. You, thankfully, include Stanton Friedman the perpetual Nuklear Feecysist. He is well acquainted with the gullible who line his pockets for feeding them bs. Almost all the UFO book authors are in the same camp, with a few exceptions such as Karl T. Pflock. There is no difference between Friedman and his ilk and the Ancient Aliens "experts" some of whom are also authors. The latest example who is in the news now, big time, is Michael Wolff, an instant millionaire.

Sometimes you want to go up to one of these big mouths and vent your spleen but I wouldn't try it with Greer as I'm 5'7" and weigh only 135 pounds and Greer is big and muscular. With Stanton, I could do it!

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: intrptr

You seem to have a great interest in people ignoring and forgetting about the DeLonge operation. Enough to bring it up in threads about something completely different. Why is that?

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: Sublant
a reply to: intrptr

You seem to have a great interest in people ignoring and forgetting about the DeLonge operation. Enough to bring it up in threads about something completely different. Why is that?

But I have read Delonge's own words about UFOs, etc., words by others about him, here, there and everywhere and my conclusion is that Tom is an anal cavity, up there with Stanton Friedman and many UFO books authors. He, especially, sounds totally ignorant and he just wants to continue being in the spotlight.

Make up your mind.

I know where I'm coming from.

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: skunkape23
You ever been to a county fair?
You know how it smells near where all the cattle and livestock are penned up?
This is how imagine Greer's breath smells.

Actually, you're wrong. I've met him and that is not how he smells, nor how he comes across in person.
Not that that means anything...but what's needed is to start unpeeling the onion. Ask the questions...why does Greer believe what he does? Guy's an MD...he doesn't need to shill. What has he uncovered? What's been fed to him? Who is acting to discredit him? There's theatre going on here, folks, and we are all actors in the play. Time to take a step back and give it some critical thinking.
For some reason, The Gut comes to mind as I write.

That greer situation is certainly strange.

Its almost like after his disclosure to congress that he was given a option to completely discredit himself or he would meet his maker.

After that he went bat crazy , no doubt.

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: interupt42

After that he went bat crazy , no doubt.

And what if the whole topic is way too crazy for materialistic Space Marines?

To be frank, Greer is one of the few people out there who seems to have the same intentions I have. Full disclosure, lets kick some dark military project asses!

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

To be frank, Greer is one of the few people out there who seems to have the same intentions I have. Full disclosure

Wouldn't hold your breath on him delivering that.

If their was something to disclose and the gov't wanted to disclose it why does it need an outsider? No outsider is going to influence,help, or motivate the gov't to release anything it doesn't want to release at this level. Heck we still can't get information on things much less minor than the acknowledgement of Alien races.

Me thinky greer along with others was used to bring notice to a squirrel in order to hide real top secret projects in plain site. However , i do think Greer did more for the UFO community with his disclosure project than Delonge has done so far.

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: interupt42

Well roared.

If their was something to disclose and the gov't wanted to disclose it why does it need an outsider?

I'd reckon that they don't want disclosure. 6K projects under National Security and we're talking about squirrels and a gang of little rascals on tape. There you have it.

Agreed, we ought to remain vigilant.

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
a reply to: interupt42

After that he went bat crazy , no doubt.

And what if the whole topic is way too crazy for materialistic Space Marines?

To be frank, Greer is one of the few people out there who seems to have the same intentions I have. Full disclosure, lets kick some dark military project asses!

Are your intentions honorable?

You seem to be one of the holdouts that "disclosure" is a real subject with a future reality. What is it that you expect will be disclosed? Who will disclose it? Why hasn't "it" been disclosed? How are you going to be affected by your imagined "disclosure"? Open up, elucidate us.

posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 07:32 PM
Greer was right

"Screw this noise! We're going home!"

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