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New Letter Reveals Dirty Dossier Was Used to Justify Mueller Investigation

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posted on Jan, 6 2018 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: Xcathdra

It's turned into a complete political farce by the Whitehouse to distract from the Russia probe.
It's not going to work.

Wish in one hand...

Tell ya what.. Link us to where it says everything in the dossier has been confirmed.

Here is where it has been debunked...again.
Byron York: Frustrated lawmakers pressed FBI's McCabe for answers on Trump dossier. They got nothing.

But the most important question about the dossier is the simplest: Is it true?

In a seven-hour interview with the House Intelligence Committee Wednesday, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe repeatedly declined to answer whether the bureau has been able to verify the substantive allegations in the dossier, or even to identify a substantive allegation that has been corroborated, according to sources familiar with the questioning.


McCabe was asked to point to anything in the dossier that he knew to be true. McCabe noted that the dossier said, accurately, that the unpaid, low-level Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page visited Moscow in July 2016.

McCabe's questioners were not impressed. Page's Moscow trip was reported in the press at the time it happened; the simple fact that he was in Russia was not a revelation. Lawmakers reminded McCabe that Page's presence in Moscow was long established

using publicly available information doesnt help your argument that it has not been debunked. The committee members pointed out that very fact.

and then asked again: Was there anything more in the dossier that McCabe now knows to be true? McCabe, according to sources, said he did not know how to answer the question.

Apparently playing stupid when caught lying is not just a Clinton tactic.

On a number of occasions, when asked about what in the dossier had been corroborated by the FBI, McCabe gave answers such as — these are not precise quotes — I can't answer that, or I don't know how to answer that. Indeed, that was McCabe's answer when he was asked for the most important piece of information in the dossier that the FBI had been able to verify.

Like you, Democrats / Trump haters claim the dossier is real and accurate yet not one person can confirm anything contained it it except for Paige going to Russia and even then they could not answer specifics. The meeting was with a Yanukovich rep from Ukraine and again, is not related to Trump or the 2016 election collusion bs. Since you have selective memory Clinton team worked with the Ukraine government to get info against Trump.

Not one of the other bs claims contained in the 35 page dossier can be confirmed.

McCabe could not confirm anything contained in it and he was the FBI official overseeing the russia investigation. Of course McCabe got caught omitting information from his tax / disclosure forms regarding his wife and her campaign in addition to using his work email for her campaign related issues. The fact McCabe got promoted at the FBI to oversee the Clinton investigation specifically is in and of itself a huge red flag.

Now - show me what you have that says all of it is confirmed or sources that show parts of it have been confirmed. You can skip anything Paige related since his travel was public. I am curious what you know that McCabe doesnt.

edit on 6-1-2018 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2018 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

But, but some parts of it are true! Um, they spelled Trump's name correctly. They mentioned the election, and there was, in fact, an election. Verified! Let's see what else, um someone once went to Russia. Everyone already knew he did but you're not thinking big picture! Um, Trump loves watersports. Wait, there was no evidence to support that? Blast... erm, but Steele swears it's pretty solid. Oh wait:

Washington Times

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who fueled an ongoing investigation into President Trump’s administration, was a lot more confident of his charges when he wrote his now-notorious 2016 dossier than he is today in defending it in a libel lawsuit.

While Mr. Steele stated matter-of-factly in his dossier that collusion between Mr. Trump and the Russian government took place, he called it only “possible” months later in court filings. While he confidently referred to “trusted” sources inside the Kremlin, in court he referred to the dossier’s “limited intelligence.”

Oh and then there's this part. Remember, the dossier was NOT the reason for the Mueller investigation.

Mr. Steele bragged to Mother Jones magazine that he started the Mueller investigation by convincing FBI agents that summer about the credibility of his dossier.


posted on Jan, 6 2018 @ 12:12 PM
That dossier is nothing but a version of the left 'SWATTING' Trump.

How bout them apples?

posted on Jan, 6 2018 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: Xcathdra

1. "Rep Steve Smith" is a parody account not an actual member of Congress.

2. Truthfeed News is fake af so why not just link to Fox?

3. The "Exclusive Letter" that is being claimed as "proof" is just Nunes restating the narrative he's pushing as a "concern" in a letter to Rosenstein which he then clearly leaked to Fox News. There's no proof of anything so your title is completely false and your commentary is wishful thinking wrapped up in fake news.

about the bolded. im curious as to why u think fox is any worse then the rest? did u fall victim to the left wing medias propaganda about one of their competitors? cause it was a propaganda campaign which quite honestly is no different then if mcdonalds told u there burgers or fries are better then burger king. all media has been terrible for a very long time, most much longer then fox news has even been around.

just a heads up but the moment someone ever mentions that stuff about fox news your just outing yourself for lack of critical thinking.

posted on Jan, 6 2018 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Bingo. For some reason people keep acting like Mueller is HRC's lapdog. Precendent is exactly right. Many people may not remember that in 04 he AND Comey threatened to resign regarding illegal wiretaps. So looking into the FISA request I am sure is on the docket right now but as regular citizens the only way we can now get any truth out of Washington is on 240 characters or less.
edit on Janpm31pmf0000002018-01-06T14:13:01-06:000201 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2018 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: TheScale

Cant refute the info, attack the poster..

An old strategy that doesnt work. If you want another example then rewatch the media coverage of election night when Trump won.

posted on Jan, 6 2018 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

But, but, but...

Carter Page visited Moscow in '16 and the dirty dossier says he did too!

Include some tidbits of truth, and the sychophants will gobble up its vociferous lies and parrot them like a religion

posted on Jan, 6 2018 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: face23785


Non-intelligence agent, non-official, GB private citizen Christopher Steele interfered in our election. Clinton's campaign colluded with a foreign entity to collusively influence (or as they jocularly say, "hack") our general election!

This must not stand. They grasped at Trump/Russia because they knew they had to get ahead of the narrative. Even with McCabe, Strozok, Page falsifying evidence (or at least casually steering the probe based on their own political biases whilst clearing their co-conspirator: Clinton), the probe has failed to produce any substantiated evidence whatsoever.

Trump/Russia " "collusion" " narrative is entirely debunked, destroyed, ravaged and obliterated. The Teflon-Don ran the Trump-train over their lying narrative. Then he reversed the train, and ran over it again. In fact, if one were to lay a coin on a railway and observe the effects of a train running over it, one can ascertain the present condition of the left's highly politicized witch hunt. There is nothing left to see there. I only ask the sycophants, how does it feel to see your hopes once again go up in smoke? Your BS and lies flattened and stomped out by the untouchable DJT.
edit on 1/6/2018 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2018 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

This week has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are absolutely white hats working for our benefit.

It can be summed up by Q and MegaAnon, who I believe to be a collective of high level intelligence operatives that are awakening the world through the internet.

Loving every minute of the non-stop fireworks being let off!!!

Boom Baby!!

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: elementalgrove

I completely agree... Now that Democrats are quickly backing away from the Russia collusion bs because it blew up in their faces they are once again back to the bs mental problem crap.

As for Q I just wish we would see something happen.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: elementalgrove

I completely agree... Now that Democrats are quickly backing away from the Russia collusion bs because it blew up in their faces they are once again back to the bs mental problem crap.

As for Q I just wish we would see something happen.

Exactly. The Dems have abandoned any hope of impeaching Trump, and are back to the the 25th Amendment nonsense.
Wolff's tabloid trash book is clearly part of this. It's an extreme long shot, because to remove Trump via the 25th amendment requires all of the following: (1) The vice president (Pence), (2) a majority of Trump's own cabinet, and (3) 2/3 of congress to certify the president is insane. It's an even higher hurdle than impeachment!

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: elementalgrove

I completely agree... Now that Democrats are quickly backing away from the Russia collusion bs because it blew up in their faces they are once again back to the bs mental problem crap.

As for Q I just wish we would see something happen.

Exactly. The Dems have abandoned any hope of impeaching Trump, and are back to the the 25th Amendment nonsense.
Wolff's tabloid trash book is clearly part of this. It's an extreme long shot, because to remove Trump via the 25th amendment requires all of the following: (1) The vice president (Pence), (2) a majority of Trump's own cabinet, and (3) 2/3 of congress to certify the president is insane. It's an even higher hurdle than impeachment!

So you're saying there's hope for the Democrats.


The Democrats are so unified that sime want Oprah to Run instead of their own candidates.

Meanwhile, Bernie goes.....WTF people?

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: pavil

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: elementalgrove

I completely agree... Now that Democrats are quickly backing away from the Russia collusion bs because it blew up in their faces they are once again back to the bs mental problem crap.

As for Q I just wish we would see something happen.

Exactly. The Dems have abandoned any hope of impeaching Trump, and are back to the the 25th Amendment nonsense.
Wolff's tabloid trash book is clearly part of this. It's an extreme long shot, because to remove Trump via the 25th amendment requires all of the following: (1) The vice president (Pence), (2) a majority of Trump's own cabinet, and (3) 2/3 of congress to certify the president is insane. It's an even higher hurdle than impeachment!

So you're saying there's hope for the Democrats.


The Democrats are so unified that sime want Oprah to Run instead of their own candidates.

Meanwhile, Bernie goes.....WTF people?

Oprah Winfrey, Kanye West... It's telling that liberals appear to have completely given up on Democratic politicians.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: elementalgrove

I completely agree... Now that Democrats are quickly backing away from the Russia collusion bs because it blew up in their faces they are once again back to the bs mental problem crap.

As for Q I just wish we would see something happen.

Exactly. The Dems have abandoned any hope of impeaching Trump, and are back to the the 25th Amendment nonsense.
Wolff's tabloid trash book is clearly part of this. It's an extreme long shot, because to remove Trump via the 25th amendment requires all of the following: (1) The vice president (Pence), (2) a majority of Trump's own cabinet, and (3) 2/3 of congress to certify the president is insane. It's an even higher hurdle than impeachment!

I dont see the Vice President nor his cabinet nor either section of Congress going along with a coup. That is exactly what it would be and I really dont think the government is ready for the reaction of the people should it happen.

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